Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 12, No 6 (2016)
The Relationship between Spatial Interdependencies in the European Union and the Trade-I
Cătălin Angelo Ioan1, Gina Ioan2
Abstract: The article treats the links between imports of EU countries and relative distances between them. Mostly there are linear regressions equations that modeling the import relative to the spatial relations between states.
Keywords: graph; European Union; Bellman; trade; export; import
1. The Development of Trade in the Context of Globalization
Although there is no universally accepted definition, the term globalization is often used in economic literature, the purpose of internationalization of trade in goods and services, capital and labor.
In conditions of globalization, of growing interdependence of the world's countries and the complexity of the global economy, we are seeing a diversification of increasingly sharp trade. Factors that influenced the development of trade relations, the global economic circuit are mainly economic, and we refer to scientific and technical progress, deepening international division of labor and, sometimes, these factors putting on a political form.
Economic flows occurring in the global economy reveals changes in the economic development of states, changes which stay at the underlying economic structure and dynamics of the circuit.
In this context, foreign trade (import and export) is an important component of analysis and assessment of an economic structure that aim for, among other components, macrostabilization and building an efficient economy.
With the advent in 1776 of the work of Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations and waiver of mercantilist doctrine, free trade has become a way of enhancing mutual income of the countries that were involved in this kind of activity.
Following the Great Depression of 1929-1933, foreign trade experienced a sharp decrease due to the establishment and protectionism and trade barriers.
Between the end of the Second World War and the mid-1970s, trade has experienced significant growth when its volume recorded an annual growth rate of 5.8%, while production registered an annual growth rate 3.9%. After 1975 until the late 1980s, both production volumes and trade volumes have declined growth rates of around 4.1% per year, i.e. 3.3% per year ([1]).
An important role in the development of international trade theory have had after 1980 neoliberal theorists, Milton Friedman and Friedrich von Hayek August, who believed that the state should have a role traditionally supervisor of order.
Until the 1980s, the trend of openness to foreign markets was higher for industrial countries to emerging countries. After this period, however, there have been major changes in the structure of trade in terms of emerging countries.
The rapid growth of domestic production in the emerging countries, which led to the economic expansion of the early 2000s, increased the share of these countries in all international trade from 19% in the early 1970s to over 30% in 2002.
Progress in recent years is based on the competitiveness of the countries of the world which is due mainly financial and trade interdependence. As globalization is in full swing, international trade, the premise of sustainable development of all parts of the world economy, constitute the main vector of its manifestation.
The increase of the level and dynamics of trade flows, capital flows, information flows and the degree of labor mobility are influenced by globalization.
2. The Determination of Minimum Length of Roads Between EU Countries
In this section we shall determine the minimum lengths of the roads between EU countries for the purposes of considering only the existence arcs (actually the edges, since this is an undirected graph) between them, and not the actual distance.
First, let consider the graph of European Union in terms of links that is, if two countries have a common border we assign an edge of unitary length between them.
Figure 1
Source: (Ioan & Ioan, 2016)
01 – Austria, 02 – Belgium, 03 – Bulgaria, 04 – Croatia, 05 – Cyprus, 06 - Czech Republic, 07 – Denmark, 08 – Estonia, 09 – Finland, 10 – France, 11 – Germany, 12 – Greece, 13 – Hungary, 14 – Ireland, 15 – Italy, 16 – Latvia, 17 – Lithuania, 18 – Luxembourg, 19 – Malta, 20 – Netherlands, 21 – Poland, 22 – Portugal, 23 – Romania, 24 – Slovakia, 25 – Slovenia, 26 – Spain, 27 – Sweden, 28 - United Kingdom.
now the matrix of the graph D1=(dij)M28(R)
where dij=1
when between xi
and xj
(the nodes appropriate to the countries) there exists an arc, dij=
if there isn’t an arc between xi
and xj
and dii=0
The determination of minimum distances in the terms of minimal number of arcs between two nodes can be made with the Bellman-Kalaba algorithm which consists of several steps:
Step 0: Let fix a node xk for the determination of minimum lengths of roads from the other nodes to it.
1: Noting v(i)R28
the vector containing the minimum lengths of roads from the nodes
to xk
with most "i" arcs, we have that the column matrix “k”
of D1
contains lengths of roads formed with a single arc from xi,
to xk.
2: Assume that were determined v(i),
with s1
and the matrix Ds=
is the minimum length of the road with most (s+1) arches from the xi
to xk,
necessarily passing through xj.
It is then determined,
which represents the minimum length of the roads with most than “s+1”
arcs from xi
the node reference xk,
thus generating the vector v(s+1).
Step 3: The algorithm is repeated until for t1: v(t+1)=v(t) that is the minimum length of not more than “t” arcs may not decrease at the addition of an additional arc.
The Bellman-Kalaba algorithm, for the matrix of the graph (appendix A.1) gives the matrix of minimum distances between countries (appendix A.2) that is the minimum number of arcs necessary for the transition from one country to another.
Because this matrix has the great disadvantage that regions far from the reference country have greater values we shall act as follows.
first make the hypothesis that if between two countries there exists
a shorter road the trade exchanges are bigger. If a volume of goods
must be carried from one country to another (situated at the distance
“m” – in terms of edges) let note with t the
necessary time. The necessary time for carry the same volume to a
road of length 1 is therefore
After this analysis, the provider country take into consideration an
export of a volume equal with
After these, we shall transform the matrix from table A.2, let say
in the matrix with elements
if ij
(because a country cannot do exports or imports in itself). The
elements of matrix
mean the degree of strength of links between countries.
correction we shall make at this matrix. Because we want to multiply
with column vectors which give informations about various economic
indicators, the sum of the products will not reflects the global link
of the involved country to the others. For this reason, we shall
normalize the elements of
obtaining in the final, the matrix G=
where gij=
if ij,
(appendix A.3). This will be the reference matrix which it be used in
all our computations.
3. The Analysis of the Imports in EU Countries
In this section we shall analyze the relations between the export of EU countries and imports of each of them.
In Appendix A.4 and A.5 we have the tables of exports and imports of European Union countries during 2004-2015.
Multiplying the matrix G with the values from tables A.4 and A.5, we find the tables A.8-A.11 in Appendix A.6.
Because not all exports from one country will be transferred to the EU reference country, we shall search if there is a linear dependence between real imports and computed imports (after the results from tables A.8-A.11).
In the case of Austria, from Appendix A.7 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9691), having finally:
IM_AT(t)=0.0203EX_BE(t)+0.0136EX_BG(t)+0.0203EX_HR(t)+0.0136EX_CY(t)+0.0406EX_CZ(t)+0.0203EX_DK(t)+0.0081EX_EE(t)+0.0102EX_FI(t)+0.0203EX_FR(t)+0.0406EX_DE(t)+ 0.0203EX_EL(t)+0.0406EX_HU(t)+0.0102EX_IE(t)+0.0406EX_IT(t)+0.0102EX_LV(t)+ 0.0136EX_LT(t)+0.0203EX_LU(t)+0.0203EX_MT(t)+0.0203EX_NL(t)+0.0203EX_PL(t)+ 0.0102EX_PT(t)+0.0203EX_RO(t)+0.0406EX_SK(t)+0.0406EX_SI(t)+0.0136EX_ES(t)+
where IM_ means real imports, EX_ means real exports, t – the reference time and the abbreviations for countries are the usual: Austria – AT, Belgium – BE, Bulgaria – BG, Croatia – HR, Cyprus – CY, Czech Republic – CZ, Denmark – DK, Estonia – EE, Finland – FI, France – FR, Germany – DE, Greece – EL, Hungary – HU, Ireland – IE, Italy – IT, Latvia – LV, Lithuania – LT, Luxembourg – LU, Malta – MT, Netherlands – NL, Poland – PL, Portugal – PT, Romania – RO, Slovakia – SK, Slovenia – SI, Spain – ES, Sweden – SE, United Kingdom – UK.
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 1) indicates that there are no large differences except Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia (figure 3). Also, we can see that the real exports of EU-countries in Austria are below of those suggested by the regression equation which means that imports are below the potential offered by its geographic position.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 1.36%.
