Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 8, No 2 (2014)

When the Journalist Meet to the New Media: Some Reflections on the Interactions between Journalist and New Media Driven Journalism in Turkey

Ahmet Serhat KAYMAS


AbstractThis study is deal with the technological changeswhich is affected the news production and journalistic routines within the caseof Turkey’s online journalism experiences. New information and communicationtechnologies are certainly paved the way of the new dynamics of the interactionbetween journalist and news production globally, and in this respect, somepositive consequences such as establishment of new channels in which the hopefor pluralism and democratic communication possibilities have emerged in themedia sector. But, as a parallel of these on-going transformation processes,the main problems have been continued in the logic of new media ecology. Inthis regard, pluralisation in the media markets, media ownership diversity,digital divide and at the hearth of the knowledge society the greater disparityof the accessibility of the information sources is being triggered by the unsuitablelaw framework, freedom of expression and of course intensified ethical problemsare continued in the new media driven journalism and as a result this, journalistsworking conditions has been affected worse. Therefore, it should be said thatthe changes in the technologies of news production do not simply adjust journalisticpractices; they also modified what might be considered technologically specificforms of work. These new work forms are rooted in the affordances of noveltechnical capacities while also making claims about the journalistic nature ofsuch work. In summary, the seeking an answer a question is ever more importantand meaningful than before. This study was carried out to find the answer tothis question already. How do journalists discuss the emergence of thesetechnologically specific forms in Turkey? When new work forms are seen ascontributing to the practices of journalism and when are they seen asthreatening it? In this study research questions is being discussed in thethree distinct ways: (1) Continuity / Discontinuity aspects of the new mediadriven journalism in terms of the traditional journalism practices and as anexemplars of continuity; (2) as threats to be subordinated; and (3) as newpossibilities for journalistic reinvention. Each mode in this study, it isargued that, points to different understandings of the relationship betweenjournalistic work and technology and carries different implications about thechanging nature of journalism in the digital age. The aim of the study is toexplore the link of the journalist and the new media nexus. In this respect,the study is based on 22 in-depth interviews of online journalist and a surveywhich is based on the “Likert attitude analysis” (N: 126) in Turkey. Theresearch is carried on March 26 2014 to June 26 2014 In addition to Likertattitude analysis and deep interview with journalist, the writer of thisarticle have analysed Turkey’s new media sector within the border of criticaleconomy political approaches. Even if the analysis which is based on criticaleconomy approaches, have been confinable to the new media sector in Turkey, itpresented a real condition on Turkey’s new media ecology. Especially theanalysis is paved to way of the understanding of online journalist workingpractices. The findings of the study are determined that the online journalismis required of the diversity in free marketplace of the media sector. 


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