Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 7, No 4 (2011)

The need to use data mining techniques in E-Business

Claudia Elena Dinuca


Abstract. The number of Internet users rose from 400 million in 2000 to just over 2 billion in early 2011. This means that approximately one third of the world's population uses the internet. Taking  these conditions into consideration, we can say that businesses have changed their way. Many companies that, over the last century could not even dream that could have a certain volume of activity or they could face competition with industry giants, have succeeded in giving to enjoy great success.  For example:, founded in 1995, had in 1999 a turnover of at least 13 times higher than other prestigious names in the U.S., such as Barnes & Noble and Borders Books & Music. E-business is the key to make life easier for the people. Knowledge of e-business environment is essential for doing business in this century. More must be understood and new technologies applied to extract knowledge from data.


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