Table 1. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Austria (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
- |
- |
Italy |
4.06% |
2.10% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
4.06% |
0.85% |
Latvia |
1.02% |
0.37% |
Bulgaria |
1.36% |
1.80% |
Lithuania |
1.36% |
0.43% |
Croatia |
2.03% |
6.30% |
Malta |
2.03% |
0.32% |
Czech Republic |
4.06% |
4.50% |
Netherlands |
2.03% |
0.91% |
Denmark |
2.03% |
0.70% |
Poland |
2.03% |
1.80% |
Estonia |
0.81% |
0.32% |
Portugal |
2.03% |
0.92% |
Finland |
1.02% |
0.71% |
Romania |
1.02% |
2.30% |
France |
2.03% |
0.87% |
Slovakia |
2.03% |
5.70% |
Germany |
4.06% |
4.70% |
Slovenia |
4.06% |
7.90% |
Greece |
2.03% |
0.66% |
Spain |
4.06% |
0.97% |
Hungary |
4.06% |
5.00% |
Sweden |
1.36% |
1.00% |
Ireland |
1.02% |
1.10% |
United Kingdom |
1.36% |
0.57% |
Figure 2. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Austria (in percent)
In the case of Belgium, from Appendix A.8 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9536), having finally:
Also, in the case of Luxembourg, from Appendix A.9 we can see that is a weak link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.4959), having finally:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 2) indicates that there are no large differences except Germany (figure 3) for which the imports are much below the distance and on the other side Ireland and Netherlands which imports exceed much distances to both countries. Also, we can see that the real exports of EU-countries in Belgium and Luxembourg are below of those suggested by the regression equation which means that imports are below the potential offered by its geographic position.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 2.46%.
Table 2. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Belgium+Luxembourg (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
4.70% |
1.80% |
Italy |
4.70% |
3.20% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
- |
- |
Latvia |
2.35% |
1.80% |
Bulgaria |
2.35% |
3.30% |
Lithuania |
3.13% |
1.60% |
Croatia |
2.35% |
1.80% |
Malta |
3.13% |
0.83% |
Czech Republic |
4.70% |
3.10% |
Netherlands |
9.40% |
17.00% |
Denmark |
4.70% |
1.60% |
Poland |
4.70% |
2.70% |
Estonia |
1.87% |
2.20% |
Portugal |
3.13% |
3.40% |
Finland |
2.35% |
3.60% |
Romania |
2.35% |
1.80% |
France |
9.40% |
9.10% |
Slovakia |
3.13% |
1.80% |
Germany |
9.40% |
4.90% |
Slovenia |
3.13% |
1.10% |
Greece |
3.13% |
1.20% |
Spain |
4.70% |
3.20% |
Hungary |
3.13% |
1.90% |
Sweden |
3.13% |
5.80% |
Ireland |
4.70% |
13.00% |
United Kingdom |
9.40% |
5.50% |
Figure 3. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Belgium+Luxembourg (in percent)
In the case of Bulgaria, from Appendix A.10 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.8898), having finally:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 3) indicates that there are no large differences except Greece (figure 4) for which the imports are much higher than the distance between them. Also, we can see that the real exports of EU-countries in Bulgaria are closer to those suggested by the regression equation which means that imports depend preferential from the potential offered by its geographic position.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.54%.
Table 3. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Bulgaria (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
0.99% |
0.57% |
Italy |
1.49% |
0.48% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
1.48% |
0.18% |
Latvia |
0.50% |
0.17% |
Bulgaria |
0.00% |
Lithuania |
0.60% |
0.21% |
Croatia |
0.99% |
0.42% |
Malta |
0.99% |
0.11% |
Czech Republic |
0.74% |
0.47% |
Netherlands |
0.60% |
0.17% |
Denmark |
0.60% |
0.12% |
Poland |
0.74% |
0.52% |
Estonia |
0.42% |
0.18% |
Portugal |
0.60% |
0.12% |
Finland |
0.42% |
0.08% |
Romania |
2.98% |
3.40% |
France |
0.99% |
0.18% |
Slovakia |
0.99% |
0.59% |
Germany |
0.74% |
0.25% |
Slovenia |
0.99% |
0.76% |
Greece |
2.98% |
5.10% |
Spain |
0.74% |
0.61% |
Hungary |
1.49% |
1.00% |
Sweden |
0.50% |
0.13% |
Ireland |
0.60% |
0.09% |
United Kingdom |
0.74% |
0.11% |
Figure 4. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Bulgaria (in percent)
In the case of Croatia, from Appendix A.11 we can see that is a weak link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.2881), having finally:
A comparison of regression coefficients (even the regression isn’t very good because a small value of R2 or an existence of a weak autocorrelation) and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 4) indicates that there are no large differences except Slovenia (figure 5) which is absolutely normal because of their former membership to Yugoslavia. Also, we can see that the real exports of EU-countries in Croatia are closer to those suggested by the regression equation which means that imports depend preferential from the potential offered by its geographic position. The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.38%.
Table 4. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Croatia (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
0.27% |
1.10% |
Italy |
0.27% |
0.53% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
0.26% |
0.09% |
Latvia |
0.11% |
0.05% |
Bulgaria |
0.18% |
0.23% |
Lithuania |
0.13% |
0.05% |
Croatia |
- |
- |
Malta |
0.18% |
0.29% |
Czech Republic |
0.18% |
0.25% |
Netherlands |
0.13% |
0.12% |
Denmark |
0.13% |
0.25% |
Poland |
0.18% |
0.24% |
Estonia |
0.09% |
0.09% |
Portugal |
0.11% |
0.03% |
Finland |
0.09% |
0.06% |
Romania |
0.27% |
0.22% |
France |
0.18% |
0.08% |
Slovakia |
0.27% |
0.43% |
Germany |
0.18% |
0.21% |
Slovenia |
0.53% |
7.20% |
Greece |
0.18% |
0.24% |
Spain |
0.13% |
0.11% |
Hungary |
0.53% |
1.20% |
Sweden |
0.11% |
0.09% |
Ireland |
0.11% |
0.05% |
United Kingdom |
0.13% |
0.04% |
Figure 5
The case of Cyprus, from Appendix A.12 is not relevant because R2=0.0071, that is the linear regression analysis does not explain the phenomenon.
In the case of Czech Republic, from Appendix A.13 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9451), having finally:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 5) indicates that there are no large differences (real vs. predicted imports) except Slovakia (figure 6) which is absolutely normal because of their former membership to Czechoslovakia. In a contrary direction, we can see that real imports from Belgium+Luxembourg are very small (0.76%) in comparison with the distance (5.98%) and surprising the position of Germany with 2.70% in total imports of Czech Republic related to its proximity.
Also, we can see that the other real exports of EU-countries in Croatia are closer to those suggested by the regression equation which means that imports depend from the potential offered by its geographic position.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 1.57%.
Table 5. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Czech Republic (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
5.99% |
2.70% |
Italy |
2.99% |
1.10% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
5.98% |
0.76% |
Latvia |
1.99% |
1.10% |
Bulgaria |
1.49% |
1.10% |
Lithuania |
2.99% |
0.91% |
Croatia |
1.99% |
1.10% |
Malta |
1.99% |
0.92% |
Czech Republic |
- |
- |
Netherlands |
2.99% |
0.94% |
Denmark |
2.99% |
0.84% |
Poland |
5.99% |
5.50% |
Estonia |
1.49% |
0.42% |
Portugal |
1.49% |
0.73% |
Finland |
1.49% |
0.49% |
Romania |
1.99% |
2.10% |
France |
2.99% |
0.82% |
Slovakia |
5.99% |
11.00% |
Germany |
5.99% |
2.70% |
Slovenia |
2.99% |
2.40% |
Greece |
1.99% |
0.63% |
Spain |
1.99% |
0.81% |
Hungary |
2.99% |
3.50% |
Sweden |
1.99% |
0.83% |
Ireland |
1.49% |
0.64% |
United Kingdom |
1.99% |
0.60% |
Figure 6. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Czech Republic (in percent)
In the case of Denmark, from Appendix A.14 we can see that is a link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.7983), having:
Durbin Watson statistical analysis reveals a positive autocorrelation of errors (d=0.8125 for the limits of autocorrelation: (0,0.97)). However we will analyze the differences between the regression coefficients and the actual data, due to temporal delay which will appear later (when eliminating autoregression).
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 6) indicates that there are no large differences (real vs. predicted imports) except Latvia (figure 7) and Sweden which is absolutely normal as a consequence of commercial traditions that have bound these countries.
Unlike the other countries analyzed so far, one can see that in general, real imports were above those provided by regression analysis, which shows a strong trade policy, lying over one somewhat conjectural than one dependent on proximity.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.75%.
