Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 9, No 3 (2013)
The Process of Denationalization in the Republic of Macedonia from the Perspective of International Law and in the Light of the Country’s Accession Process to the EU
After the dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in line withother Eastern European states, the Republic of Macedonia decided to transformits political, economic and social regime on the basis of the basic tenets of amodern state. This article deals with the restoration process of previouslydeprived private property by the communist regime from the perspective ofinternational and European legal commitments which became part of theMacedonian legal system through adhesion, ratification and statal succession. Italso presents the views of the European Union following the permanentmonitorization of the accession process, including that of the restoration ofthe pre-existent ownership structures, seen as necessary for the establishmentof a functioning market economy. In practice, the process of restitution ofreal property in Macedonia has proved to be quite inappropriate and it ismainly the result of poor Macedonian governance in general, generated by anineffective, inoperative public administration.
Full Text: 38-47
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