Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 11, No 1 (2015)

The Complete Theory of Cobb-Douglas Production Function

Cătălin Angelo Ioan1, Gina Ioan2

Abstract. The paper treats various aspects concerning the Cobb-Douglas production function. On the one hand were highlighted conditions for the existence of the Cobb-Douglas function. Also were calculated the main indicators of it and short and long-term costs. It has also been studied the dependence of long-term cost of the parameters of the production function. The determination of profit was made both for perfect competition market and maximizes its conditions. Also we have studied the effects of Hicks and Slutsky and the production efficiency problem.

Keywords: production function; Cobb-Douglas; Hicks; Slutsky

1. Introduction

To conduct any economic activity is absolutely indispensable the existence of inputs, in other words of any number of resources required for a good deployment of the production process. We will assume that all resources are indefinitely divisible.

We define on Rn the production space for n fixed resources as SP=(x1,...,xn)xi0, i= where xSP, x=(x1,...,xn) is an ordered set of resources and, because inside a production process, depending on the nature of applied technology, not any amount of resources is possible, we will restrict production space to a convex subset DpSP – called the domain of production.

We will call a production function an application:

Q:DpR+, (x1,...,xn)Q(x1,...,xn)R+ (x1,...,xn)Dp

which satisfies the following axioms:

A1. Q(0,...,0)=0;

A2. The production function is of class C2 on Dp that is it admits partial derivatives of order 2 and they are continuous on Dp;

A3. The production function is monotonically increasing in each variable, that is: 0, i= ;

A4. The production function is quasi-concave (see Appendix).

Considering a production function Q:DpR+ and R+ - fixed, the set of inputs which generate the production called isoquant. An isoquant is therefore characterized by: {(x1,...,xn)DpQ(x1,...,xn)= } or, in other words, it is the inverse image .

We will say that a production function Q:DpR+ is constant return to scale if Q(x1,...,xn)=Q(x1,...,xn), with increasing return to scale if Q(x1,...,xn)>Q(x1,...,xn) and decreasing return to scale if Q(x1,...,xn)Q(x1,...,xn) (1,) (x1,...,xn)Dp.

2. The Cobb-Douglas Production Function

The Cobb-Douglas function has the following expression:

Q:D -{0}R+, (x1,...,xn)Q(x1,...,xn)= R+ (x1,...,xn)D, A , 1,...,nR*

Computing the partial derivatives of first and second order, we get:




Let the bordered Hessian matrix:

We find (not so easy): = , k= .

Because (-1)k = , if 0, k= it follows that the function is strictly quasi-concave. Also, if the function is quasi-concave we have that 0.

But from the axiom A3 we must have that 0 that is i0. After these considerations we have that if i0, i= the Cobb-Douglas function is strictly quasi-concave.

We have now: = = and r= .

The main indicators are:

  • = = , i=

  • = = , i=

  • RMS(i,j)= , i,j=

  • RMS(i)= , i=

  • = , i=

  • ij=-1, i,j=

Reciprocally, if for a homogenous production function of degree r: = , i= we have that: , i= and .

But now, we have:

= (where ^ means that the variable is missing).

We have now: . For ji we obtain now: therefore: . Integrating with respect to :

therefore: . Analogously, by recurrence: with A=constant with respect to . But: . After these considerations it follows that if it is homogenous of degree r, r must be . Finally: implies that: Q(x1,...,xn)= = = = - the Cobb-Douglas production function.

Considering now again the Cobb-Douglas production: Q(x1,...,xn)= let search the dependence of the parameters 1,...,n.

We have: = = 0 xi1, i= . From this relation we have that at an increasing of a parameter i the production Q will increase also.

In particular, for the Cobb-Douglas function related to capital K and labor L: Q=AKL we have that the main indicators are:

  • =

  • =

  • =

  • =

  • RMS(K,L)=RMS(K)=

  • RMS(L,K)= RMS(L)=

  • =

  • =

  • =KL=-1

3. The Costs of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function

Considering now the problem of minimizing costs for a given production Q0, where the prices of inputs are pi, i= , we have:

From the obvious relations: we obtain: and from the second equation: . Noting r= we finally obtain:

= , k=

The total cost is:

TC= = .

At a price change of one factor, i.e. xk, from the value pk to we have: =

where the relative variation of the total cost is: .

Let us now consider the behavior of the total cost of production function at a parameters variation. We have:

Therefore: 0 . If we note: 0 and M= 0 we obtain that: 0 .

Considering now the function f:(0,)R, f(x)= we have 0 therefore f is strictly increasing. Because and the equation: has a unique solution called cost threshold with respect to the k-th parameter. After these considerations we have that for k the total cost will increase at an increasing of k and after it will decrease.

