Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 12, No 1 (2016)
The compensation of non-contractual damages caused by administrative bodies in Albania
The responsibility of extra organs in the public administration (which includes state administration and public entities) regulates the area where the damage, resulting not for an existing contract between Albanian citizens or foreign legal person domestically or internationally but due to the lack of a relationship earlier. If a decision or action or inaction of state/public either faulty or not, his own or its employee material entails a non-pecuniary damage to people, the state is responsible and fully rewards the damage.
Compensation and understanding of these lawsuits regulated by Law no. 8510/1999 "On liability of organs of state administration." The article 1 of this law provides that: "The state administration bodies are responsible for property and damage, caused to natural or legal people, private, domestic or foreign. Extra-responsibility of state administrative bodies governed by the provisions of this law and the Civil Code of the Republic of Albania. "
In this paper will be analyzed the criteria of responsibility provided by the upper law but also specific criteria determined in the Civil Code for tort liability under Article 608 to 652.
This research aims to help citizens of the types that require damages and rewards extent expected by the public administration.
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