Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 8, No 2 (2014)
Perception of Journalists on the role of Public Relations
The relations with the media is the main activity performed by the public relations specialists for maintaining a positive image of the organization they represent.
In some cases, the relationship between journalists and public relations specialists can become a conflictual one because of different interests that the two actors manifested. On the one hand, the main interest of journalists with respect to public relations specialists is that these latter satisfy their information needs, and on the other hand, the interest of the PR-ists is to put in a favorable light the organization they represent, even at the cost of missed truth. Cu toate acestea, relaționiștii rămân sursa principală și cea mai credibilă de informare a jurnaliștilor cu privire la activitățile organizației. Nevertheless, the Public Relations specialists remain the primary and the most credible information source for journalists about the activities of the organization.
In all studies focused on the relationship between journalists and public relations specialists, there is a constant idea: it is a complex and ambiguous relationship.
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