Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 11, No 5 (2015)

Sulina and Danube-Black Sea Channels: Competitors or Allies on Cargo Transport in South-Eastern Europe?

Ionica Soare, Iulian Sorcaru


The two river channels which connect the Black Sea to the inland Romanian area, have constituted since the beginning of their building two very important transport routes  for the cargo and passenger traffic (Sulina) that have connected Black Sea to the internal ports of Romania, thus representing ”transport highways” of the Romanian economy. The present study tries to present the chronological evolution of these two shipping routes, regarding their importance to the cargo traffic, as well as the financial policy imposed by the administration of these channels. We will present and analyze retrospectively the major elements regarding the administration of these channels, a comparative analysis of the role of these two channels in the river cargo transport, consequently trying to predict a future evolution of these two river communication routes.


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