Acta Universitatis Danubius. Relationes Internationales, Vol 11, No 1 (2018)

The Visit of President Richard Nixon in Bucharest, 2-3 August 1969

Anamaria Lepcaliuc


THE VISIT OF PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON IN BUCHAREST, 2-3 AUGUST 1969: The main objective of this article is to show that the visit that American President Richard Nixon made between 2-3 August 1969 in Romania, the first of an American president in a socialist state, was a great success for the Romanian Communist leader, Nicolae Ceausescu.

This visit raised the international prestige of the Romanian leader at odds unequaled by another Communist leaders in Eastern Europe. In addition, internally, the popularity and trust that the Romanians have shown them, have now reached the highest level of the last 25 years that Ceausescu has led the PCR and Romania.

This visit was a huge success for Nicolae Ceausescu's personal image, as a leader who wanted to assert himself on the international arena, but also on the internal legitimacy of Romanian adherence to the leader policies and initiatives in Bucharest.

The international equations of the visit have greatly contributed to the shaping of the image of a Romanian leader with personal and firm opinions that can not be influenced by other major power centers of the communist world, a leader who had a well-defined purpose in dealing with the US.


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