EuroEconomica, Vol 38, No 2 (2019)
Intrapreneurial Orientation in SMEs: A South African Perspective
The aim of this study is to identify South African constructs of Intrapreneurial Orientation aiding theinternal growth of SMEs. The study is qualitative in design and utilizes a triangulation approach by performinga Delphi study with South African entrepreneurship experts as well as semi-structured interviews with SMEemployees. The results reveal that IO elements promoting growth in SMEs are behavioral, attitudinal,managerial and environmental in nature. These constructs contain traditional Entrepreneurship Orientation(EO) elements as well as multi-dimensional factors centering on the individual in the SME. The findings of thisstudy allow for the development of a South African instrument investigating Intrapreneurial Orientation inSMEs. The constructs further allow established SMEs to improve their propensity to innovate by instilling anentrepreneurial spirit within their employees. To date, no South African study has been conducted intounderlying constructs of Intrapreneurial Orientation, a sub-field of Intrapreneurship which has received limitedattention in literature.
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