Table 6. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Denmark (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
0.92% |
0.59% |
Italy |
0.62% |
0.69% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
1.84% |
0.82% |
Latvia |
0.46% |
4.30% |
Bulgaria |
0.37% |
0.44% |
Lithuania |
0.62% |
2.30% |
Croatia |
0.46% |
0.33% |
Malta |
0.46% |
0.52% |
Czech Republic |
0.92% |
0.91% |
Netherlands |
0.92% |
1.30% |
Denmark |
- |
- |
Poland |
0.92% |
1.70% |
Estonia |
0.62% |
2.40% |
Portugal |
0.46% |
0.69% |
Finland |
0.92% |
2.00% |
Romania |
0.46% |
0.43% |
France |
0.92% |
0.55% |
Slovakia |
0.62% |
1.00% |
Germany |
1.85% |
1.40% |
Slovenia |
0.62% |
1.00% |
Greece |
0.46% |
0.50% |
Spain |
0.62% |
0.51% |
Hungary |
0.62% |
0.81% |
Sweden |
1.85% |
7.10% |
Ireland |
0.46% |
0.90% |
United Kingdom |
0.62% |
1.10% |
Figure 7. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Denmark (in percent)
Because in the upper analysis we have - the autocorrelation coefficient of errors having value =0.579706184 we shall make another regression analysis for the set of data:
Imports-computed-new(t)=Imports-computed(t)-Imports-computed(t-1) and Exports-real-new(t)= Exports-real(t)-Exports-real(t-1) (table A.20). Finally, we obtain the equation of regression:
IM_DK(t)=0.5797IM_DK(t-1)+0.0108EX_AT(t)-0.0063EX_AT(t-1)+0.0108EX_BE(t)-0.0063EX_BE(t-1)+0.0043EX_BG(t)-0.0025EX_BG(t-1)+0.0054EX_HR(t)-0.0031EX_HR(t-1)+ 0.0043EX_CY(t)-0.0025EX_CY(t-1)+0.0108EX_CZ(t)-0.0063EX_CZ(t-1)+0.0072EX_EE(t)-0.0042EX_EE(t-1)+0.0108EX_FI(t)-0.0063EX_FI(t-1)+0.0108EX_FR(t)-0.0063EX_FR(t-1)+ 0.0216EX_DE(t)-0.0125EX_DE(t-1)+0.0054EX_EL(t)-0.0031EX_EL(t-1)+0.0072EX_HU(t)-0.0042EX_HU(t-1)+0.0054EX_IE(t)-0.0031EX_IE(t-1)+0.0072EX_IT(t)-0.0042EX_IT(t-1)+ 0.0054EX_LV(t)-0.0031EX_LV(t-1)+0.0072EX_LT(t)-0.0042EX_LT(t-1)+0.0108EX_LU(t)-0.0063EX_LU(t-1)+0.0054EX_MT(t)-0.0031EX_MT(t-1)+0.0108EX_NL(t)-0.0063EX_NL(t-1)+ 0.0108EX_PL(t)-0.0063EX_PL(t-1)+0.0054EX_PT(t)-0.0031EX_PT(t-1)+0.0054EX_RO(t)-0.0031EX_RO(t-1)+0.0072EX_SK(t)-0.0042EX_SK(t-1)+0.0072EX_SI(t)-0.0042EX_SI(t-1)+ 0.0072EX_ES(t)-0.0042EX_ES(t-1)+0.0216EX_SE(t)-0.0125EX_SE(t-1)+0.0072EX_UK(t)-0.0042EX_UK(t-1)+7957.1418
In the case of Estonia, from Appendix A.15 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9028), having:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 7) indicates that there are no large differences (real vs. predicted imports) except former Soviet Union countries – Latvia and Lithuania (figure 8) which is absolutely normal as a consequence of commercial traditions that have bound these countries.
Let note that in general, real imports were close, but under to those provided by regression analysis, which shows a trade policy, which depends on proximity of the EU-countries but not exploring all the possibilities of the minimal distances recovery.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.59%.
Table 7. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Estonia (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
0.36% |
0.09% |
Italy |
0.30% |
0.09% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
0.72% |
0.08% |
Latvia |
1.81% |
7.80% |
Bulgaria |
0.26% |
0.10% |
Lithuania |
0.90% |
4.60% |
Croatia |
0.30% |
0.38% |
Malta |
0.26% |
0.03% |
Czech Republic |
0.45% |
0.15% |
Netherlands |
0.36% |
0.09% |
Denmark |
0.60% |
0.24% |
Poland |
0.60% |
0.61% |
Estonia |
- |
- |
Portugal |
0.26% |
0.06% |
Finland |
1.81% |
2.60% |
Romania |
0.30% |
0.11% |
France |
0.36% |
0.08% |
Slovakia |
0.45% |
0.12% |
Germany |
0.45% |
0.14% |
Slovenia |
0.30% |
0.14% |
Greece |
0.26% |
0.06% |
Spain |
0.30% |
0.06% |
Hungary |
0.36% |
0.24% |
Sweden |
0.90% |
0.83% |
Ireland |
0.26% |
0.05% |
United Kingdom |
0.30% |
0.17% |
Figure 8. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Estonia (in percent)
In the case of Finland, from Appendix A.16 we can see that is a weak link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.5906), having:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 8) indicates that there are no large differences (real vs. predicted imports) except Estonia (figure 9) with 12% real imports vs. 3.24% given by the actual theory.
In general, real imports were close, but under to those provided by regression analysis, which shows a trade policy, which depends on proximity of the EU-countries.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.71%.
Table 8. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Finland (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
0.81% |
0.40% |
Italy |
0.65% |
0.39% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
1.62% |
0.52% |
Latvia |
1.62% |
2.60% |
Bulgaria |
0.46% |
0.26% |
Lithuania |
1.08% |
1.60% |
Croatia |
0.54% |
0.23% |
Malta |
0.54% |
0.04% |
Czech Republic |
0.81% |
0.53% |
Netherlands |
0.81% |
0.78% |
Denmark |
1.62% |
2.30% |
Poland |
0.81% |
0.85% |
Estonia |
3.24% |
12.00% |
Portugal |
0.54% |
0.53% |
Finland |
- |
- |
Romania |
0.54% |
0.32% |
France |
0.81% |
0.43% |
Slovakia |
0.65% |
0.38% |
Germany |
1.08% |
0.70% |
Slovenia |
0.65% |
0.33% |
Greece |
0.54% |
0.24% |
Spain |
0.65% |
0.34% |
Hungary |
0.65% |
0.30% |
Sweden |
3.24% |
4.90% |
Ireland |
0.54% |
0.43% |
United Kingdom |
0.65% |
0.51% |
Figure 9. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Finland (in percent)
In the case of France, from Appendix A.17 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9367), having:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 9) indicates that there are no large differences (real vs. predicted imports) except Belgium+Luxembourg – under the distance between them and, on the other side, Romania and Portugal (figure 10) over the coefficients of regression, under traditional trade relations.
Let note that in general, real imports were close to those provided by regression analysis.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 2.05%.
Table 9. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in France (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
5.90% |
4.40% |
Italy |
11.81% |
10.00% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
23.62% |
14.00% |
Latvia |
2.95% |
1.80% |
Bulgaria |
3.93% |
4.50% |
Lithuania |
3.93% |
3.30% |
Croatia |
3.93% |
1.70% |
Malta |
5.90% |
4.50% |
Czech Republic |
5.90% |
5.10% |
Netherlands |
5.90% |
6.20% |
Denmark |
5.90% |
3.30% |
Poland |
5.90% |
5.60% |
Estonia |
2.36% |
1.80% |
Portugal |
5.90% |
11.00% |
Finland |
2.95% |
3.40% |
Romania |
2.95% |
8.30% |
France |
- |
- |
Slovakia |
3.93% |
5.30% |
Germany |
11.81% |
8.70% |
Slovenia |
5.90% |
5.50% |
Greece |
5.90% |
2.40% |
Spain |
11.81% |
15.00% |
Hungary |
3.93% |
4.40% |
Sweden |
3.93% |
4.70% |
Ireland |
5.90% |
6.60% |
United Kingdom |
11.81% |
6.30% |
Figure 10. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in France (in percent)
In the case of Germany, from Appendix A.18 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9816). The P-Value Analysis reveals for Intercept a great value (0.4096) which indicates a weak evidence against the null hypothesis. In fact, assuming the threshold of 59% we obtain the regression in the table A.24. Also, we have a weak autocorrelation (d=0.8592 for the maximum 0.97) but we shall keep the initial conclusions because in the process of eliminating this phenomenon we shall obtain an increase of P-Value at 0.92 which is absurd. Therefore, finally, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 10) indicates that there are many differences (real vs. predicted imports) between countries - Belgium+Luxembourg with a real percent of imports of 15% instead 72.88% (after regression), Denmark with 14% vs. 36.44%, France – 15% vs. 36.44%, Netherlands – 21% vs. 36.44%, Poland – 23% vs. 36.44%. We can easily see that these difference, maybe except Poland, are encountered in the case of he very developed countries from the European Union, which have themselves a strong export. Let us note that in general, real imports were strong under to those provided by regression analysis, Germany being known the main engine of UE. The average distance between real data and those from the regression is very high: 9.25%.
