Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 9, No 6 (2013)
Beyond the Obvious: Standardization and Interoperability Issues in Mobile Banking in India
Objectives Study aims to explore interoperability and standardization issue in mobile banking and to identify gaps in regulatory framework.
Prior Work Many studies exist which reflects that there are problems in adopting mobile banking in India. There are couple of conceptual research which focus on issues in adopting mobile banking, from those research work a conceptual framework was developed which helps in identifying the standardization and interoperability issues.
Approach Survey method was adopted where data was collected using multiple entry non-discriminatory snow ball sampling. Data was checked for statistical assumptions followed by one sample t test, Friedman Test, Kendall's W Test and Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Results Both interoperability and standardization issues were critical. It was found that interoperability was more critical than standardization.
Implications There is need of mutual understanding among banks and telecom operators; and up to some extent among mobile handset manufacturers also. Further regulators should issue regulatory guidelines to standardized short code for a particular type of transaction.
Value Paper dealt with interoperability and standardization issues, not studied empirically before from regulators’ and practitioners’ perspective in India.
JEL Classification: M0
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