Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 10, No 3 (2014)
The Administration's Crisis Multiplied by the Crisis of the Administrated
The starting point of this work is the idea that the concept of "crisis" should be approached with no fear. It is necessary to understand it as the signal which attracts attention upon the fact that some changes are appropriate and that some rationally thought actions ought to be taken in order to soften the social phenomena occurring within a crisis period. We may say that in the core of the crisis lies impregnated the basic substance of progress and that the moment when a crisis is declared is as well the moment of a new start. It is necessary to anticipate the crisis, in order to prepare the adequate means able to soften up the shocks created by its incipit and to bring forward the progress through its action itself. One of the most necessary and useful instruments able to smooth down the crisis' effects is the early education provided to the citizens concerning the frame of the behavior to be adopted in case of crisis. The officials and the public servants are the social actors who constitute the interface between the citizen who is going to suffer the crisis and this latter's exerted pressure. The personnel from the public administration has to assume the hardest role in reducing the most possible the crisis' effects. Some possibilities are analysed that could reduce the effects of the economical, social and political crises, among which the most important is the quality of juridical norms. The Romanian legislation concerning the public charge is studied, in respect to its capacity to motivate the public servant to perform at his up most level, during crisis periods but not only then. The idea is emphasized that panic and uncontrolled social movements in case of a crisis might lead to the multiplying of the negative effects. The personnel from the public administration comes to a direct confrontation with the pressure of the negative effect of the crisis, as it is received by the public administration - understood as a structure, multiplied by the number of persons which compose the civil society. Thus we may speak of a double sensed multiplying: the administration's crisis multiplied by the crisis of the administrated. This perspective involves a size index of more than 16 millions and might generate uncontrollable social phenomena. The central public administration holds the role of elaborating projects of normative acts and plans of concrete measures in order to prevent all types of crises. When the crisis is impossible to prevent, some management plans are required from it. De lege ferenda suggestions are formulated.
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