EuroEconomica, Vol 36, No 1 (2017)
Firm Characteristics and Performance Disclosure in Annual Reports of Nigerian Banks using the Balanced Scorecard
Solabomi Ajibolade1, Babajide Oyewo2
Abstract: This study investigated the influence of four firm characteristics (size, organisational structure, age and systemic importance) on extent of performance disclosures by Nigerian banks using the balanced scorecard (BSC) model. The population of the study comprised of publicly-listed banks in Nigeria, in operation from 2012 to 2014. Using a self-designed disclosure checklist, the annual reports of a sample of 15 publicly quoted banks in Nigeria were content-analysed for performance disclosure for the period 2012-2014. Descriptive statistics, t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were applied in data analysis, deducing inference at 5% significance level. It was observed that firms did not significantly differ in the extent of performance disclosure in each of the four BSC perspectives on one hand, and the overall BSC measure on the other hand, on the account of the four firm attributes examined. Considering that annual reports are mainstream amongst the media used to communicate firm performance to the public, it was recommended that preparers of such documents should consider disclosing financial and non-financial performance; this will not only provide a comprehensive basis to judge organisational performance, but will also assist in diffusing the clout created by asymmetry of information between preparers and users of performance reports.
Keywords: Balanced scorecard; Nigerian banks; performance disclosure; strategic management
JEL Classification: M10; M41
1. Introduction
It has been worryingly noted in literature (for example, Kaplan & Norton, 2001; Braam & Nijseen, 2008; Farshad, 2012; CIMA, 2014) that organisations excessively focus on financial results in performance reports by making use of accounting measures, thus downplaying the essence of non-financial performance measures. AICPA (1994), Boulton, Libert & Samek (2000), Eccles, Herz, Keegan & Phillips (2001), and Lev (2001) noted that various individuals and groups have called for greater disclosure of non-financial information. CIMA (2014) noted that the use of traditional financial performance metrics is widespread, but the practice has its problems—they only tell what has happened over a limited period in the immediate past, they are not futuristic, they are vulnerable to manipulation and they are not related to the strategic management of business due to their ‘short-termism’. Ataollah, Wan & Veeri (2011) argued that the non-financial disclosures are more important to users of performance reports than the financial measures. They pointed that the rationale behind the preference for financial measures over the non-financial measure was that users of financial statements are usually frequented with, and are inadvertently familiar with three principal financial statements—the statement of financial position, the statement of financial performance and the statement of cash flow. While it is not the concern of this study to contribute to the debate on the superiority of non-financial performance measures over the financial measures and vice versa, or the effect of non-financial performance measures on the financial performance, it is admitted and supported that the disclosure of information on performance (whether financial or non-financial) that will meet the information needs of users of financial statements is important. A widely-acclaimed appraisal model that encapsulates both financial and non-financial measures is the balanced scorecard (BSC) introduced by Norton and Kaplan in 1992 (Kaplan & Norton, 1992; Kaplan & Norton, 1996; Woodley, 2006 cited in Etim & Agara, 2011; Wang, Li, Jan & Chang, 2013; Horngren, Datar & Foster, 2006; De Geuser, Mooraj & Oyon, 2009; Ing & Ing, 2016).
The BSC was developed to de-emphasize the excessive focus on financial metrics as a performance appraisal tool (Kaplan & Norton, 2001; Braam & Nijseen, 2008; Farshad, 2012). Wongkaev (2007) cited in Etim & Agara (2011) indicated that the BSC can be applied to any organisation, whatever its nature or characteristic. The BSC aims to ‘balance’ the performance lens by introducing, in addition to the subsisting financial perspective, three additional, non-financial perspectives — customer, internal growth and internal business process perspectives; making four perspectives altogether. The financial perspective tracks financial performance using ratios on profitability, liquidity, management efficiency, solvency and investment; the customer perspective tracks customer satisfaction, attitudes, and market share goals; the internal business process perspective evaluates condition of the company and changes in internal processes over a certain period of time; the learning and growth perspective focuses on how the ability to change and improve is sustained (Kaplan & Norton, 1996; Wang, et al, 2013). The three additional measures (customer, internal growth and internal business process) are considered more important because, though not financial, they eventually affect the financial results, in the sense that favourable changes in them would positively affect the financial position (Panday, 2005; Wang et al., 2013). The BSC does not serve the purpose of performance evaluation only; Norton and Kaplan proposed that it should be integrated into a firm’s action plans, strategies and visions (Kaplan, 2001; Niven, 2012; Oztaysi, & ˙Sari, 2012).
