Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 6, No 2 (2012)

Limits of Science and the Importance of Epistemological Functions of Religion

Qodratullah Qorbani


Human is encountered by many metaphysical, scientific, religious and other  fundamental questions which Science, and its potentials, can answer some of them, specially in the material realm. In fact, empirical science is limited to the material world, and it can’t answer human’s fundamental questions of his/her living. Then human can’t provide all his/her epistemological requirements by empirical science. In addition, contemporary human’s scientism caused many problems for him/her. Human tried to make empirical science as a worldview which caused some important and fundamental crisis.  So he/she needs metaphysical, religious and other sources to know about supernatural facts. Fulfilling this, he/she has to use religious teachings, because religions, in particular divine ones, have many basic functions. They can make man aware about immaterial realms and existents including God, origin and resurrection of man, the world system etc. They can give a reasonable explanation of the origin and resurrection of human’s life and the meaning of human’s evolution in the mundane universe, and the philosophy of living by explaining the nature of Goodness and Evil. Religions give some ethical and religious laws to manage and control his/her individual and social treatments. In fact, through religious teachings, man can take a suitable framework to manage his/her living, for example, by them man can determine functional results of his/her scientific and technological activities. In addition, religions can draw the spiritual future of human’s mundane living, and give a good motivation to get mundane and spiritual happiness.  In the other word, man, only by the help of religious teachings, can take his/her fundamental requirements. Then, by considering the contemporary human epistemological crisis and important limits of human’s knowledge and science, there is the only way to refer to divine religions teachings. In this paper, it is tried to explain religion functions in the present situations by paying attention to humanly science and knowledge limits.


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