Vol 26, No 3 (2010)
Table of Contents
Country Case Studies
Poverty and inequality issues in Albania: trends and determinants | |
Elena Myftaraj (Tomori) |
Causal relationship between prices and wages: VECM analysis for Germany | |
Adriatik Hoxha |
An exploration of the status of emerging multinational enterprises in Mexico | |
Jose G. Vargas-Hernández, Mohammad Reza Noruzi |
The Financing Behaviour of Firms in a Developing Economy: The Nigerian scenario | |
Chinwe R. Okoyeuzu |
Fiscal Theory and Practice
A Critical Assessment of Fiscal Policy and Impact on Economic Growth. Albanian and Transition Economies Case | |
Haderi Sulo, T. Kola, E. Liko |
The profit tax versus the income tax for microenterprises | |
Constantin Cucosel |
Development Policies
Complex systems virtualization in the current’s economical context | |
Florin Postolache, Severin Bumbaru, Viorel Ariton |
Financial instruments designed to increase the competiveness of the European firms | |
Carmen Corduneanu, Nicoleta Moldovan, Oana Lobonţ |
The role of intangible assets in the process of value creation and models for measurement | |
Alexandrina Ghintuială |
The compatibility of Law’s no.85/2006 dispositions with the ones of the Civil Procedural Code regarding the insolvency procedure | |
Alexandrina Zaharia |
Book Review
Fiscal and budgetary policies and mechanisms (authors: Florin Marcel NUŢĂ & Alina Cristina NUŢĂ) | |
Coriolan Păunescu |