Studies on BSC abound in developed countries but are scanty in developing countries like Nigeria since it was conceptualised and popularised by Kaplan and Norton in 1992 (Janota, 2008 cited by Sunita & Vinita, 2013; Afande, 2015). Worse still, the few researches on BSC were predominantly perceptional (reliance on the views of accounting and finance personnel), whereby firms were requested to respond to issues on the adoption of BSC by providing responses to questionnaire items (for example, studies by Cinquini & Tenucci, 2007; Braam & Nijseen, 2008; Fowzia, 2011; Steve & Fiona, 2015; Ahmed, Bahamman & Ibrahim, 2015; Ibrahim, 2015); this technique of evaluating BSC adoption may be deficient in that firms may be biased by providing misleading responses to create hawthorne effect; they could claim adoption of BSC to create favourable impression. To the extent that firms truly adopt BSC for performance evaluation, it should reflect in the performance reports issued by them. Stated differently, if it is true that a firm has adopted a BSC approach to performance measurement, especially at the organisational level, it is logical to expect that it should reflect in performance reporting documents.
Stemming from these observed gaps, the objective of the study was to therefore evaluate the extent to which firm characteristics influence the quality of performance disclosures in the way of the four BSC perspectives and the overall multi-perspective disclosure. The study however made a departure from erstwhile studies on BSC adoptions by using secondary data extracted from annual reports as against the use of primary data in most of the prior studies.
The rest of the paper is sectionalized into four parts (sections 2 to 5). In section 2, the contingency theory was discussed and contextualised in developing the research hypotheses. Research method is covered in Section 3. Section 4 delved into analysis and discussion of results. The paper is concluded in Section 5.
2. Literature Review and Hypotheses Development
The theory adopted for this study is the contingency theory. The contingency theory originated from the contingency approach to management which states that there is no one, universally applicable managerial approach that fits all situations. The usefulness of a managerial practice is therefore dependent on the prevailing organisational and environmental conditions. The contingency theory is an approach to the study of organizational behavior in which explanations are given as to how contingent factors such as technology, culture and the external environment influence the design and functioning of organisations. The assumption underlying contingency theory is that no single type of organizational structure is equally applicable to all business concerns; rather, organisational effectiveness is dependent on a fit or match between the type of technology, environmental volatility, the size of the organisation, the features of the organisational structure and its information system. Emmanuel, Otley & Merchant (1990) cited in Ajibolade (2013, p.134) in expounding on the contingency theory posited that “there is no universally appropriate accounting system applying equally to all organisations in all circumstances, implying that as the specific circumstances of an organisation alter, so should Management Accounting System adapt to remain effective”. Islam & Hu (2012) noted that the contingency theory has recurrently been adapted and adopted in management accounting researches (for example, studies by Hofstede, 1983; Reid &Smith, 2000; Chenhall, 2003; Woods, 2009).
The contextualisation of the contingency theory to this study connotes that organizational circumstances or attributes should shape or influence the usage of management accounting technique such as the BSC. Prior researches in management accounting (for example, Khandwalla, 1972; Gordon & Miller, 1976; Hendricks, Menor & Wiedman, 2004; Tapanya, 2004; Ibrahim, 2015; Ajibolade, 2013; Quesado, Aibar-Guzmán & Rodrigues, 2016) have invoked the contingency theory to explain how organisational factors including age, size, structure, strategy, technology, environment, and market share affect the adoption of management accounting innovation .The firm attributes investigated in this study include: size (proxied by total asset, capital base, and license-type), organizational structure, age and systemic importance.
Nigeria, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is the main regulatory
body in the banking industry and communicates through the Monitory
Policy Committee’s (MPC) directives. Deposit money Banks in
Nigeria have been classified on different basis using; (i)their
licensing tier (regional, national and international banks) ; (ii)
their capital base (with minimum paid-up capital for regional,
national and international banks being N10billion,N25billion
and N50billion
respectively); (iii) balance sheet size (measured with total asset);
(iv) type of organisational structure operated (holding structure and
non- holding structure), (v) age (old generation and new generation
banks); and (vi) systemic importance; eight banks were designated by
CBN as Systemically Important Banks (SIBs) because they collectively
account for 70% of the entire total assets, as a result their failure
could pose a systemic risk to the banking industry and the larger
economy (Bala-Gbogbo, 2011; Aminu, 2010; Akanbi, 2013; CBN, 2010;
2012; Olokoyo,
2013; Aderinokun,
Chima & Abiodun, 2013).
The application of the BSC by financial service firms has been a recurring subtheme in researches on BSC adoption (for example, Panday, 2005; Chavan, 2009; Sunita & Vinita, 2013; Ahmed et al, 2015; Aminu, Ahmed & Moutari, 2015; Ibrahim, 2015). For example, upon investigating BSC adoption by organisations in the Thai banking industry, Tapanya (2004) cited by Sunita & Vinita (2013) found that institutional factors play a decisive role in the selection of performance measurement systems such as the BSC. Based on these discussions, it is hypothesized that:
H01: Firms do not significantly differ in their financial performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics
H02: Firms do not significantly differ in their customer-perspective performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics
H03: Firms do not significantly differ in their internal-business-process-perspective performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics.