The situation may seem paradoxical that at the growth of the elasticity of one input, total cost increases. Fortunately, due to the sharp rise of f, the values of are very small so it does not significantly affect processes.

Like an example, considering the production function Q(K,L)=KL, ,0 we have that the behavior of 0 related to is (for Q=5):

Figure 1

The long-term total cost for =0.7 and variable is shown in figure 2:

Figure 2

where the maximum value is reached for =0.025.

If we consider for a given output Q0, the inputs x1,...,xn such that: let where ^ means that the term is missing.

We have STCk= = representing the short-term total cost when factors remain constant.

We put now the question of determining the envelope of the family of hypersurfaces:


Conditions to be met are:

After the elimination of parameters we have either the locus of singular points of hypersurfaces (which is not the case for the present issue) or envelope sought.

We have therefore:

Noting: = it follows:

from where: . Finally: = and replacing:


We obtained so that the envelope of the family of hypersurfaces of the short-term total cost when all inputs are constant except one is just the long-term cost obtained from nonlinear optimization problem with respect to the minimizing of the cost for a given production.

Calculating the costs derived from the (long-term or short-term) total cost now, we have:

ATC= = (average long-term total cost)

MTC= = = (marginal long-term total cost)

ASTCk= = (average short-term total cost)

MCk= = (marginal short-term total cost)

VTCk= (variable short-term total cost)

AVTCk= = (average variable short-term total cost)

FTCk= (fixed short-term total cost)

AFTCk= = (average fixed short-term total cost)

The extreme of the function ASTCk(Q0)= are given by:

= =0 from where:

when k1 and the minimum value is:

= .

If k1 it follows that 0 therefore the average short-term total cost will decrease.

Finally we have:

- the coefficient of elasticity of long-term total cost with respect to the price factor i

- the coefficient of elasticity of long-term total cost with respect to the production Q0

- the coefficient of elasticity of average long-term total cost with respect to the price factor i

- the coefficient of elasticity of marginal long-term total cost with respect to the price factor i

In particular, for the Cobb-Douglas function related to capital K and labor L: Q=AKL we have:




On the short-term, we have for constancy of K: STCL= and









The extreme of the function: ASTCL(Q0) is given by: when 1 and the minimum value is: .

, , , , , , .

4. The Profit

Now consider a sale price of output Q0: p(Q0). The profit is therefore:

(Q0)= p(Q0)Q0-TC(Q0)

It is known that in a market with perfect competition, the price is given and equals marginal cost. The profit on long-term becomes:

(Q0)=p(Q0)Q0-TC(Q0)=MTC(Q0)Q0-TC(Q0)= =

In particular, for the Cobb-Douglas function related to capital K and labor L: Q=AKL we have: (Q0)= .

On short-term, when factors remain constant, we have:



(Q0)= =

Like a conclusion, the company will make a profit in the short-term if, under constancy factors , the amount of factor xk will be higher than if k1 and less than if k1. If k=1 then the firm will incur losses.

For Q=AKL we have that if K=constant, the company will make a profit in the short-term in the case 1 if L and in the case 1 if L . If =1 the firm will incur losses.

The condition of profit maximization for an arbitrarily price p, depending on the factors of production, is: = from where , i= or otherwise: and finally: . Because Q is quasi-concave the solution of the characteristic system is the unique point of maximum. How Q= we obtain that the appropriate production is: = therefore, if r1: and the factors: , i= .

The maximum profit is: = .

If r=1 the necessary condition for profit maximization is: or p must be: p= therefore the amount of factors are not independent, that is, for a fixed factor, let say xs: and: , i= , is. The profit is: =0 for any amount of xs.

For Q=AKL we have that, if +1:

, , ,

and if +=1 the necessary condition for profit maximization is: , , , .

At a variable price p(Q) we have now: (Q)=p(Q)Q-CT(Q) therefore the necessary condition for profit maximization is =0 therefore: .

Substituting the expression of MTC we obtain: where we noted: = . But this differential equation gives us: , CR+ and the profit (Q)=p(Q)Q-CT(Q)=C. Therefore, for the maximum of the profit (Q)=C we must have the price , CR+. Because: we have that if r1, the price will decrease with production and if r1 for the price will decrease and for the price will increase. If r=1 we have that and the price will decrease with production.

For Q=AKL we have and for the profit (Q)=C we must have the price . If +1, the price will decrease with production and if +1 for the price will decrease and for the price will increase. If +=1 we have that and the price will decrease with production.

