Acta Universitatis Danubius. Administratio, Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Good Governance in Public Administration from the Perspective of the Political Factor
In its process of adhesion to the European Union, Romania was absolutely compelled to follow a wide process of local and central public administration reform that would correspond to the adhesion criteria established by the Union in view of acquiring the membership status. In Romania, the preexistent elements that made the reform process be more difficult and slow and sometimes even stopped it, aimed at the strategic, structural and behavioral factors. Thus, the stage of the Romanian
administration in 2001 imposed that the changes in the Romanian society were radical, reason for
which the targets of these strategic reforms aimed at key issues, such as the strategic component, the
legal component, the organizational component and the cultural component. Having a dominant political culture is essential in a state that seeks to reform its public administration. Without the support of the political power, any administrative reform risks failing. In the same time, the issue of separating the political from the administration constituted one of the central points within the national public administration reforms in the last years.
administration in 2001 imposed that the changes in the Romanian society were radical, reason for
which the targets of these strategic reforms aimed at key issues, such as the strategic component, the
legal component, the organizational component and the cultural component. Having a dominant political culture is essential in a state that seeks to reform its public administration. Without the support of the political power, any administrative reform risks failing. In the same time, the issue of separating the political from the administration constituted one of the central points within the national public administration reforms in the last years.
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