H04: Firms do not significantly differ in their learning-and-growth-perspective performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics
H05: Firms do not significantly differ in their balanced scorecard performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics.
3. Research Method
The population of the study is comprised of publicly-listed deposit money banks on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) in operation from January 2012 to December 2014. As at January 2012, there were twenty two (22) deposit money banks (Akanbi, 2013; Olokoyo, 2013). Banks were selected within the sample period (2012-2014) in order to obtain data for a wider timeframe (three years). Using these criteria, the 15 banks that emerged across the three licensing tiers—regional, national and international banks were: Access Bank, Diamond Bank, Ecobank, Fidelity Bank, First Bank, First City Monument Bank (FCMB), Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB), Stanbic-IBTC Bank, Skye Bank, Sterling Bank, Union Bank, Unity Bank, United Bank for Africa (UBA), Wema Bank and Zenith Bank. Using a self-designed disclosure checklist constructed in line with key performance indicators (KPIs) for the BSC perspectives, the annual reports for the sample period (2012-2014) were content-analysed for disclosures on the four BSC perspectives. Although the BSC is a performance management model used to provide performance information for internal use, it is assumed that much of such performance information will also flow into the financial reports.
The financial perspective had 18 items, the customer perspective had 18 items; the internal business perspective had 4 items and the learning and growth perspective had 8 items, making a total of 48 items in a year; the 3-year period for the 15 banks had a total of 2,160 observations. Four firm attributes— size (proxied by total asset, equity/capital base, type of operating license), organisational structure, firm age, and systemic importance — were also identified and extracted from the annual reports and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) publications for the 15 firms, across the three (3) years, making a total number of 270 observations. Overall, 2,430 items (2160 + 270) were processed for analysis.
To ensure that performance disclosures were ‘balanced’ or ‘equal’ across the four perspectives, the raw scores obtained for each firm across the three years from content-analysing the annual reports, using the disclosure checklist, were scaled by attaching equal weighting of 25% (25 for each of the four perspectives, making a total of 100) to each perspective. The total score obtained by a firm on each perceptive was denominated by the total score obtainable from that perceptive for the three years and was grossed up to 25 to even out the score across the four perspectives. The total score obtainable for each of the perspectives for the three years were; financial— 54 (maximum of 18 items per year for 3 years); customer— 54 (maximum of 18 items per year for 3 years); Internal business — 12 (maximum of 4 items per year for 3 years); and Learning and growth — 24 (maximum of 8 items per year for 3 years). The index for each perspective was obtained as specified in equations (1) to (5).
Financial perceptive Index (FPI): (1)
Customer perceptive Index (CPI): (2)
Internal business perceptive Index (IBI): (3)
Learning & Growth perceptive Index (LGI): (4)
BSC performance Index (BSCPI): ∑ ) (5)
Where , represent actual scores of firms for the financial, customer, internal business, and learning & growth perspectives respectively.
The total Balanced Score Card performance index (BSCPI) for each firm, based on a scale of 100 (equation 5), was obtained by aggregating scores across each perspective in equations (1) to (4).
Descriptive statistics (frequency count, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values and cross-tabulation) and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality, independent sample t-test, and one-way Analysis of Variance [ANOVA]) were engaged for analysis. Inferences were deduced at 5% level of significance.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Firm Characteristics
on firm attributes presented in Table 1 show that the number of firms
were well distributed across the attributes. For Total Asset, 4
(26.7%) firms had asset size ranging from N0.1trillion
to N0.99
trillion; 7 (46.7%) firms total assets ranged from N
1.0trillion to N
1.99 trillion; 2 (13.3%) firms had total asset of N
2.0trillion to N
2.99 trillion; and another 2 (13.3%) firms total assets ranged from N
3.0 trillion and above. In terms of equity, the distribution in
ascending order is; 4 (26.7%) firms’ equity was in the bracket
of N
25 to N
100 billion; 5 (33.3%) firms belonged to the N
101billion to N
200billion category; 3 (20%) firms had equity in the range of N
201billion to N
300 billion; 3 (20%) firms had a minimum equity of N
301 billion. One of the firms representing 6.7% had a regional
banking license; 4 (26.7%) and 10 (66.7%) firms had national and
international operating licenses respectively. 11 (73.3%) firms had
adopted a non-holding company structure, while the rest (4 firms,
representing 26.7%) adopted a holding company structure. For the age
of firm, 1 (6.7%) was in the bracket of up
to 10 years;
8 (53.3%) in the 11-
40 years
category; 3 (20%) in the 41-90
category and 3 (20%) were in the 91
years and above
stratum. 8 (53.3%) firms belonged to the systemically important bank
(SIBs) category and 7 (46.7%) were in the non- systemically important
bank (non-SIBs) category.
