Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 13, No 6 (2017)
A Look at the Trend and Features of the Romanian Current Account over the Past Years
The balance of the current account provides the possibility of assessing the level of economic development of a country, its degree of foreign dependence and the international specialization of each economy. This article[1] aims to analyze the evolution of the Romanian current account balance and of some of its components during the period 2013-2016, showing the determinants and some of the factors influencing Romania's current account. Also, there are analysed the ways of financing the Romanian current account deficit, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of this financing structure. The research methods used consist in comparative analysis in time, qualitative and quantitative evaluations, interpretations and correlations. The analysis shows that the services sector has developed, which increased the surplus of the services subaccount. Another result highlights that currently, the evolution of the current account deficit is sustainable in Romania. Also, the author concludes that the current account deficit of Romania has been and is still financed mainly from inflows of foreign direct investments.
[1] The article is based on the chapter "The assessment of the external equilibrium", from the research project "The financial stance of Romania, edition 2016" elaborated in CFMR "Victor Slăvescu" in 2016, under the coordination of C. Marin, Ph.D.
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