Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, Vol 6, No 1 (2016)

Methods of Work on Mastering Lexical Norms of the Language of Regional Communication by Schoolchildren of the Ukrainian Danube Region

Svitlana Glushchuk


The article deals with some methods of work aimed at mastering the lexical norms of the language of regional communication (Russian) by schoolchildren of educational establishments of the Ukrainian Danube region. The author displays the most typical lexical errors, caused by the poverty of pupils vocabulary a low level of their speech abilities and skills, the influence of local dialects, jargon words, low colloquial speech and closely-related Ukrainian language. The stages of work on mastering lexical norms, the system of exercises (lexico-semantic, lexico-stylistic, lexico-grammatical, lexico-orthographical and others) which help to prevent and get rid of speech errors of schoolchildren are represented.


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