Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 11, No 2 (2015)

Analysis of Consular Affairs under the Vienna Convention (1963)

Irisi Topalli


Abstract: Consular relations are based on the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, signed on 24 April 1963 and entered into force four years later, in March of 1967. The preamble of the Convention on Consular Relations as content as well as form is very similar to Diplomatic Convention as part stems from it. This Convention is very detailed. It is divided into three chapters: the first chapter deals with consular relations in general and in two other chapters regulate the consular offices are headed respectively by career consuls (chapter two) and they honor (chapter three). This topic will treat the appointment of consuls and the end of their functions, the consular functions and the consular immunity. The method used for the realization of this topic is that of the analysis and case studies.



Full Text: 45-54



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