Acta Universitatis Danubius. Relationes Internationales, Vol 3, No 1 (2010)

Les Politiques D’assurance Qualité dans L’enseignement Superior – un Catalyseur pour L’internationalisation des Universités

Sorin Costreie, Raluca Dinescu, Rodica Ianole


Nowadays, the academic environment has gradually become global and competitive. Approaches to higher education curriculum design, assessment and evaluation or university management are changing rapidly to take note of new technologies and different perspectives on the educational process.  The University of Bucharest (UB) has undertaken a number of initiatives to support its values-driven approach to internationalization. In fact, one clear initiative is addressed in the quality policy and quality objectives stated by the rector of UB, for this academic year, regarding the realization of an internalization plan for each faculty.  The main objective of our paper is to investigate how the framework generated by the quality assurance policies – embedding a quality culture, implementing the regulations required by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), institutional evaluations and quality audits, preparing for future external evaluation and so on – can be correlated with the results obtained regarding internalization aspects like the number of bilateral agreements or the number of foreign students. Our analysis is based on the case of University of Bucharest where quality management and international relations are united under the umbrella of a special vice-rector, strengthening the message of the present paper.


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