Table 10. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Germany (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
36.44% |
27.00% |
Italy |
18.19% |
12.00% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
72.88% |
15.00% |
Latvia |
12.13% |
6.40% |
Bulgaria |
9.10% |
12.00% |
Lithuania |
18.19% |
7.70% |
Croatia |
12.13% |
10.00% |
Malta |
12.13% |
8.10% |
Czech Republic |
36.44% |
29.00% |
Netherlands |
36.44% |
21.00% |
Denmark |
36.44% |
14.00% |
Poland |
36.44% |
23.00% |
Estonia |
9.10% |
3.90% |
Portugal |
12.13% |
10.00% |
Finland |
12.13% |
9.40% |
Romania |
12.13% |
17.00% |
France |
36.44% |
15.00% |
Slovakia |
18.19% |
21.00% |
Germany |
- |
- |
Slovenia |
18.19% |
20.00% |
Greece |
12.13% |
6.30% |
Spain |
18.19% |
10.00% |
Hungary |
18.19% |
25.00% |
Sweden |
18.19% |
10.00% |
Ireland |
12.13% |
7.50% |
United Kingdom |
18.19% |
10.00% |
Figure 11. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Germany (in percent)
The case of Greece, from Appendix A.19 is not relevant because R2=0.0105, that is the linear regression analysis does not explain the phenomenon. Also P-Value for the dominant factor of the regression is 0.7515 that is the null hypothesis can be rejected with a very small probability (24%). In the case of Hungary, from Appendix A.20 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9526). The P-Value Analysis reveals for Intercept a great value (0.8302) which indicates a very weak evidence against the null hypothesis. In fact, assuming the threshold of 16% we obtain the regression in the table A.25. Therefore, finally, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 11) indicates that there are not great differences (real vs. predicted imports) between countries, therefore imports of Hungary are directed by territorial proximity criterion. The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.75%.
Table 11. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Hungary (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
4.06% |
3.50% |
Italy |
2.03% |
0.84% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
2.70% |
0.57% |
Latvia |
1.02% |
0.25% |
Bulgaria |
2.03% |
1.20% |
Lithuania |
1.35% |
0.64% |
Croatia |
4.06% |
2.20% |
Malta |
1.35% |
0.23% |
Czech Republic |
2.03% |
2.50% |
Netherlands |
1.35% |
0.66% |
Denmark |
1.35% |
0.64% |
Poland |
2.03% |
2.40% |
Estonia |
0.81% |
0.19% |
Portugal |
0.81% |
0.40% |
Finland |
0.81% |
0.36% |
Romania |
4.06% |
3.90% |
France |
1.35% |
0.67% |
Slovakia |
4.06% |
6.00% |
Germany |
2.03% |
1.60% |
Slovenia |
4.06% |
3.60% |
Greece |
1.35% |
0.27% |
Spain |
1.02% |
0.58% |
Hungary |
- |
- |
Sweden |
1.02% |
0.57% |
Ireland |
0.81% |
0.36% |
United Kingdom |
1.02% |
0.38% |
Figure 12. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Hungary (in percent)
The case of Ireland, from Appendix A.21 is not relevant because R2=0.1895, that is the linear regression analysis does not explain the phenomenon. Also P-Value for the dominant factor of the regression is 0.1572 that is the null hypothesis can be rejected with a significant probability (84%).
In the case of Italy, from Appendix A.22 we can see that is a weak link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.6116). On the other hand, P-Values Analysis reveals for both coefficients of the regression small values which indicates a strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, finally, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 12) indicates that there are not great differences (real vs. predicted imports) between countries except cases of Croatia (14% - real vs. 5.14% - regression), Malta (3.70% - real vs. 10.26% - regression) and Romania (10% - real vs. 3.41% - regression) therefore imports of Italy are directed by territorial proximity criterion.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 2.10%.
Table 12. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Italy (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
10.26% |
7.10% |
Italy |
- |
- |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
10.28% |
5.40% |
Latvia |
2.05% |
1.10% |
Bulgaria |
5.14% |
10.00% |
Lithuania |
2.56% |
1.80% |
Croatia |
5.14% |
14.00% |
Malta |
10.26% |
3.70% |
Czech Republic |
5.14% |
3.70% |
Netherlands |
3.41% |
5.00% |
Denmark |
3.41% |
2.60% |
Poland |
3.41% |
4.50% |
Estonia |
1.71% |
0.86% |
Portugal |
3.41% |
3.30% |
Finland |
2.05% |
2.30% |
Romania |
3.41% |
10.00% |
France |
10.26% |
6.80% |
Slovakia |
5.14% |
4.90% |
Germany |
5.14% |
4.90% |
Slovenia |
10.26% |
11.00% |
Greece |
10.26% |
8.40% |
Spain |
5.14% |
7.10% |
Hungary |
5.14% |
5.00% |
Sweden |
2.56% |
2.50% |
Ireland |
3.41% |
2.60% |
United Kingdom |
5.14% |
2.70% |
Figure 13. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Italy (in percent)
In the case of Latvia, from Appendix A.23 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9299). On the other hand, P-Values Analysis reveals for both coefficients of the regression small values which indicates a strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, finally, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 13) indicates that there are not great differences (real vs. predicted imports) between countries except cases of close neighborhoods: Estonia (6.70% - real vs. 1.55% - regression) and Lithuania (10% - real vs. 1.55% - regression) therefore imports of Latvia are directed by territorial proximity criterion.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.74%.
Table 13. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Latvia (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
0.39% |
0.12% |
Italy |
0.31% |
0.10% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
0.78% |
0.08% |
Latvia |
- |
- |
Bulgaria |
0.26% |
0.11% |
Lithuania |
1.55% |
10.00% |
Croatia |
0.31% |
0.05% |
Malta |
0.26% |
0.01% |
Czech Republic |
0.51% |
0.16% |
Netherlands |
0.39% |
0.11% |
Denmark |
0.39% |
0.34% |
Poland |
0.77% |
0.76% |
Estonia |
1.55% |
6.70% |
Portugal |
0.26% |
0.04% |
Finland |
0.77% |
0.92% |
Romania |
0.31% |
0.04% |
France |
0.39% |
0.05% |
Slovakia |
0.51% |
0.23% |
Germany |
0.51% |
0.12% |
Slovenia |
0.31% |
0.17% |
Greece |
0.26% |
0.05% |
Spain |
0.31% |
0.07% |
Hungary |
0.39% |
0.18% |
Sweden |
0.51% |
0.33% |
Ireland |
0.26% |
0.03% |
United Kingdom |
0.31% |
0.09% |
Figure 14. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Latvia (in percent)
In the case of Lithuania, from Appendix A.24 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9681). On the other hand, P-Values Analysis reveals for both coefficients of the regression small values which indicates a strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, finally, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 14) indicates that there are not great differences (real vs. predicted imports) between countries except cases of close neighborhoods: Estonia (5.10% - real vs. 1.18% - regression) and Latvia (16% - real vs. 2.36% - regression) therefore imports of Lithuania are directed by territorial proximity criterion.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 1.11%.
Table 14. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Lithuania (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
0.79% |
0.18% |
Italy |
0.59% |
0.28% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
1.58% |
0.30% |
Latvia |
2.36% |
16.00% |
Bulgaria |
0.47% |
0.24% |
Lithuania |
- |
- |
Croatia |
0.59% |
0.09% |
Malta |
0.47% |
0.05% |
Czech Republic |
1.18% |
0.37% |
Netherlands |
0.79% |
0.33% |
Denmark |
0.79% |
0.57% |
Poland |
2.36% |
1.60% |
Estonia |
1.18% |
5.10% |
Portugal |
0.47% |
0.09% |
Finland |
0.79% |
0.82% |
Romania |
0.59% |
0.10% |
France |
0.79% |
0.16% |
Slovakia |
1.18% |
0.23% |
Germany |
1.18% |
0.25% |
Slovenia |
0.59% |
0.36% |
Greece |
0.47% |
0.11% |
Spain |
0.59% |
0.20% |
Hungary |
0.79% |
0.27% |
Sweden |
0.59% |
0.67% |
Ireland |
0.47% |
0.06% |
United Kingdom |
0.59% |
0.17% |
Figure 15. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Lithuania (in percent)
In the case of Malta, from Appendix A.25 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.8998). On the other hand, P-Values Analysis reveals for both coefficients of the regression values under 0.02 which indicates a strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, finally, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 15) indicates that there are not great differences (real vs. predicted imports) between countries except cases of close neighborhoods: Croatia (0.93% - real vs. 0.12% - regression) and Greece (0.57% - real vs. 0.18% - regression) therefore imports of Malta are directed by territorial proximity criterion.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.11%.
