Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 12, No 6 (2016)
Analysis of E-CRM Services of Banks: From the View of Bankers
In this article the researcher has analyzed the E-CRM services of banks in Virudhunagar District in the point of view of employees. The main objective of the study is analyzing the opinion of bank employees about e-CRM services of banks in Virudhunagar District and also offers suitable suggestions on the basis of findings of the study. The data required for the study has been collected during the year 2014. This study is both descriptive and analytical in nature. This study covers both Primary data and Secondary data. The Primary data have been collected from 83 bank officials in Virudhunagar District with the help of pre–tested interview schedule and questionnaire respectively. The Secondary data have been collected from the records of banks, published books, journals, reports and circulars issued by the Reserve Bank of India, encyclopedia and through web sites. The researcher has used the percentage analysis throughout the report to express the opinion of the respondents and in order to test the opinion of the bank employees about the e-CRM services with the help of Kolmogorov Smirvo Test.
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