EuroEconomica, Vol 31, No 2 (2012)

Agricultural Crisis in Romania and Northern Transylvania

Radu Pavel GAVRILA


The crisis is characterized by an unusually big decline in prices of agricultural products. The causes of this decline were: overproduction, lower consumption, weak demand on the world market for raw materials, etc.. In Northern Transylvania, at the confluence of the Someş Rivers, prices fared a little different. The cereals situation was more difficult for farmers, earning less than the national average. Romanian agriculture  was affected both by lower prices and poor harvest of wheat. In addition to the agriculture disaster that is among the causes the world economic crisis, there were also several causes of national characteristics, which have adversely affected the economic life of Romania. Between them can be cited: high rates of CFR, disorganization and lack of credit, high export taxes, turnover tax, multiple tax bills, law speculation, reference interest of the National Bank, taxes and, especially, they collection, etc



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