Table 15. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Malta (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
0.18% |
0.04% |
Italy |
0.37% |
0.40% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
0.24% |
0.04% |
Latvia |
0.06% |
0.03% |
Bulgaria |
0.12% |
0.07% |
Lithuania |
0.07% |
0.01% |
Croatia |
0.12% |
0.93% |
Malta |
- |
- |
Czech Republic |
0.12% |
0.02% |
Netherlands |
0.09% |
0.05% |
Denmark |
0.09% |
0.06% |
Poland |
0.09% |
0.03% |
Estonia |
0.05% |
0.04% |
Portugal |
0.09% |
0.04% |
Finland |
0.06% |
0.01% |
Romania |
0.09% |
0.06% |
France |
0.18% |
0.14% |
Slovakia |
0.12% |
0.03% |
Germany |
0.12% |
0.03% |
Slovenia |
0.18% |
0.03% |
Greece |
0.18% |
0.57% |
Spain |
0.12% |
0.08% |
Hungary |
0.12% |
0.01% |
Sweden |
0.07% |
0.15% |
Ireland |
0.09% |
0.02% |
United Kingdom |
0.12% |
0.10% |
Figure 16. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Malta (in percent)
In the case of Netherlands, from Appendix A.26 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9427). On the other hand, P-Values Analysis reveals for both coefficients of the regression values under 0.05 which indicates a strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, we have:
Durbin Watson statistical analysis reveals a positive autocorrelation of errors (d=0.7106 for the limits of autocorrelation: (0,0.97)). However we will analyze the differences between the regression coefficients and the actual data, due to temporal delay which will appear later (when eliminating autoregression). In this case P-Value exceeds 0.90 therefore we shall left this regression.
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 16) indicates that there are many and large differences between real and predicted imports: Austria (1.60% vs. 9.66%), Belgium+Luxembourg (14% vs. 28.97%), Germany (2.80% vs. 19.31%), United Kingdom (7.9% vs. 19.31%) which is absolutely normal as a consequence of commercial traditions that have bound these countries.
Unlike the other countries analyzed so far, one can see that in general, real imports were under those provided by regression analysis, which shows a weak trade policy on dependence from proximity.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is very large: 4.46%.
Table 16. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Netherlands (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
9.66% |
1.60% |
Italy |
6.44% |
2.30% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
28.97% |
14.00% |
Latvia |
4.84% |
4.40% |
Bulgaria |
3.87% |
2.40% |
Lithuania |
6.44% |
3.40% |
Croatia |
4.84% |
1.70% |
Malta |
4.84% |
1.30% |
Czech Republic |
9.66% |
3.60% |
Netherlands |
- |
- |
Denmark |
9.66% |
5.10% |
Poland |
9.66% |
4.00% |
Estonia |
3.87% |
2.30% |
Portugal |
4.84% |
4.00% |
Finland |
4.84% |
5.80% |
Romania |
4.84% |
2.80% |
France |
9.66% |
4.10% |
Slovakia |
6.44% |
2.40% |
Germany |
19.31% |
5.80% |
Slovenia |
6.44% |
1.70% |
Greece |
4.84% |
1.90% |
Spain |
6.44% |
3.10% |
Hungary |
6.44% |
2.80% |
Sweden |
6.44% |
5.40% |
Ireland |
9.66% |
4.50% |
United Kingdom |
19.31% |
7.90% |
Figure 17. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Netherlands (in percent)
In the case of Poland, from Appendix A.27 we can see that is a link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9534), having:
Durbin Watson statistical analysis reveals a positive autocorrelation of errors (d=0.7820 for the limits of autocorrelation: (0,0.97)). However we will analyze the differences between the regression coefficients and the actual data, due to temporal delay which will appear later (when eliminating autoregression).
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 17) indicates that there are no large differences (real vs. predicted imports) except Belgium+Luxembourg (figure 18) for which real imports – 1.40% are very much under the value from regression – 9.46% and Germany – 3.3% vs. 9.47%.
For the other countries, one can see that in general, real imports were under those provided by regression analysis, which shows a trade policy based more on need and not on spatial proximity.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 2.17%.
Table 17. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Poland (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
4.73% |
2.20% |
Italy |
3.15% |
2.20% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
9.46% |
1.40% |
Latvia |
4.73% |
3.80% |
Bulgaria |
2.37% |
1.80% |
Lithuania |
9.47% |
5.40% |
Croatia |
3.15% |
1.20% |
Malta |
2.37% |
0.46% |
Czech Republic |
9.47% |
5.20% |
Netherlands |
4.73% |
1.50% |
Denmark |
4.73% |
2.50% |
Poland |
- |
- |
Estonia |
3.15% |
1.20% |
Portugal |
2.37% |
0.94% |
Finland |
2.37% |
2.20% |
Romania |
3.15% |
2.30% |
France |
4.73% |
1.40% |
Slovakia |
9.47% |
6.30% |
Germany |
9.47% |
3.30% |
Slovenia |
3.15% |
2.70% |
Greece |
2.37% |
1.10% |
Spain |
3.15% |
1.50% |
Hungary |
4.73% |
3.50% |
Sweden |
3.15% |
2.40% |
Ireland |
2.37% |
1.00% |
United Kingdom |
3.15% |
1.20% |
Figure 18. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Poland (in percent)
in the upper analysis we have
- the autocorrelation
coefficient of errors having value =0.600743273
we shall make another regression analysis for the set of
and Exports-real-new(t)= Exports-real(t)-Exports-real(t-1)
(table A.33). Finally, we obtain the equation of regression:
IM_PL(t)=0.6007IM_PL(t-1)+0.0404EX_AT(t)-0.0243EX_AT(t-1)+0.0404EX_BE(t)-0.0243EX_BE(t-1)+0.0202EX_BG(t)-0.0121EX_BG(t-1)+0.0269EX_HR(t)-0.0162EX_HR(t-1)+ 0.0162EX_CY(t)-0.0097EX_CY(t-1)+0.081EX_CZ(t)-0.0486EX_CZ(t-1)+0.0404EX_DK(t)-0.0243EX_DK(t-1)+0.0269EX_EE(t)-0.0162EX_EE(t-1)+0.0202EX_FI(t)-0.0121EX_FI(t-1)+ 0.0404EX_FR(t)-0.0243EX_FR(t-1)+0.081EX_DE(t)-0.0486EX_DE(t-1)+0.0202EX_EL(t)-0.0121EX_EL(t-1)+0.0404EX_HU(t)-0.0243EX_HU(t-1)+0.0202EX_IE(t)-0.0121EX_IE(t-1)+ 0.0269EX_IT(t)-0.0162EX_IT(t-1)+0.0404EX_LV(t)-0.0243EX_LV(t-1)+0.081EX_LT(t)-0.0486EX_LT(t-1)+0.0404EX_LU(t)-0.0243EX_LU(t-1)+0.0202EX_MT(t)-0.0121EX_MT(t-1)+ 0.0404EX_NL(t)-0.0243EX_NL(t-1)+0.0202EX_PT(t)-0.0121EX_PT(t-1)+0.0269EX_RO(t)-0.0162EX_RO(t-1)+0.081EX_SK(t)-0.0486EX_SK(t-1)+0.0269EX_SI(t)-0.0162EX_SI(t-1)+ 0.0269EX_ES(t)-0.0162EX_ES(t-1)+0.0269EX_SE(t)-0.0162EX_SE(t-1)+0.0269EX_UK(t)-0.0162EX_UK(t-1)-20068.4749
In the case of Portugal, from Appendix A.28 we can see that is a weak link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.5046). On the other hand, P-Values Analysis reveals for both coefficients of the regression values under 0.05 which indicates a strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 18) indicates that there are no large differences between real and predicted imports except the traditional partner Spain – 6.90% vs. 1.86%) which is absolutely normal as a consequence of commercial traditions that have bound these countries. In general, real imports are very close to those provided by regression analysis, which shows a strong trade policy on dependence from proximity. The average distance between real data and those from the regression is small: 0.34%.
Table 18. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Portugal (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
0.46% |
0.22% |
Italy |
0.62% |
0.76% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
1.24% |
0.42% |
Latvia |
0.31% |
0.07% |
Bulgaria |
0.37% |
0.70% |
Lithuania |
0.37% |
0.29% |
Croatia |
0.37% |
0.14% |
Malta |
0.46% |
0.28% |
Czech Republic |
0.46% |
0.30% |
Netherlands |
0.46% |
0.49% |
Denmark |
0.46% |
0.32% |
Poland |
0.46% |
0.34% |
Estonia |
0.27% |
0.15% |
Portugal |
- |
- |
Finland |
0.31% |
0.27% |
Romania |
0.31% |
0.36% |
France |
0.93% |
0.84% |
Slovakia |
0.37% |
0.27% |
Germany |
0.62% |
0.57% |
Slovenia |
0.46% |
0.24% |
Greece |
0.46% |
0.50% |
Spain |
1.86% |
6.90% |
Hungary |
0.37% |
0.28% |
Sweden |
0.37% |
0.34% |
Ireland |
0.46% |
0.54% |
United Kingdom |
0.62% |
0.45% |
Figure 19. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Portugal (in percent)
In the case of Romania, from Appendix A.29 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9088), having:
Durbin Watson statistical analysis reveals a positive autocorrelation of errors (d=0.7055 for the limits of autocorrelation: (0,0.97)). However we will analyze the differences between the regression coefficients and the actual data, due to temporal delay which will appear later (when eliminating autoregression).
