EuroEconomica, Vol 36, No 1 (2017)

Quality of Services – Key Factor for the Image Creation of Tourist Destination

Gina Ionela Butnaru


Specialists consider that when a person is interested in the concept of quality, it will be considered as a reference point in both private and professional life, also associated with excellence and perfectionism. Nowadays, when the whole world appears to be saturated by ideological inventions, the authors were surprised and intrigued by the dynamism and complexity of this concept. Furthermore, considering the fact that the current research’s applicability lies in the services field, the authors consider that this subject is a current one, very developed and debated by specialists. The heterogeneity of services brings along challenges, which create new methods of evaluating the quality, others than in industry. Consequently, the current research intends to analyse the following: the evolution of the concept of quality, the quality of the provided services, as well as its competitive advantage in a hotel, aiming to draw up the Ishikawa (cause-and-effect) diagram. The realisation of quality in services is not possible anymore without strong management knowledge, and especially knowledge concerning competitiveness and competitive management. Therefore, the managers and the employees of the companies should desire, be able to, and know how to obtain quality through performance, to evaluate it, and to constantly improve it.


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