Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 7, No 6 (2011)

Aspects of Romania's Economic Efforts in the Second World War

Stefan Gheorghe


Romania's participation in the Second World War was caused by loss of an area of ​​approximately 1/3 of the national territory and has 6 million inhabitants, for the three neighbors of the Romanian state, that the Soviet Union, Hungary and Bulgaria will be the reason fundamental of Romania's participation in military operations on both fronts, east and west of the Second World War. Although Romania's war economic effort, amounted to the enormous amount of 1,200,000,000 dollars in 1938 currency, a situation an honorable fourth place in the hierarchy of the United Nations that led the fight against Germany, co-belligerent status, the country justly deserved our will be refused for political reasons known only to the Great Powers. Of all the states, are in a situation somewhat similar to that of Romania, no one made an effort not so much military or economic in defeating Germany.


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