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 19) indicates that there are no large differences (real vs. predicted imports) from where one can see that in general, real imports are close to those provided by regression analysis, which shows a trade policy based almost entirely on spatial proximity.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.84%
Table 19. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Romania (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
2.90% |
1.70% |
Italy |
1.93% |
1.50% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
2.90% |
0.42% |
Latvia |
1.16% |
0.17% |
Bulgaria |
5.81% |
6.60% |
Lithuania |
1.45% |
0.30% |
Croatia |
2.90% |
0.91% |
Malta |
1.45% |
0.86% |
Czech Republic |
1.93% |
1.30% |
Netherlands |
1.45% |
0.48% |
Denmark |
1.45% |
0.58% |
Poland |
1.93% |
1.60% |
Estonia |
0.97% |
0.10% |
Portugal |
0.97% |
0.60% |
Finland |
0.97% |
0.25% |
Romania |
- |
- |
France |
1.45% |
0.73% |
Slovakia |
2.90% |
2.20% |
Germany |
1.93% |
0.93% |
Slovenia |
2.90% |
1.50% |
Greece |
2.90% |
2.20% |
Spain |
1.16% |
0.58% |
Hungary |
5.81% |
5.70% |
Sweden |
1.16% |
0.24% |
Ireland |
0.97% |
0.38% |
United Kingdom |
1.16% |
0.35% |
Figure 20. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Romania (in percent)
Because in the upper analysis we have - the autocorrelation coefficient of errors having value =0.625714756 we shall make another regression analysis for the set of data: Imports-computed-new(t)=Imports-computed(t)-Imports-computed(t-1) and Exports-real-new(t)= Exports-real(t)-Exports-real(t-1) (table A.36). Finally, we obtain the equation of regression:
IM_RO(t)=0.6257IM_RO(t-1)+0.0305EX_AT(t)-0.0191EX_AT(t-1)+0.0152EX_BE(t)-0.0095EX_BE(t-1)+0.061EX_BG(t)-0.0382EX_BG(t-1)+0.0305EX_HR(t)-0.0191EX_HR(t-1)+ 0.0203EX_CY(t)-0.0127EX_CY(t-1)+0.0203EX_CZ(t)-0.0127EX_CZ(t-1)+0.0152EX_DK(t)-0.0095EX_DK(t-1)+0.0102EX_EE(t)-0.0064EX_EE(t-1)+0.0102EX_FI(t)-0.0064EX_FI(t-1)+ 0.0152EX_FR(t)-0.0095EX_FR(t-1)+0.0203EX_DE(t)-0.0127EX_DE(t-1)+0.0305EX_EL(t)-0.0191EX_EL(t-1)+0.061EX_HU(t)-0.0382EX_HU(t-1)+0.0102EX_IE(t)-0.0064EX_IE(t-1)+ 0.0203EX_IT(t)-0.0127EX_IT(t-1)+0.0122EX_LV(t)-0.0076EX_LV(t-1)+0.0152EX_LT(t)-0.0095EX_LT(t-1)+0.0152EX_LU(t)-0.0095EX_LU(t-1)+0.0152EX_MT(t)-0.0095EX_MT(t-1)+ 0.0152EX_NL(t)-0.0095EX_NL(t-1)+0.0203EX_PL(t)-0.0127EX_PL(t-1)+0.0102EX_PT(t)-0.0064EX_PT(t-1)+0.0305EX_SK(t)-0.0191EX_SK(t-1)+0.0305EX_SI(t)-0.0191EX_SI(t-1)+ 0.0122EX_ES(t)-0.0076EX_ES(t-1)+0.0122EX_SE(t)-0.0076EX_SE(t-1)+0.0122EX_UK(t)-0.0076EX_UK(t-1)-8887.5794
In the case of Slovakia, from Appendix A.30 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.9606). On the other hand, P-Values Analysis reveals for both coefficients of the regression values under 0.05 which indicates a strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 20) indicates that there are no large differences between real and predicted imports except formerly part of Czechoslovakia: Czech Republic – 7.60% vs. 4.86% which is absolutely normal as a consequence of commercial traditions that have bound these countries.
In general, real imports are under to those provided by regression analysis, which shows an insufficient correlation of imports with distances.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is small: 1.36%.
Table 20. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Slovakia (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
4.86% |
1.50% |
Italy |
2.43% |
0.57% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
3.24% |
0.26% |
Latvia |
1.62% |
0.52% |
Bulgaria |
1.62% |
0.71% |
Lithuania |
2.43% |
0.31% |
Croatia |
2.43% |
1.30% |
Malta |
1.62% |
0.10% |
Czech Republic |
4.86% |
7.60% |
Netherlands |
1.62% |
0.21% |
Denmark |
1.62% |
0.30% |
Poland |
4.86% |
2.30% |
Estonia |
1.22% |
0.34% |
Portugal |
0.97% |
0.25% |
Finland |
0.97% |
0.20% |
Romania |
2.43% |
1.50% |
France |
1.62% |
0.45% |
Slovakia |
- |
- |
Germany |
2.43% |
0.96% |
Slovenia |
2.43% |
1.70% |
Greece |
1.62% |
0.28% |
Spain |
1.22% |
0.32% |
Hungary |
4.86% |
4.20% |
Sweden |
1.22% |
0.23% |
Ireland |
0.97% |
0.16% |
United Kingdom |
1.22% |
0.20% |
Figure 21. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Slovakia (in percent)
Durbin Watson statistical analysis reveals a positive autocorrelation of errors (d=0.7802 for the limits of autocorrelation: (0,0.97)). Because in the analysis we have - the autocorrelation coefficient of errors having value =0.595858587 we made another regression analysis for the set of data: Imports-computed-new(t)=Imports-computed(t)-Imports-computed(t-1) and Exports-real-new(t)= Exports-real(t)-Exports-real(t-1). Finally, we obtained again a positive autocorrelation of errors (d=0.8278 for the limits of autocorrelation: (0,0.93)) and a value of R2 less than before. As a consequence we shall let the previous results as model of imports.
In the case of Slovenia, from Appendix A.31 we can see that is a strong link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.8982), having:
IM_SI(t)=0.0138EX_AT(t)+0.0046EX_BE(t)+0.0046EX_BG(t)+0.0138EX_HR(t)+ 0.0046EX_CY(t)+0.0069EX_CZ(t)+0.0046EX_DK(t)+0.0023EX_EE(t)+0.0028EX_FI(t)+ 0.0069EX_FR(t)+0.0069EX_DE(t)+0.0069EX_EL(t)+0.0138EX_HU(t)+0.0034EX_IE(t)+ 0.0138EX_IT(t)+0.0028EX_LV(t)+0.0034EX_LT(t)+0.0046EX_LU(t)+0.0069EX_MT(t)+ 0.0046EX_NL(t)+0.0046EX_PL(t)+0.0034EX_PT(t)+0.0069EX_RO(t)+0.0069EX_SK(t)+
Durbin Watson statistical analysis reveals a positive autocorrelation of errors (d=0.5058 for the limits of autocorrelation: (0,0.97)). However we will analyze the differences between the regression coefficients and the actual data, due to temporal delay which will appear later (when eliminating autoregression).
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 21) indicates that there are no large differences (real vs. predicted imports) except Croatia (which were a part from the former Yugoslavia from where one can see that in general, real imports are close to those provided by regression analysis, which shows a trade policy based almost entirely on spatial proximity.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is: 0.57 %
Table 21. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Slovenia (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
1.38% |
1.50% |
Italy |
1.38% |
0.90% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
0.92% |
0.13% |
Latvia |
0.28% |
0.11% |
Bulgaria |
0.46% |
0.41% |
Lithuania |
0.34% |
0.17% |
Croatia |
1.38% |
9.50% |
Malta |
0.69% |
0.22% |
Czech Republic |
0.69% |
0.45% |
Netherlands |
0.46% |
0.11% |
Denmark |
0.46% |
0.09% |
Poland |
0.46% |
0.36% |
Estonia |
0.23% |
0.07% |
Portugal |
0.34% |
0.22% |
Finland |
0.28% |
0.10% |
Romania |
0.69% |
0.41% |
France |
0.69% |
0.22% |
Slovakia |
0.69% |
0.58% |
Germany |
0.69% |
0.35% |
Slovenia |
- |
- |
Greece |
0.69% |
0.54% |
Spain |
0.46% |
0.20% |
Hungary |
1.38% |
0.97% |
Sweden |
0.34% |
0.12% |
Ireland |
0.34% |
0.06% |
United Kingdom |
0.46% |
0.09% |
Figure 22. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Slovenia (in percent)
Because in the upper analysis we have - the autocorrelation coefficient of errors having value =0,715462436 we shall make another regression analysis for the set of data:
Imports-computed-new(t)=Imports-computed(t)-Imports-computed(t-1) and Exports-real-new(t)= Exports-real(t)-Exports-real(t-1) (table A.39). Finally, we obtain the equation of regression:
In the case of Spain, from Appendix A.32 we can see that is a weak link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.6000). On the other hand, P-Values Analysis reveals for both coefficients of the regression values under 0.05 which indicates a strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 22) indicates that there are no large differences between real and predicted imports except the traditional partner Portugal – 21% vs. 8.20%) which is absolutely normal as a consequence of commercial traditions that have bound these countries and also Belgium+Luxembourg (2.40% vs. 8.20%). In general, real imports are very close to those provided by regression analysis, which shows a strong trade policy on dependence from proximity. The average distance between real data and those from the regression is small: 1.42%.