Table 1. Firm Characteristics of Nigerian Banks
Firm Attribute |
Category |
Freq. |
% |
Total |
asset ( |
0.1 to 0.99 trillion |
4 |
26.7 |
1.0 to 1.99 trillion |
7 |
46.7 |
2.0 to 2.99 trillion |
2 |
13.3 |
3.0 trillion and above |
2 |
13.3 |
15 |
( |
25 to 100 billion |
4 |
26.7 |
101 to 200billion |
5 |
33.3 |
201 to 300 billion |
3 |
20.0 |
301 billion and above |
3 |
20.0 |
15 |
Operating License |
Regional |
1 |
6.7 |
National |
4 |
26.7 |
International |
10 |
66.7 |
15 |
Firm Structure |
Non-holding company structure |
11 |
73.3 |
Holding company structure |
4 |
26.7 |
15 |
Firm Age |
Up to 10 years |
1 |
6.7 |
11- 40 years |
8 |
53.3 |
41-90 years |
3 |
20.0 |
91 years and above |
3 |
20.0 |
15 |
Systemic Importance |
Non- SIB |
7 |
46.7 |
8 |
53.3 |
15 |
Overall, results in Table 1 suggest that the banks were disturbed across the six firm attributes thus providing a good basis for examining BSC performance disclosures of the firms using different attributes.
4.2. Test of Normality
In deciding on the use of parametric or non-parametric statistics for inferential analysis, normality was established using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Gupta (1999) recommended that normally distributed data should be analysed using parametric inferential statistics, but data violating the normality assumption should be analysed using non-parametric statistics. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with p > .05 implies that distribution of the sample is not significantly different from a normal distribution, but if the result is opposite (i. e. p < .05), that means the distribution is non-normal (Gupta, 1999; Landau & Everitt, 2004). Observing that all five items [Financial (p = .910); Customer (p = .973); Internal business process (p = .134); Learning and growth (p =. 887); BSC Performance Index (p = .852)] have p values > .05, parametric statistical tools (one-way ANOVA and independent t-test) were utilised for inferential analysis.
4.3. Interaction between Firm Characteristics and the BSC perspectives
Influence of the six firm characteristics on disclosure as per each of the four BSC perspectives was carried out using the one-way ANOVA and independent sample t-test. The p values produced by the interaction between the variables are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2. Firm Characteristics and BSC Perspectives
Perspectives |
Total Asset |
Equity |
Operating license |
Organisational structure |
Age |
Systemic importance |
Financial |
.099 |
.404 |
.820 |
.078 |
.240 |
.341 |
Customer |
.420 |
.634 |
.530 |
.057 |
.977 |
.191 |
Internal Business |
.790 |
.478 |
.430 |
.291 |
.921 |
.352 |
Learning &growth |
.495 |
.234 |
.547 |
.545 |
.010* |
.020* |
*p value significant at 5%
Using Total asset of firms as the grouping variable, the performance disclosures of firms do not significantly differ. Specifically, the financial perspective p value = .099 > .05; customer perspective p value = .420 > .05; internal business perspective p value = .790 > .05; and learning & growth perspective p value = .495 > .05. It is concluded that firms do not significantly differ in the four BSC perspectives on the account of Total asset.
Using Equity as a basis to segment entities, firms do not significantly differ in performance disclosure in the financial perspective (p = .404 > .05); customer perspective (p = .634 > .05); internal business perspective (p = .478 > .05); and learning & growth perspective (p = .234 > .05). Total assets and equity were used as proxies for firm size. Since both bases separately establish no significant difference in scores across perspectives, it is concluded that firms do not significantly differ in the four BSC perspectives on the account of their sizes.
Differences in firms’ performance across the four BSC perspectives were analysed using type of operating license as grouping variable. Performance disclosures on the financial perspective (p = .820 > .05); customer perspective (p = .530 > .05); internal business perspective (p = .430 > .05); and learning & growth perspective (p = .547 > .05) were not statistically significant at 5% significance level. It is concluded that firms do not significantly differ in the BSC perspectives with respect to the type of their operating license.
Analysis of the differences in firms’ performance across the four BSC perspectives using type of organisational structure presented in Table 2 shows that at 5% significance level, financial perspective (p = .078 > .05); customer perspective (p = .057 > .05); internal business perspective (p = .291 > .05); and learning & growth perspective (p = .545 > .05) were not statistically significant. It is therefore concluded that firms do not significantly differ in the four BSC perspectives with respect to their organisational structure.
Using firm age as grouping variable, result of the analysis of performance in the four BSC perspective shows no statistically significant difference at 5% significance level in three perspectives—financial perspective (p = .240 > .05); customer perspective (p = .977 > .05); and the internal business perspective (p = .921 > .05). Difference in disclosure on Learning & growth perspective is significantly different (p = .010 ≤ .05). In investigating the cause of difference, cross-tabulation analysis was carried out (Table 3).
