The Journal of Accounting and Management, Vol 5, No 2 (2015)

Exploring the Difficulties in Internet Banking Usage: The Case of Selected Nigerian Banks

Bojuwon Mustapha


This paper examines the variables associated with the usage and resistance of internet banking among bank customers in Nigeria. The issues identified include, the customers' belief that internet banking helps in achieving customers’ personal requirements, conveniences, cost effectiveness. The key variables identified in relation to the internet banking usage are resistance to internet banking by customers as a result of information security, availability reliability of the system structure, safety and basic charges for internet banking website connections. A total of 152 returned and usable data with 24 items was used for the analysis of internet banking among the selected Nigerian banks. The collected data were analyzed using WINSTEP software to validate the instrument by a measure of Rasch analysis. The result indicates that the usage of internet banking is reinvigorated on the high side of dealings with distinct drop in business deals and service charges. The impact of this paper lies in the classification of various internet banking activities provided by the financial institution in Nigeria


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