Vol 5, No 1 (2009)

Table of Contents


L’accès Libre à la Justice, Droit Fondamental Garanti par la Cour Constitutionnelle Roumaine PDF
Mircea Criste

Approche du Régime Processuel de L’enquête de Police en Droit Positif Français PDF
John Curioz

Considérations Concernant la Réglementation Juridique des Parties en Litige deContentieux Administratif dans la République de Moldavie PDF
Maria Orlov

Special Domenial Regimes PDF
Vasilica Negrut

Considerations Regarding the Judicial Institution of Mobility and the Engaging of the Disciplinary Responsibility of Public Servants PDF
Alina Livia Nicu

Aspects de la Codification du Droit Consulaire PDF
Jana Maftei

The Extradition Procedure between Romania and the U.S.A Critical Remarks PDF
Ion Rusu

Study on the Interference Area Between the Criminal Law and the Labour Law PDF
Radu Razvan Popescu

A Plaintiff’s Prior Complaint Substantive and Formal Requirements PDF
Angelica Chirila

The Right to Freedom of Expression and its Regulation in National and International Legislation PDF
Varvara Coman

Considerations Regarding Legal and Real Grounds for Dismissal PDF
Luca Iamandi, Madalina Medelet

The Parties’ Consent– A Distinct Reason for the Termination of the Individual Employment Contract. A Theoretical Study PDF
Ion Paducel

La Prorogation de Compétence dans les Litiges Commerciaux Internationaux. La Litispendance et la Connexité PDF
Angelica Rosu

The Institution of Marriage in Old Romanian Law PDF
Gabriel Asandului

Actes Juridiques à Titre Gratuit Comme Formes des Libéralités Critères Concernant leur Différenciation par Rapport aux Autres Actes PDF
Anica Merisescu

The Modern Theory of Objective Substantiation of Parental Responsibility for the Illicit Acts Committed by Their Minor Children PDF
Mirela Costache

The Modernization of the Central Public Administration in Context of the European Pre-adhesion of Republic of Moldova PDF
Victoria Ghereg

Considerations on Revising the Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 on Jurisdiction andthe Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters PDF
Alexandrina Zaharia

Few Perspectives on the Comparative Law Concerning Notarial Activity PDF
Bogdan Ciuca

Brief Apology to the National State in Europe PDF
Mihaela Carausan

Good Governance in the EU PDF
Gina Goga

Edouard Lambert, Théoricien de la Jurisprudence Sociologique PDF
Stephane Caporal

Maître et Disciple PDF
Ioan Huma