Table 22. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in Spain (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
2.73% |
1.40% |
Italy |
4.10% |
4.00% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
8.20% |
2.40% |
Latvia |
1.64% |
0.54% |
Bulgaria |
2.05% |
2.30% |
Lithuania |
2.05% |
0.97% |
Croatia |
2.05% |
0.60% |
Malta |
2.73% |
1.10% |
Czech Republic |
2.73% |
2.30% |
Netherlands |
2.73% |
2.40% |
Denmark |
2.73% |
1.70% |
Poland |
2.73% |
2.30% |
Estonia |
1.37% |
0.60% |
Portugal |
8.20% |
21.00% |
Finland |
1.64% |
1.40% |
Romania |
1.64% |
2.20% |
France |
8.20% |
5.90% |
Slovakia |
2.05% |
2.20% |
Germany |
4.10% |
2.70% |
Slovenia |
2.73% |
1.20% |
Greece |
2.73% |
3.10% |
Spain |
- |
- |
Hungary |
2.05% |
2.40% |
Sweden |
2.05% |
1.90% |
Ireland |
2.73% |
2.80% |
United Kingdom |
4.10% |
2.90% |
Figure 23. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Spain (in percent)
The case of Sweden, from Appendix A.33 is not relevant because even R2=0.9135, P-Value for Intercept 0.9126 that is the null hypothesis can be rejected with a very small probability (8%).
In the case of United Kingdom, from Appendix A.34 we can see that is a weak link between the two groups of indicators (R2=0.4452). On the other hand, P-Values Analysis reveals for both coefficients of the regression values under 0.05 which indicates a strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, we have:
A comparison of regression coefficients and percentages imports from studied countries (Source: - column Real in Table 23) indicates that there are no large differences between real and predicted imports except Belgium+Luxembourg (8.40% vs. 16.77%), Denmark (8.70% vs. 3.73%), France (6.90% vs. 11.18%) and Sweden (7% vs. 2.80%).
In general, real imports are over those provided by regression analysis, which shows a trade policy dependents weak from proximity.
The average distance between real data and those from the regression is small: 2.09%.
Table 23. The correlation between the coefficients of regression and the real exports of EU-countries in United Kingdom (in percent) in 2013
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Country |
Regression |
Real |
Austria |
3.73% |
2.80% |
Italy |
5.59% |
5.00% |
Belgium+Luxembourg |
16.77% |
8.40% |
Latvia |
2.24% |
5.70% |
Bulgaria |
2.80% |
2.20% |
Lithuania |
2.80% |
5.20% |
Croatia |
2.80% |
1.80% |
Malta |
3.73% |
2.30% |
Czech Republic |
3.73% |
4.90% |
Netherlands |
11.18% |
9.70% |
Denmark |
3.73% |
8.70% |
Poland |
3.73% |
6.50% |
Estonia |
1.86% |
2.50% |
Portugal |
3.73% |
4.90% |
Finland |
2.24% |
5.00% |
Romania |
2.24% |
3.50% |
France |
11.18% |
6.90% |
Slovakia |
2.80% |
4.90% |
Germany |
5.59% |
6.40% |
Slovenia |
3.73% |
1.90% |
Greece |
3.73% |
3.40% |
Spain |
5.59% |
7.20% |
Hungary |
2.80% |
4.20% |
Sweden |
2.80% |
7.00% |
Ireland |
11.18% |
14.00% |
United Kingdom |
- |
- |
Figure 24. The relationship between exports based on distances and the real exports in 2013 in Spain (in percent)
4. Conclusions
The above analysis reveals a number of interesting issues. Overall, imports of countries that have recently joined the European Union heavily dependent on factor space which shows a certain amateurism in foreign trade, sprang but also from the weak purchasing countries receivers making imports to be dependent distances, and therefore lower costs.
On the other hand, the highly developed countries of the European Union have long commercial tradition which explains, in most cases, major differences compared to the theoretical results.
Another factor, again demonstrated numerically, is still the tight dependencies between countries that belonged to the now dismantled some states (such as the former Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia).
5. References
Bari, I.T. (2010). Tratat de economie politică globală/Treaty of global political economy. Bucharest: Editura Economică.
Ioan, C.A. & Ioan, G. (2016). The determination of spatial interdependencies in the European Union. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, to appear.
Ioan, C.A. & Ioan G. (2012). Methods of mathematical modeling in economics. Galati: Zigotto Publishers.
Ioan, C.A. (2001). Determining the minimum effective way with Bellman-Kalaba algorithm. The Annals of Danubius University, Fascicle I, Economics.
Montalbano, P. (2009). Trade Openness and Vulnerability in Central and Eastern Europe. World Institute for Development Economics Research.
Appendix A.1
Table A.1. The matrix of the graph of edges between European Union countries ([2])
Country |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
07 |
08 |
09 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
01 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
02 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
03 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
04 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
05 |
0 |
1 |
06 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
07 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
08 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
09 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
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1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
11 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
12 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
13 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
14 |
0 |
1 |
15 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
16 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
17 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
18 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
19 |
1 |
0 |
20 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
21 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
22 |
0 |
1 |
23 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
24 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
25 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
26 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
27 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
28 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Appendix A.2
Table A.2. The matrix of minimal distances between European Union countries ([2])
Country |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
07 |
08 |
09 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
01 |
0 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
5 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
02 |
2 |
0 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
5 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
