Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 15, No 1 (2019)

Stock Companies in Kosovo

Majlinda Belegu, Bashkim Rrahmani


Abstract:  Law on Business Organizations recognizes the stock companies as the type of business society. The paper will use methods of analysis, method of comparison, method of systemic analysis, etc. In addition to these methods author will use the combined methodology in order to reach the main goal of the paper.

If the stock companies belong to business societies, the after their registration what is their legal arrangement? According to the Law on Business Organizations, the stock companies could have only one shareholder and many or a lot of them. Each shareholder has its shares which is the property of the shareholder. Shares could be transferred from a shareholder to other judicial/physic persons. The founding capital of stock companies is determined by the law. This society is judicial person which is responsible for all its obligations and for these obligations it is responsible with its assets and its property. Personal property of shareholders doesn’t contain the property of shareholders companies. Shareholder is responsible for society with its wealth only if shareholder abuses with the shareholder company. Paper analyzes competences in the society and the duration of foundation, then statute, memorandum an regulations of the society are analyzed is analyzed. Author with the paper covers and analyzes the founding capital and the organs of the stock companies, always determined by the law. Paper also explains the ways of the dissolution of the stock companies.





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