Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 11, No 3 (2015)
Eco-Economic Model Regarding the Human Possibility Food Consumption in the Context of Realization the Ecosanogenesis
In the our studies we developed one model for descript the interrelation from consumption of human calories, the population growth and the possibility for pay the food in Romania. The economy is in conflict with the environment and realization the ecosanogenetic balance. Eco-economy development is influenced by essential factors with different contributions to decrease or increase the level of degradation of the environment, including biodiversity and ecosanogenetic balance. In this direction for realization the ecosanogenesis it must reconsider the relationship between biodiversity and economy as mankind consumes more food than it produces because the global grain stocks were reduced to less than half, leading to food shortages and start a food crisis imminent in the world. The econometric model developed can highlight the need for calories at the individual level is approximately constant, being influenced by specific biological factors, and population and GDP influences consumption of calories, which directly influences can have negative impacts on ecosanogenesis and agro ecosystems.
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