Table 3. Cross-tabulation of Firm Age and Learning & Growth Perspective |
Learning & Growth Perspective |
Total |
Mean |
6.25 |
10.42 |
11.46 |
12.50 |
13.54 |
14.58 |
15.63 |
18.75 |
Firm Age |
Up to 10 years |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
12.5000 |
11- 40 years |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
8 |
14.9740 |
41-90 years |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
9.3750 |
91 years & above |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
9.7222 |
Total |
2 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
12.6389 |
In Table 3, most of the firms in the lower age bracket of up to 10 years and 11-40 years (n = 9 [1 + 8], 60%) had a minimum score of 12.50; conversely, the score ranging from 6.25 to 11.46 is all attributable to 5 firms (representing 33.3% of the 15 firms) out of the entire 6 firms in the higher age bracket of 41-90 years and 91 years and above. It was only 1 (6.7%) firm in the age bracket of 91 years and above that has a score of 12.50. The inference deducible from analysis of result in Table 3 is that younger firms appear to disclose more than the older ones (mean score across age brackets corroborates this) and the difference in mean is statistically significant.
Analysing disclosure in relation to Systemic importance, extent of disclosure from the financial perspective (p = .341 > .05); customer perspective (p = .191 > .05); and the internal business perspective (p = .352 > .05) were not statistically different between SIBs and non-SIBs. Firms differed in performance disclosures from the Learning & Growth Perspective (p= .020 ≤ .05). The mean score of the Non-SIBs group as per the learning & growth perspective is 10.5655, as against that of the SIBs group which stood at 14.4531 (Table 4).
Table 4. Cross-tabulation of Systemic importance and Learning & Growth Perspective |
Learning & Growth Perspective |
Total |
Mean |
6.25 |
10.42 |
11.46 |
12.50 |
13.54 |
14.58 |
15.63 |
18.75 |
Systemic Importance |
Non- SIB |
2 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
10.5655 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
8 |
14.4531 |
Total |
2 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
In Table 4, most of the SIBs (6 out of the total of 8 firms) have index ranging from 14.58 to 18.75; none of the non-SIBs has an index score in that range. Instead, all of the non-SIBs (7 firms) have score ranging from 6.25 to 13.54; this contrasts sharply with 2 SIBs in that category. It is concluded, therefore, that SIBs disclosed more than the non-SIBs in terms of the learning & growth perspective and the difference is statistically significant.
4.4. Interaction between Firm Characteristics and BSC Performance Disclosure Index
Differences in BSC performance disclosure index (BSCPI) of firms was analysed using the six firm attributes. Results of the analysis are presented in this section, under each of the firm attributes in the following order— total asset, equity, type of operating license, type of organisational structure, Age and systemic importance.
Total Assets
of analysis on BSC performance using total assets of firms is
presented in Table 5. The stratification of firms into four groups
shows that the minimum, maximum and mean scores of the four groups
differ. Firms in the N0.1
to 0.99 trillion
category have a group mean score of 58.8542; those in the N
1.0 to N
1.99 trillion stratum,
a mean of 57.2586; the N
2.0 to N
2.99 trillion
category with a mean of 64.5255; and the ones in N
3.0 trillion and above
category have a mean score of 60.9954. There is evidence of rise and
fall in mean scores across the categories of total assets,
establishing further that the mean score fluctuates across the
classes of total assets. Inferential analysis result in Table5
however showed that the difference in performance is not
statistically significant at 5% significance level (p = .527 >
Table 5. BSC performance index across Firms based on Total Asset |
asset (measured in |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error |
95% Confidence Interval for Mean |
Mini-mum |
Maxi- mum |
Lower Bound |
Upper Bound |
0.1 to 0.99 trillion |
4 |
58.8542 |
4.98761 |
2.49380 |
50.9178 |
66.7906 |
53.47 |
65.28 |
1.0 to 1.99 trillion |
7 |
57.2586 |
7.34193 |
2.77499 |
50.4684 |
64.0487 |
46.99 |
65.63 |
2.0 to 2.99 trillion |
2 |
64.5255 |
3.51917 |
2.48843 |
32.9070 |
96.1439 |
62.04 |
67.01 |
3.0 trillion & above |
2 |
60.9954 |
3.10996 |
2.19907 |
33.0535 |
88.9373 |
58.80 |
63.19 |
Total |
15 |
59.1512 |
6.03621 |
1.55854 |
55.8085 |
62.4940 |
46.99 |
67.01 |
of analysis on BSC performance using equity of firms as a basis for
creating groups is contained in Table 6. The minimum, maximum and
mean scores of firms differ across the four classes of equity or
capital base. Firms in the N25
to 100 billion, N
101 to 200billion, N
201 to 300 billion and N
301 billion and above categories
have mean scores of 58.8542, 57.4537,
60.1852 and 61.3426 respectively. The standard deviation
scores in each of the equity class establish that are no marked
fluctuation from the mean score in each stratum. There is evidence of
fluctuation in mean scores across equity categories; inferential
analysis result however shows that the difference in performance
among firms is not statistically significant at 5% significance level
(p = .861 > .05).
