Acta Universitatis Danubius. Administratio, Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
The Effects of the Public Administration Involvement on Social Policy Implementation
The paper deals to the analysis of the public administration’s performance in social policy and health care implementation. In order to realise it, the analysis takes into consideration four specific indicators: the impact of the social transfers on poverty reduction, general government expenditure by function, aggregate replacement ratio for pensions, children aged less than 3 years in formal childcare, self-reported unmet need for medical care and out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare. The analysis in the paper is structured on two levels: a comparative analysis between the Member States and a regression analysis in order to point out the disparities. A special part of the paper is dedicated to the social policy in Romania. The analysis is supported by the latest official statistical data and pertinent diagrams. Moreover, dedicated software was used in order to compute statistical data and to obtain pertinent results. The main conclusions of the paper are connected to the huge differences between the EU average goals in social and health care policies and the reality from each Member States. On the other hand, Romania faces to great challenges related to social policy and public administration support for improving the situation of its citizens.
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