Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 13, No 2 (2017)

The implications of the European integration process of Kosovo's constitutional order

Flamur Hyseni


In this article I have analyzed and studied on which are the implications of the European integration process of Kosovo’s constitutional order and how much Kosovo has institutional order used the effects of the European integration process. I’ve made a brief analysis of the establishment of the constitutional order of Kosovo in the former federal state of Yugoslavia and establishment of Kosovo under international administration. However an analyze and more detailed study I’ve made on the first report of contracting between Kosovo and EU, Stabilization and Association Agreement which will be implemented in Kosovo through the National Program for the Implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement that was approved by the Government on 16 December 2015 and by the Assembly on 10 March 2016.

The other aspect of the study and analysis in this article is the study of acts to protect the territorial integrity of Kosovo, which are: 12244/99 resolution of the UN Security Council, Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government in Kosovo, 16 May 2001, Declaration of Independence, 17 February 2008 and the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, 09 April 2008. 


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