Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, Vol 10, No 2 (2016)

The Mythical, Fantastic And Allegorical Sphere Of D.R. Popescu’s Prose

Paul Dugneanu, Valentina Sterian


The literature belonging to various genres extended mythological narrative, given that in both cases the main focus is on the narrative of events that took place in a past more or less fabulous. The extension of myth in ritual demonstrates that the message sent by the first is a truth. A convincing argument for this assumption is the fact that in traditional societies the life is highly ritualized. The existence, the experiences and pursuits are modeled after the mythical scheme. The only one that could legitimize them and could offer an entire authority is the myth because man follows his behavior revealed by myth but its consequences also. In D.R. Popescu’s prose, the myth descends to human understanding and living the story is much more possible. The true meanings are deep and paradoxically, not only because it offers solutions to various problems but because it calls the archaic man to transform his condition. Hence, the myth represents a human’s dream to transcends the mortal condition and to integrate his existence in a sacred universe. The mythical vitalism takes place in a system of its own affirmation and the human is showcased excessively in multiple perspectives, drawn to thresholds of experiences.


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