5. The Hicks and Slutsky Effects for the Cobb-Douglas Production Function

Now consider the production function Q(x1,...,xn)= and factor prices . The non-linear programming problem relative to maximize production at a given total cost (CT0) is:

Because the objective function is quasi-concave and also the restriction (being affine) and the partial derivatives are all positive we find that the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions are also sufficient. Therefore, we have:

From the first equations we obtain:


Substituting the first n-1 relations into the last we finally find that: and the appropriate production: Q0(x1,...,xn)= .

Suppose now that some of the prices of factors of production (possibly after renumbering, we may assume that they are: x1,...,xs) is modified to values , the rest remain constant.

From the above, it results:

We will apply in the following, the method of Hicks. To an input price change, let consider that it remains unchanged, leading thus to a change of the total cost. We therefore have:

from where:

With the new total cost, the optimal amounts of inputs become:

The Hicks substitution effect which preserves the production is therefore:

The difference caused by the old cost instead the new total cost one is therefore:

Let now calculate the new prices influence to the effects of substitution and of new cost in the Hicks effect.

We have:

After these relations, it follows that the effect of substitution at the increase of the price xk, k= is reduced, while the effect of new cost is reduced if or it increase if .

We shall apply now the Slutsky method for our analysis.

At the modify of the price of the factors x1,...,xs, the total cost for the same optimal combination of factors is:


The appropriate production is:


The Slutsky substitution effect which not preserves the production is therefore:

and the difference caused by the old production instead the new production one is therefore:

Let us now calculate the influence of the new prices on the effects of substitution and new cost in Slutsky effect.

We have:

Therefore the effect of substitution at a price increase of the factor xk, k= is reduced, while the effect due to production decrease in case 0 or it increase if 0.

6. Production Efficiency of Cobb-Douglas Production Function

Let now two Cobb-Douglas production functions for two goods , and a number of n inputs F1,...,Fn available in quantities . The production functions of or are:


appropriate to the consumption of xk units of factor Fk, k= .

We have seen that: , , i= .

The production contract curve satisfies:

, i=

Dividing for ij: and for i=1: , j= . Finally, for xi= we have the equation of production contract curve:

If we consider now the input prices: p1,...,pn we have that for the production contract curve: x1=g1(),...,xn=gn(), R:


, j= .

For =1 we then obtain: p1=1, , j= .

If the initial allocation of factors of production was we have that therefore: = where r1= .

For this value we find now the final allocation:

If now the two production functions are: , we have that for limited quantities of capital and labor the equation of production contract curve is:

and the final allocation for an initial one: :

where .

7. The Concrete Determination of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function

Considering an affine function: f:RnR, f(x1,...,xn)=1x1+...+nxn+n+1 and a set of m>n+1 data: , k= the problem of determining i, i= using the least square method is to minimize the expression: that is to solve the system:

Considering the matrix:

and the cofactor of the (i,j)-element in we will obtain:

Considering now a production function Q(x1,...,xn)= we put the problem of concrete determination of the parameters A, i, i= .

Let therefore a set of m>n+1 data: , k= .

Considering the logarithm of Q, we have: therefore we will modify the data set to the new one: , k= .

From above:

where .

For the Cobb-Douglas Q=Q(K,L)=AKL we have therefore, for the set: :

, ,

8. Conclusions

The above analysis reveals several aspects. On the one hand were highlighted conditions for the existence of the Cobb-Douglas function. Also were calculated the main indicators of its and short and long-term costs. It has also been studied the dependence of long-term cost of the parameters of the production function. The determination of profit was made both for perfect competition market and maximize its conditions. Also we have studied the effects of Hicks and Slutsky and the production efficiency problem.

9. Appendix

A.1. Mathematical concepts

A function Q:DRnR, D – convex set, is quasi-concave if:

Q(x+(1-)y)min(Q(x),Q(y)) [0,1] x,yD

and is strictly quasi-concave if:

Q(x+(1-)y)min(Q(x),Q(y)) (0,1) x,yD

A function Q:DRnR, D – convex set, is quasi-convex if:

Q(x+(1-)y)max(Q(x),Q(y)) [0,1] x,yD

and is strictly quasi-convex if:

Q(x+(1-)y)max(Q(x),Q(y)) (0,1) x,yD

Geometrically speaking, a quasi-concave function has the property to be above the lowest values ​​recorded at the ends of some segment. This property is equivalent with the convexity of the set Q-1[a,)={xDQ(x)a} aR.

