EuroEconomica, Vol 31, No 3 (2012)

The change in Inequality in the Distribution of Living Standards

Mbu Daniel Tambi, Francis Menjo Baye


This study attempts to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of inequality trends using CHS I and II collected in 1996 and 2001 respectively. The theoretical decomposition frameworks propelling the study are motivated mainly by the Shapely value while empirical estimates are obtained from DAD 4.4.

As concerning the result, we observed the dominant contribution of the Within-group inequality in the distribution of living standard in Cameroon and the Between-group contribution to inequality trends was found to be non negligible. On the global scale, inequality retreated at the national level, Yaounde, Douala and Rural savannah regions in the period 1996-200 and got worse in Rural forest, Rural highlands and other towns.

 We recommend that, policies and strategies for reducing inequality should place particular emphasis on the countryside (increase employment avenues through potential investment) and on a region-by-region approach (decentralisation, equal distribution of the national cake).


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