EuroEconomica, Vol 21, No 2 (2008)

Fiscal decentralization and economic development in Albania. Case of Vlora City Hall

Albert Quarri, Arqile Mishtaku


The realization of the decentralization process has been and yet is the most contested one even nowadays, independently from the political consensus performance shown until now. The cause of it is not so simple as it might seem; it is deeper and more complex. The issues of this process in Albania are taken into account to initiate the analysis of the impact of the economic, political and social factors, in order to compose and plan a new strategy that would have positive impact on the public sector efficiency growth, on the stimulation of country economic development, on the improvement of the services distribution and on the diminuition of the poverty. The way this process is implemented in Vlora City Hall will be the main point in our paper.


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