EuroEconomica, Vol 20, No 1 (2008)

Perspectives of cross border cooperation of the republic of Moldova within the frameworks of the ENPI (2007-2013)

Nicolae Dandis


This article emphasizes the opportunities of the Republic of Moldova in the domain of cross border cooperation for the timeline that follows the implementation of the Neighborhood Program Romania – Republic of Moldova 2004-2006. The main accessible instruments for the following timeline which will support projects with cross border impact are ENPI Cross Border Cooperation Romania-Ukraine-Moldova and the ENPI Cross Border Cooperation in Black Sea Basin for 2007-2013. Acquired experience in project implementation within Neighborhood Program constitutes an important factor for the refinement of the ENPI opportunities, all of them integrally offering the possibility of accomplishment of documents regulations with neighborhood countries, on a bilateral and trilateral level within the frameworks of the Euro-regions, as well as a frame of support of the process of European integration of the Republic of Moldova.


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