Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 7, No 4 (2011)
SMEs and Social Responsibility Policies in the Romanian Business Environment
The activity of economic organizations and not only, is based on the contribution of large and diverse socio-professional groups (such as employees, consumers, providers, local communities – stakeholders in one word) whose interests must be respected. When a company initiates successful social responsibility programs at local, regional or national level, these particular programs contribute to its financial success allowing it also the "luxury" of getting involved in "generous" initiatives. In addition to these economic arguments, one must consider the moral arguments in favour of the companies’ social responsibility. Competitiveness in this field is real, thus making the companies’ visibility to depend on it. Consequently, underestimating their impact can lead to the loss of customers, narrowing of economic activity and difficulties in attracting new customers. The consequences for business are: decrease of the profit, reduced development perspectives, a significant abatement, etc.
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