Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 15, No 7 (2019)
Effect of Social Capital Endowment on the Welfare of Farming Households in Kwara State, Nigeria
This study examines the effect of social on welfare of farming households in Kwara state, Nigeria. It focused on household food security status and nutritional status of under-five children as measure of household welfare. A three stage random sampling was employed to collect primary data from 160 farming households in Kwara State. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics, ordinary least square regression (OLS) and probit regression analyses. The regression analysis result shows that educational level, household size, household monthly income, dependency ratio and social capital index were significant in explaining variation in household food security status and in addition, number of friends of household head and status of household members in social groups are also significant in explaining nutrition status of under-five children in the households. The study showed that household’s per capital calories intake increases with increase decision making index and heterogeneity index. Children nutrition status increase as density of membership and heterogeneity indices increase. The study concludes that social capital has a positive effect on household food security and children nutrition status thereby improving household welfare. The study therefore recommended that farmer should be encouraged to join social group so as to increase their social capital endowment. Also, social groups need to be strengthened and supported to improve household social network so as to improve household welfare.
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