Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, Vol 6, No 2 (2016)

Innovative solution for rapid crossing the Danube, with absolute technical, economic and financial accessibility

Stefan Dragomir, Georgeta Dragomir


The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (SUERD) is among the priority objectives connecting the Danube region and increasing prosperity, and the development of infrastructure can help achieve these goals. Over time, there were practiced several solutions to cross rivers on under- or over water, mainly bridge or tunnel, both having advantages and disadvantages in the multiple facets of several possible analyses, but certainly costly and time consuming. The cheaper and feasible solutions of crossing the Danube, independently of political, financial, group interests, can be an important step in the real development of the region, in making a flowing connection between large and small cities, on both sides of the river, economic development of less favored areas, eliminating marginalization and isolation caused by lack of infrastructure and to contribute to the success of implementing strategies. In this paper, the authors present an original solution for crossing the Danube using floating pontoon-type floating sections anchored at one of the river banks and foldable floating bridge. In terms of construction, the involved technical and economic elements are easy to perform, so this is the best solution for rapid crossing of the Danube, very accessible including areas with poor financial situation. As it involves a correlation of vessel traffic and vehicles, the solution applies especially in areas with relatively low vessel traffic, such as in Romania over the Danube between Sulina and Cernavoda, where most vessels pass the Danube-Black Sea Canal. The advantages are very important for the poorer localities but with potential, the economic impact for crossing being generated almost immediately by the adequate infrastructure, paying off the construction costs in a short time, thus favoring the overall development of the area.


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