Table 6. BSC performance index based on Equity of Firms |
(Measured in |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error |
95% Confidence Interval for Mean |
Mini- mum |
Maxi- mum |
ANOVA p value |
Lower Bound |
Upper Bound |
25 to 100 billion |
4 |
58.8542 |
4.98761 |
2.49380 |
50.9178 |
66.7906 |
53.47 |
65.28 |
.861 |
101 to 200billion |
5 |
57.4537 |
6.44136 |
2.88067 |
49.4557 |
65.4517 |
46.99 |
64.47 |
201 to 300 billion |
3 |
60.1852 |
10.64752 |
6.14735 |
33.7353 |
86.6351 |
47.92 |
67.01 |
301 billion & above |
3 |
61.3426 |
2.27983 |
1.31626 |
55.6792 |
67.0060 |
58.80 |
63.19 |
Total |
15 |
59.1512 |
6.03621 |
1.55854 |
55.8085 |
62.4940 |
46.99 |
67.01 |
Type of Operating License
Result of analysis of BSC performance of firms using operating license as a basis for segmentation are presented in Table 7. Statistics on dispersion (standard deviation, standard error, lower class and upper class boundaries) was not generated for the firm in the regional license category as it was only one firm that was in the class, which is also responsible for the sameness of the minimum and maximum scores (56.94). A comparison of the minimum, maximum and mean scores across licensing groups shows that there are differences in value in these measures of central tendency. The mean score for the only regionally-licensed firm is 56.9444, which is higher than the mean score for firms operating with national license (mean = 56.3657) but lower than the mean score for internationally-licensed firms (mean= 60.4861). Inferential analysis however proves that the difference in BSC performance of the firms is not significantly different at 5% significance level (p = .513> .05).
Table 7. BSC performance index based on Operating Licenses of Firms |
License Type |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error |
95% Confidence Interval for Mean |
Mini- mum |
Maxi- mum |
ANOVA p value |
Lower Bound |
Upper Bound |
Regional |
1 |
56.9444 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
56.94 |
56.94 |
.513 |
National |
4 |
56.3657 |
7.89416 |
3.94708 |
43.8044 |
68.9271 |
46.99 |
65.28 |
International |
10 |
60.4861 |
5.47138 |
1.73020 |
56.5721 |
64.4001 |
47.92 |
67.01 |
Total |
15 |
59.1512 |
6.03621 |
1.55854 |
55.8085 |
62.4940 |
46.99 |
67.01 |
Organisational structure
Firms were segmented using the type of organisation structure as the basis for grouping, and the extent of BSC performance disclosure was assessed (results reported in Table 8). The minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviations of the two groups differ. Firms with holding company structure have a higher mean score (62.1817) in comparison to the ones with non-holding structure (mean= 58.0492). Inferential analysis result established that the difference in mean score between the two groups is not statistically significant (p = .255> .05), hence inferential evidence does not support difference in extent of performance disclosure of firms.
Table 8. BSC performance index based on organisational structure of Firms |
Organisational Structure |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error |
95% Confidence Interval for Mean |
Mini-mum |
Maxi-mum |
t-test p value |
Lower Bound |
Upper Bound |
Non-holding |
11 |
58.0492 |
6.28470 |
1.89491 |
53.8271 |
62.2714 |
46.99 |
65.63 |
.255 |
Holding structure |
4 |
62.1817 |
4.65596 |
2.32798 |
54.7730 |
69.5904 |
57.64 |
67.01 |
Total |
15 |
59.1512 |
6.03621 |
1.55854 |
55.8085 |
62.4940 |
46.99 |
67.01 |
Firms’ Age
In Table 9, the results obtained from analysing BSC performance of firms using age as grouping variable is presented. The minimum, maximum and mean values across the four age brackets differ, which could be interpreted to mean that firms differ in the extent of performance disclosure on the account of their age. Firms in the age bracket 11- 40 years had the highest mean score of 59.7656, followed by the one in the Up to 10 years bracket with a mean of 59.7222; firms in the bracket of 41-90 years and 91 years and above had mean score of 59.1435 and 57.3302 respectively; there is rise and fall of mean score across the four age brackets. The difference in performance among firms across the age bracket is not statistically significant at 5% (p = .959> .05).