Note also that if f and g are arbitrary functions:

  • f – quasi-concave (quasi-convex) implies that -f is quasi-convex (quasi-concave);

  • f – strictly quasi-concave (quasi-convex) implies that f is quasi-concave (quasi-convex);

  • f - quasi-concave (quasi-convex) implies that f is quasi-concave (quasi-convex) for any 0;

  • f,g - quasi-concave (quasi-convex) imply that min(f,g) (max(f,g)) is quasi-concave (quasi-convex) for any ,0;

  • f - quasi-concave (quasi-convex) and g:RR is increasing imply that gf:DR is quasi-concave (quasi-convex);

  • fC1(D) is (strictly) quasi-concave if and only if: f(x)f(y) x,yD;

  • fC1(D) is (strictly) quasi-convex if and only if: f(x)f(y) x,yD;

  • A monotonically function f:DRR is quasi-concave and quasi-convex;

  • Any affine function is quasi-concave and quasi-convex.

Considering now the bordered hessian matrix:


and the bordered principal diagonal determinants:

= , k=

we have the following theorems:

Theorem If the function f:D R, D – convex, fC2(D) is quasi-concave then 0, k= .

Theorem In order that the function f:D R, D – convex, fC2(D) be quasi-concave is sufficient that 0, k= .

A.2. The main indicators of production functions

Let a production function:

Q:DpR+, (x1,...,xn)Q(x1,...,xn)R+ (x1,...,xn)Dp

We will call the marginal productivity relative to a production factor xi: = representing the trend of variation of production at the variation of the factor xi. In particular, for a production function of the form: Q=Q(K,L) we have K= - called the marginal productivity of capital and L= - called the marginal productivity of labor.

We call the average productivity relative to a production factor xi: = representing the value of production at the consumption of a unit of factor xi. In particular, for a production function of the form: Q=Q(K,L) we have: wK= - called the productivity of capital, and wL= - the productivity of labor.

Considering the factors i and j with ij, we define the restriction of production area: Pij=(x1,...,xn)xk=ak=const, k= , ki,j, xi,xjDp relative to the two factors when the others have fixed values. Also, let: Dij=(xi,xj)(x1,...,xn)Pij - the domain of production relative to factors i and j.

We define: Qij:DijR+ - the restriction of the production function to the factors i and j, i.e.: Qij(xi,xj)=Q(a1,...,ai-1,xi,ai+1,...,aj-1,xj,aj+1,...,an). The functions Qij define a surface in R3 for every pair of factors (i,j).

We will call partial marginal rate of technical substitution of the factors i and j, relative to Dij (caeteris paribus), the opposite change in the amount of factor j to substitute a variation of the quantity of factor i in the situation of conservation production level.

We will note: RMS(i,j)= and we have, since Qij(xi,xj)=Q0=constant: RMS(i,j)= . Obviously . We also define the global marginal rate of substitution between the i-th factor and the others: RMS(i)= . The global marginal rate of technical substitution is the minimum (in the meaning of norm) of changes in consumption of factors so that the total production remain unchanged.

In particular, for a production function of the form: Q=Q(K,L) we have: RMS(K,L)= RMS(K)= , RMS(L,K)=RMS(L)= .

It is called elasticity of production in relation to a production factor xi: = = - the relative variation of production at the relative variation of factor xi.

In particular, for a production function of the form: Q=Q(K,L) we have K= - called the elasticity of production in relation to the capital and L= - the elasticity factor of production in relation to the labor.

Let note now for arbitrary factors xi, xj: ij= , i,j= , ij and we call the factor endowment ratio with the factor i relative to factor j.

It is called the elasticity of marginal rate of technical substitution for a production function relative to inputs i and j: ij= , i,j= , ij and represents the relative variation of marginal rate of technical substitution relative to factors i and j at the relative variation of the factor endowment ratio with factor i relative to factor j.

We have therefore: ij= = .

Considering now a production function Q:DpR+, (x1,...,xn)Q(x1,...,xn)R+ (x1,...,xn)Dp, homogenous of degree r, let note for an arbitrary factor (for example xn): i= , i= . Of course: ij= .

We obviously have:

Q(x1,...,xn)= =

Considering the restriction of the production function at Dp : = we can write:


With the new function introduced, the above indicators are:

  • = , i=

  • =

  • = , i=

  • =

  • RMS(i,j)= , i,j=

  • RMS(i,n)= , i=

  • RMS(i)= , i=

  • RMS(n)=

  • = , i=

  • =

  • ij=

  • in=

For a production function of the form: Q=Q(K,L), , :

  • =

  • =

  • =

  • =

  • RMS(K,L)=RMS(K)=

  • =

  • =

  • =KL=

A.3. Necessary and sufficient conditions for nonlinear optimization

Considering now the non-linear programming problem:

where f,gC2(Dp) and a solution = the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions occur: iR+, i= so that:

where F is the gradient of F defined by: F= and =1 for the case of maximizing and =-1 in the case of minimizing.

