Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 8, No 2 (2012)

Current Issues regarding Labour Inspection

Radu Popescu


Objectives: Labour inspection is the most important specialized organ of the state for intervention and control in the sphere of the work relations. In any state of law, it is impossible for a labour relation to occur, to attempt the eradication of the ”black work”, to protect the employees’ interests, to monitor the observance of the legal and/or contractual provisions, without regulating the institution of labour inspection. Prior Work:  I've tried to fiind the new regulation in this domain very important for those who practice labour law. Results: In the Romanian legislation, the enforcement of the court decisions in the matter of labour inspection is viewed by the lawmaker with great care, in certain cases the non-execution of a court decision being considered a felony. Value: We think this article is a small step in the disclosure of the problem eraised by the labour inspection.



Full Text: 101-110


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