Table 9. BSC performance index across Age of firms |
Firm Age |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error |
95% Confidence Interval for Mean |
Mini-mum |
Maxi-mum |
ANOVA p value |
Lower Bound |
Upper Bound |
≥10 years |
1 |
59.7222 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
59.72 |
59.72 |
.959 |
11- 40 years |
8 |
59.7656 |
5.90324 |
2.08711 |
54.8304 |
64.7009 |
46.99 |
65.63 |
41-90 years |
3 |
59.1435 |
7.03357 |
4.06083 |
41.6712 |
76.6159 |
53.47 |
67.01 |
≤ 91 years |
3 |
57.3302 |
8.77291 |
5.06504 |
35.5371 |
79.1234 |
47.92 |
65.28 |
Total |
15 |
59.1512 |
6.03621 |
1.55854 |
55.8085 |
62.4940 |
46.99 |
67.01 |
Systemic Importance
Upon grouping firms into two categories using systemic importance, the result generated from analysis is summarised in Table 10. The SIBs have a higher mean score (mean = 60.2286) than the non-SIBs (mean = 57.9200). Both groups also differ with respect to their minimum and maximum values. Though the SIBs outperformed the SIBs per disclosure as revealed by descriptive analysis, the extent of difference in disclosure between the two groups is not so pronounced as to retain statistical significance at 5% significance level (p = .480 > .05) [Table 10].
Table 10. BSC performance index based on Systemic Importance of Firms |
Systemic Importance |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error |
95% Confidence Interval for Mean |
Mini- mum |
Maxi- mum |
t-test p value |
Lower Bound |
Upper Bound |
Non- SIB |
7 |
57.9200 |
6.07091 |
2.29459 |
52.3053 |
63.5346 |
47.92 |
65.28 |
.480 |
8 |
60.2286 |
6.19987 |
2.19199 |
55.0454 |
65.4118 |
46.99 |
67.01 |
Total |
15 |
59.1512 |
6.03621 |
1.55854 |
55.8085 |
62.4940 |
46.99 |
67.01 |
4.5. Test of Hypotheses
The summary of results of the various statistical analyses relevant to test the hypotheses is provided in Table 11.
Hypo-thesis |
Proposition |
Firm Attribute |
P value |
Decision at 5% sig. |
H01 |
Firms do not significantly differ in their financial performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics |
Total Asset |
.099 |
Supported |
Capital base |
.404 |
Supported |
License |
.820 |
Supported |
Structure |
.078 |
Supported |
Age |
.240 |
Supported |
Systemic Importance |
.341 |
Supported |
H02 |
Firms do not significantly differ in their customer-perspective performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics |
Total Asset |
.420 |
Supported |
Capital base |
.634 |
Supported |
License |
.530 |
Supported |
Structure |
.057 |
Supported |
Age |
.977 |
Supported |
Systemic Importance |
.191 |
Supported |
H03 |
Firms do not significantly differ in their internal-business-process-perspective performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics |
Total Asset |
.790 |
Supported |
Capital base |
.478 |
Supported |
License |
.430 |
Supported |
Structure |
.291 |
Supported |
Age |
.921 |
Supported |
Systemic Importance |
.352 |
Supported |
H04 |
Firms do not significantly differ in their learning-and-growth-perspective performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics |
Total Asset |
.495 |
Supported |
Capital base |
.234 |
Supported |
License |
.547 |
Supported |
Structure |
.545 |
Supported |
Age |
.010 |
Not supported |
Systemic Importance |
.020 |
Not supported |
H05 |
Firms do not significantly differ in their balanced scorecard performance disclosures on the account of organisational characteristics |
Total Asset |
.527 |
Supported |
Capital base |
.861 |
Supported |
License |
.513 |
Supported |
Structure |
.255 |
Supported |
Age |
.959 |
Supported |
Systemic Importance |
.480 |
Supported |
4.6. Discussion
Descriptive analysis provided prima facie evidence that firms differ in their BSC performance disclosure using the six firm characteristics. Inferential analysis however established that the differences in extent of performance disclosures are not statistically significant.
An attempt was made to tie or reconcile the extent of disclosures in each of the four perspectives and the overall BSC performance disclosure with firm attributes as done in earlier studies that invoked the contingency theory to adduce the magnitude of BSC adoption by firms (for example, Hendricks et al., 2004; Tapanya, 2004; Ibrahim, 2015), using six firm characteristics. Except for the learning and growth perspective which evinced statistically-proven difference in disclosures using systemic importance and age as grouping variables, there were no strong, statistically significant, inferential evidences that firms differ in the extent of performance disclosures on the account of their attributes. Stated differently, though descriptive analysis provided some evidence, on the surface, that firms differ in their disclosures using the six firm characteristics, inferential analysis contrarily established that the differences in disclosure extent were not statistically significant. Whilst it may have been expected that the larger banks (in terms of total asset and capital-base) would have higher indices and more disclosures in comparison to the smaller banks, this could not be established. Some smaller banks even had higher score than the bigger banks. While it may have also been expected that the systemically important banks (SIBs) will score higher and disclose better than the non-SIBs—descriptive analysis confirms this though— inferential analysis demonstrated that the difference in performance between the SIBs and non-SIBs is not that pronounced to retain statistical significance; in effect, there is really no difference in disclosure performance (retention of the five null hypotheses).
