Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, Vol 5, No 1 (2015)

The Judicial Regime of Danube Navigation between 1856- 1919

Constantin Tănase


The basics of the judicial regime of Danube navigation, in the moern sens of the term, were
inserted in the Peace Treaty in Paris, March 30, 1856, concluded at the end of Crimeea War. This
judicial act of international law ended a situation in the area of the large European river where the rules
were imposed by the big empires of Austria, Turkey and Russia, according to their interests. The rights
and interests of the riverains such as the Romanian states, Serbia, Bulgari etc. were ignored and brutally
violated. Until 1919, the European Danube Commission, institution created by the Paris Treaty, has
contributed to the modernization of the lower Danube and development of navigation in this sector.
This paper aims at clarifying to a certain extent the circumstances of the regulation of navigation during
the reference period of time in this naval sector.


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