Acta Universitatis Danubius. Relationes Internationales, Vol 7, No 2 (2014)

Personalities, Cultural Identity, Intercultural Dialogue: V.A. Urechia

Anisoara Popa


Considering, as Tzvetan Todorov does, that “the intercultural dimension is part of the cultural dimension” and that personalities assumed different roles, according to the historic circumstances, the ideative sphere of the time, and the specific internal mechanisms of generating elites that each culture has, the goal of this paper is to provide a few comments on the personalities’ contribution in the intercultural dialogue, starting from the critical examination of the role that V.A. Urechia (1834-1901) - historian, politician and man of letters – had in redefining the national Romanian identity and in the development of the Romanian-Spanish cultural relations at the end of the 19th century. Applying the classical Freudian psychodynamic pattern of the personality structure to the culture, we propose a new point of view on the personalities’ role in intercultural dialogue.


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