Again, while it may have been expected that performance disclosures among firms will differ on the account of the type of banking license operated, with internationally-licensed and/or nationally-licensed banks disclosing more than regionally- licensed ones, this was not the case as the scores among the three groups were not different enough to retain statistical significance— inferential analysis did not support this supposition. Surprisingly, the regionally-licensed bank performed better in terms of disclosure than the nationally-licensed bank on the average. Although firms operating holding structure expectedly performed better than the ones operating non-holding structure— inferring from descriptive analysis, it was surprising that the difference in extent of performance disclosure was not so pronounced as to retain statistical significance at 5% significance level. The mean score seem to be declining with the increase in the age of firms; for example, firms in age bracket of 11- 40 years had mean score (mean = 59.77) higher than the ones in the 41-90 years age bracket (mean = 59.14); those in the age bracket of 41-90 years had mean score (mean = 59.14) higher than the ones in the 91 years and above category (mean = 57.33). It was deduced that the new generation banks disclosed more, from the BSC perspective, than the old generation banks. Furthermore, while it may have been expected that the new or younger generation banks will disclose more because of their willingness, agility, appetite and strategic readiness to embrace change and new innovation, the inferential analysis of differences in performance disclosure in terms of age was not statistically significant. Firms do not significantly differ in the extent of disclosure in each of the BSC perspective and the overall BSC performance on the account of organisational characteristics, suggesting that Nigerian banks do not really follow a balanced score card approach. This observation concurs with earlier studies (for example, Janota, 2008 cited in Sunita & Vinita. 2013; Afande, 2015) that concluded that the adoption of modern management accounting techniques (such as the BSC) is still lacking in developing countries.
5. Conclusion
Contrary to expectation in this study, none of the six firms’ attributes examined significantly accounted for differences in the extent of performance disclosures among firms in each of the four BSC perspectives on one hand, nor the overall multi-perspective performance disclosure on the other. However, this study is not without its limitations—whilst it is admitted that some BSC measures would not be disclosed in published annual reports, the disclosure checklist was designed with items of the BSC perspective that firms could disclose in mind as noted by Debusk & Crabtree (2006) and Wang, et al. (2013). Since annual reports are mainstream amongst the means used to communicate performance to the public, it is recommendable that preparers of such documents should consider disclosing financial and non-financial performance measures; this will not only help a great deal in providing a comprehensive basis to judge organizational performances but will also assist in diffusing the clout created by asymmetry of information between preparers and users of performance reports.
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Appendix 1. Firms Disclosure Performance Based on Balanced Scorecard Assessment
Financial |
Customer |
Internal business |
Learning & growth |
Total BSCP Index |
Raw |
42 |
38 |
5 |
14 |
Scaled |
19.44 |
17.59 |
10.42 |
14.58 |
62.04 |
Raw |
42 |
40 |
5 |
10 |
Scaled |
19.44 |
18.52 |
10.42 |
10.42 |
58.80 |
Raw |
30 |
42 |
8 |
15 |
Scaled |
13.89 |
19.44 |
16.67 |
15.63 |
65.63 |
Raw |
42 |
27 |
6 |
15 |
Scaled |
19.44 |
12.50 |
12.50 |
15.63 |
60.07 |
Raw |
42 |
32 |
8 |
13 |
Scaled |
19.44 |
14.81 |
16.67 |
13.54 |
64.47 |
Raw |
45 |
30 |
6 |
12 |
Scaled |
20.83 |
13.89 |
12.50 |
12.5 |
59.72 |
Raw |
39 |
36 |
5 |
12 |
Scaled |
18.06 |
16.67 |
10.42 |
12.5 |
57.64 |
Raw |
39 |
24 |
6 |
6 |
Scaled |
18.06 |
11.11 |
12.5 |
6.25 |
47.92 |
Raw |
36 |
33 |
7 |
10 |
Scaled |
16.67 |
15.28 |
14.58 |
10.42 |
56.94 |
Raw |
51 |
24 |
6 |
6 |
Scaled |
23.61 |
11.11 |
12.50 |
6.25 |
53.47 |
Raw |
54 |
39 |
6 |
11 |
Scaled |
25.00 |
18.06 |
12.50 |
11.46 |
67.01 |
Raw |
36 |
31 |
6 |
14 |
Scaled |
16.67 |
14.35 |
12.50 |
14.58 |
58.10 |
Raw |
54 |
33 |
6 |
12 |
Scaled |
25.00 |
15.28 |
12.50 |
12.50 |
65.28 |
Raw |
43 |
26 |
6 |
18 |
Scaled |
19.91 |
12.04 |
12.50 |
18.75 |
63.19 |
Raw |
21 |
31 |
4 |
14 |
Scaled |
9.72 |
14.35 |
8.33 |
14.58 |
46.99 |
Raw |
41 |
32 |
6 |
12 |
Scaled |
19.0123 |
15.0000 |
12.5000 |
12.6389 |
59.1512 |
Source: Authors’ computation (2016)
1 Department of Accounting, University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria,
2 Department of Accounting, University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria,
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