If f,gi, i= are of class C2, from [1] follows, for the maximizing case, the sufficiency of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions takes place in the broader framework of quasi-concavity of functions f and g and, moreover, if for a solution = one of the conditions occurs:

  • k= such that 0;

  • k= such that 0 and 0;

  • 0;

  • f is concave.

For the problem:

replacing f with –f and taking into account that = follows that Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions becomes:

, iR+, i=

and sufficiency reduces to one of the cases:

  • k= such that 0;

  • k= such that 0 and 0;

  • 0;

  • f is convex.

In the particular case of the problem of minimizing the total cost (TC) relative to a production function Q=Q(x1,...,xn) and pi, i= - the prices of inputs: the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions are: . Because =0 implies pk=0 – which is absurd in economic terms, results: 0 then: or, with another expression: . Because the objective function is affine, Q is quasi-concave and, in addition =pk0 follows, from the foregoing, that these conditions are sufficient.

A.4. Production efficiency

Let us consider in the following two goods , and a number of n inputs F1,...,Fn available in quantities , and the production functions of or as follows:


appropriate to the consumption of xk units of factor Fk, k= . We will assume that the production functions are of class C2 inside space production SP.

We will build the Edgeworth’s box consisting in a n-dimensional parallelepiped: the quantities of being relative to and those of relative to on the parallelepiped sides. Let consider an initial allocation of inputs for and :


where ai+bi= , i= . The productions appropriate to the initial allocation are: , relative to O and F, respectively. Because bi= -ai, i= we have: = . The production function of is therefore: and means the production of relative to the origin of axes. We have now: , , i,j= therefore is also quasi-concave but with negative partial derivatives of order 1. Considering the isoproduction hypersurfaces, it follows that (relative to O) those of is convex, while that of is concave.

Let - the production zone of superior to and - the production zone of superior to .

Suppose now that int  (int means the interior of the set, i.e. those points for which there is a n-dimensional cube centered in them sufficiently small side and included in the given set).

Let now a point int and also let the straight line that passes through the origin and C. Let note the intersection with the isoproduction hypersurface and the intersection with the isoproduction hypersurface . We have now and . Because is convex we obtain that: and - concave implies that or . After these inequalities follows that the production of each good can increase, so the initial allocation is not optimal.

We call Pareto’s efficiency the situation where new production can not improve without affecting the other’s production. From the foregoing, it follows that the Pareto’s efficiency is obtained if the isoproduction hypersurfaces are tangent.

The condition of tangency for Q= and Q= = is reduced to the determination of those points where , i= , R i.e. those points where hypersurfaces intersect and have the same tangent hyperplane (directors parameters are proportional). Taking into account that = we have that: , i= , =-R.

In marginal notation, we have: , i= , R.

For two inputs (K and L) the above relations are equivalent with: . On the other hand: = - marginal rate of technical substitution of capital for and = - marginal rate of technical substitution of capital for . The upper equality becomes: = .

All of the points where the allocation is Pareto’s efficient generates the production contract curve.

Contract curve represents all combinations of goods for which no party can maximize its production without diminishing the other’s production. On the other hand, any point on the curve represents a possible allocation contracts. The problem is this: if one good will be produced in order to reach the maximum level, what will do the other?

Considering now the prices of n inputs as p1,...,pn the total cost is: TC= and it maximize the production if it is tangent to the isoproduction hypersurface. But each good want to be produced in maximum quantity therefore:


or, in other words, the cost hyperplane will be tangent to both isoproduction hypersurfaces, that is it will coincide with the common tangent hyperplane.

Considering the production contract curve of the form:

x1=g1(),...,xn=gn(), R


from where:

pk= , 0, k=

We note that prices are determined up to a multiplicative factor, which does not affect the result of the problem and can therefore consider =1. If the initial allocation of factors of production was , the total cost of production of is = . The new amounts of factors (which also satisfy the same total cost) involves: . Replacing the values of pk into this equation:

hence we will find R. Substituting in the appropriate expressions, will result pk and xk, k= .

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1 Associate Professor, PhD, Danubius University of Galati, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd, Galati, Romania, Tel.: +40372 361 102, Fax: +40372 361 290, Corresponding author:

2 Assistant Professor, PhD in progress, Danubius University of Galati, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd, Galati, Romania, Tel.: +40372 361 102, Fax: +40372 361 290, E-mail:

AUDŒ, Vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 74-114


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