Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 8, No 5 (2012)

E-Wallet. A New Technical Approach

Octavian Dospinescu


The goal of this article is to propose a new technical approach regarding the “e-wallet” concept. Although the “e-wallet” concept has many implementations, we consider that we can improve the present level of knowledge by joining the Near Field Communication technology and the “classic” concepts about money. In order to develop a new architecture, we studied the present level of knowledge in the scientific literature and in the industry and we proposed new elements for e-transfers. Also, we made an experiment and the result consists in a prototype based on the Android platform emulators using the Near Field Communication technology. Our electronic prototype will be able to act as a wallet by using only a mobile smart phone because the proposed architecture embeds concepts like money, cards, payments and receipts in a single secured mobile application.


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