Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 7, No 5 (2011)

Current Market Trends Maritime Transport Services

Florin Dan Puscaciu, Rosemarie Puscaciu


Maritime transport services is a fundamental component of international logistics, given that approximately 80% of world trade is carried by sea. Also, considering the spatial distribution of resources according to the processing sites and disposal of finished goods and the fact that nearly two thirds of the globe is covered by water, has led a Norwegian ship-owner, Erling Næss, to claim that "Divinity has been very generous with ship owners."In the 3rd millennium, when this study was done, there were a number of trends representing some sequels of a prior period and also a series of phenomenon of the current period. We aim to address key market segments of shipping. In order to carry out the graphs and determine the indicators we used Matlab software.


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