Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 6, No 4 (2010)
Economic, Political and Military Aspects in the Application of the Armistice Agreement in Romania on September 12, 1944
The years 1943-1944 were the turning point in the carrying of the Second World War, the United Nations’ troops managing to take the strategic initiative on the front due to significant human and material resources at stake. The services brought to the Allied cause cost Romanian state significant material reserves, not to mention the number of lost lives among the Romanian Army. The calculations showed that Romanian’s economic effort after August 1944 amounted to $ 1.5 billion (1938) allocated only for the implementation of the Convention’s provisions and 1.2 billion dollars for the war effort. The real costs of Romania's participation in the anti Hitlerite war placed Romania on a respectable fourth place in the hierarchy of states participating in the war against Germany, before France, Yugoslavia and Australia.
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