03 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
7 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
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0 |
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4 |
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2 |
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1 |
3 |
08 |
5 |
5 |
7 |
6 |
8 |
4 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
5 |
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7 |
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1 |
2 |
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2 |
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2 |
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0 |
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4 |
0 |
Appendix A.3
Table A.3. The normalized matrix of strength of links between European Union countries
Country |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
07 |
08 |
09 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
01 |
0 |
0.0352 |
0.0235 |
0.0352 |
0.0235 |
0.0704 |
0.0352 |
0.0141 |
0.0176 |
0.0352 |
0.0704 |
0.0352 |
0.0704 |
0.0176 |
0.0704 |
0.0176 |
0.0235 |
0.0352 |
0.0352 |
0.0352 |
0.0352 |
0.0176 |
0.0352 |
0.0704 |
0.0704 |
0.0235 |
0.0235 |
0.0235 |
02 |
0.0389 |
0 |
0.0194 |
0.0194 |
0.0194 |
0.0389 |
0.0389 |
0.0155 |
0.0194 |
0.0777 |
0.0777 |
0.0259 |
0.0259 |
0.0389 |
0.0389 |
0.0194 |
0.0259 |
0.0777 |
0.0259 |
0.0777 |
0.0389 |
0.0259 |
0.0194 |
0.0259 |
0.0259 |
0.0389 |
0.0259 |
0.0777 |
03 |
0.0376 |
0.0282 |
0 |
0.0376 |
0.0564 |
0.0282 |
0.0226 |
0.0161 |
0.0161 |
0.0376 |
0.0282 |
0.1128 |
0.0564 |
0.0226 |
0.0564 |
0.0188 |
0.0226 |
0.0282 |
0.0376 |
0.0226 |
0.0282 |
0.0226 |
0.1128 |
0.0376 |
0.0376 |
0.0282 |
0.0188 |
0.0282 |
04 |
0.0528 |
0.0264 |
0.0352 |
0 |
0.0264 |
0.0352 |
0.0264 |
0.0176 |
0.0176 |
0.0352 |
0.0352 |
0.0352 |
0.1057 |
0.0211 |
0.0528 |
0.0211 |
0.0264 |
0.0264 |
0.0352 |
0.0264 |
0.0352 |
0.0211 |
0.0528 |
0.0528 |
0.1057 |
0.0264 |
0.0211 |
0.0264 |
05 |
0.0435 |
0.0326 |
0.0653 |
0.0326 |
0 |
0.0326 |
0.0261 |
0.0163 |
0.0187 |
0.0435 |
0.0326 |
0.1305 |
0.0326 |
0.0261 |
0.0653 |
0.0187 |
0.0218 |
0.0326 |
0.0435 |
0.0261 |
0.0261 |
0.0261 |
0.0435 |
0.0326 |
0.0435 |
0.0326 |
0.0218 |
0.0326 |
06 |
0.079 |
0.0395 |
0.0197 |
0.0263 |
0.0197 |
0 |
0.0395 |
0.0197 |
0.0197 |
0.0395 |
0.079 |
0.0263 |
0.0395 |
0.0197 |
0.0395 |
0.0263 |
0.0395 |
0.0395 |
0.0263 |
0.0395 |
0.079 |
0.0197 |
0.0263 |
0.079 |
0.0395 |
0.0263 |
0.0263 |
0.0263 |
07 |
0.0462 |
0.0462 |
0.0185 |
0.0231 |
0.0185 |
0.0462 |
0 |
0.0308 |
0.0462 |
0.0462 |
0.0925 |
0.0231 |
0.0308 |
0.0231 |
0.0308 |
0.0231 |
0.0308 |
0.0462 |
0.0231 |
0.0462 |
0.0462 |
0.0231 |
0.0231 |
0.0308 |
0.0308 |
0.0308 |
0.0925 |
0.0308 |
08 |
0.0268 |
0.0268 |
0.0192 |
0.0224 |
0.0168 |
0.0335 |
0.0447 |
0 |
0.1341 |
0.0268 |
0.0335 |
0.0192 |
0.0268 |
0.0192 |
0.0224 |
0.1341 |
0.067 |
0.0268 |
0.0192 |
0.0268 |
0.0447 |
0.0192 |
0.0224 |
0.0335 |
0.0224 |
0.0224 |
0.067 |
0.0224 |
09 |
0.0316 |
0.0316 |
0.0181 |
0.0211 |
0.0181 |
0.0316 |
0.0633 |
0.1265 |
0 |
0.0316 |
0.0421 |
0.0211 |
0.0253 |
0.0211 |
0.0253 |
0.0633 |
0.0421 |
0.0316 |
0.0211 |
0.0316 |
0.0316 |
0.0211 |
0.0211 |
0.0253 |
0.0253 |
0.0253 |
0.1265 |
0.0253 |
10 |
0.035 |
0.07 |
0.0233 |
0.0233 |
0.0233 |
0.035 |
0.035 |
0.014 |
0.0175 |
0 |
0.07 |
0.035 |
0.0233 |
0.035 |
0.07 |
0.0175 |
0.0233 |
0.07 |
0.035 |
0.035 |
0.035 |
0.035 |
0.0175 |
0.0233 |
0.035 |
0.07 |
0.0233 |
0.07 |
11 |
0.0649 |
0.0649 |
0.0162 |
0.0216 |
0.0162 |
0.0649 |
0.0649 |
0.0162 |
0.0216 |
0.0649 |
0 |
0.0216 |
0.0324 |
0.0216 |
0.0324 |
0.0216 |
0.0324 |
0.0649 |
0.0216 |
0.0649 |
0.0649 |
0.0216 |
0.0216 |
0.0324 |
0.0324 |
0.0324 |
0.0324 |
0.0324 |
12 |
0.0471 |
0.0313 |
0.0941 |
0.0313 |
0.0941 |
0.0313 |
0.0235 |
0.0135 |
0.0157 |
0.0471 |
0.0313 |
0 |
0.0313 |
0.0235 |
0.0941 |
0.0157 |
0.0188 |
0.0313 |
0.0471 |
0.0235 |
0.0235 |
0.0235 |
0.0471 |
0.0313 |
0.0471 |
0.0313 |
0.0188 |
0.0313 |
13 |
0.0819 |
0.0273 |
0.0409 |
0.0819 |
0.0205 |
0.0409 |
0.0273 |
0.0164 |
0.0164 |
0.0273 |
0.0409 |
0.0273 |
0 |
0.0164 |
0.0409 |
0.0205 |
0.0273 |
0.0273 |
0.0273 |
0.0273 |
0.0409 |
0.0164 |
0.0819 |
0.0819 |
0.0819 |
0.0205 |
0.0205 |
0.0205 |
14 |
0.0317 |
0.0635 |
0.0254 |
0.0254 |
0.0254 |
0.0317 |
0.0317 |
0.0182 |
0.0212 |
0.0635 |
0.0423 |
0.0317 |
0.0254 |
0 |
0.0423 |
0.0212 |
0.0254 |
0.0423 |
0.0317 |
0.0635 |
0.0317 |
0.0317 |
0.0212 |
0.0254 |
0.0317 |
0.0423 |
0.0254 |
0.127 |
15 |
0.0737 |
0.0369 |
0.0369 |
0.0369 |
0.0369 |
0.0369 |
0.0245 |
0.0123 |
0.0147 |
0.0737 |
0.0369 |
0.0737 |
0.0369 |
0.0245 |
0 |
0.0147 |
0.0184 |
0.0369 |
0.0737 |
0.0245 |
0.0245 |
0.0245 |
0.0245 |
0.0369 |
0.0737 |
0.0369 |
0.0184 |
0.0369 |
16 |
0.0303 |
0.0303 |
0.0202 |
0.0242 |
0.0173 |
0.0403 |
0.0303 |
0.1211 |
0.0605 |
0.0303 |
0.0403 |
0.0202 |
0.0303 |
0.0202 |
0.0242 |
0 |
0.1211 |
0.0303 |
0.0202 |
0.0303 |
0.0605 |
0.0202 |
0.0242 |
0.0403 |
0.0242 |
0.0242 |
0.0403 |
0.0242 |
17 |
0.0348 |
0.0348 |
0.0209 |
0.0261 |
0.0174 |
0.0522 |
0.0348 |
0.0522 |
0.0348 |
0.0348 |
0.0522 |
0.0209 |
0.0348 |
0.0209 |
0.0261 |
0.1044 |
0 |
0.0348 |
0.0209 |
0.0348 |
0.1044 |
0.0209 |
0.0261 |
0.0522 |
0.0261 |
0.0261 |
0.0261 |
0.0261 |
18 |
0.0427 |
0.0855 |
0.0214 |
0.0214 |
0.0214 |
0.0427 |
0.0427 |
0.0171 |
0.0214 |
0.0855 |
0.0855 |
0.0285 |
0.0285 |
0.0285 |
0.0427 |
0.0214 |
0.0285 |
0 |
0.0285 |
0.0427 |
0.0427 |
0.0285 |
0.0214 |
0.0285 |
0.0285 |
0.0427 |
0.0285 |
0.0427 |
19 |
0.0553 |
0.0368 |
0.0368 |
0.0368 |
0.0368 |
0.0368 |
0.0277 |
0.0158 |
0.0185 |
0.0553 |
0.0368 |
0.0553 |
0.0368 |
0.0277 |
0.1106 |
0.0185 |
0.0221 |
0.0368 |
0 |
0.0277 |
0.0277 |
0.0277 |
0.0277 |
0.0368 |
0.0553 |
0.0368 |
0.0221 |
0.0368 |
20 |
0.0447 |
0.0894 |
0.0179 |
0.0224 |
0.0179 |
0.0447 |
0.0447 |
0.0179 |
0.0224 |
0.0447 |
0.0894 |
0.0224 |
0.0298 |
0.0447 |
0.0298 |
0.0224 |
0.0298 |
0.0447 |
0.0224 |
0 |
0.0447 |
0.0224 |
0.0224 |
0.0298 |
0.0298 |
0.0298 |
0.0298 |
0.0894 |
21 |
0.0404 |
0.0404 |
0.0202 |
0.0269 |
0.0162 |
0.0809 |
0.0404 |
0.0269 |
0.0202 |
0.0404 |
0.0809 |
0.0202 |
0.0404 |
0.0202 |
0.0269 |
0.0404 |
0.0809 |
0.0404 |
0.0202 |
0.0404 |
0 |
0.0202 |
0.0269 |
0.0809 |
0.0269 |
0.0269 |
0.0269 |
0.0269 |
22 |
0.0335 |
0.0446 |
0.0268 |
0.0268 |
0.0268 |
0.0335 |
0.0335 |
0.0192 |
0.0224 |
0.067 |
0.0446 |
0.0335 |
0.0268 |
0.0335 |
0.0446 |
0.0224 |
0.0268 |
0.0446 |
0.0335 |
0.0335 |
0.0335 |
0 |
0.0224 |
0.0268 |
0.0335 |
0.1341 |
0.0268 |
0.0446 |
23 |
0.0533 |
0.0266 |
0.1066 |
0.0533 |
0.0355 |
0.0355 |
0.0266 |
0.0178 |
0.0178 |
0.0266 |
0.0355 |
0.0533 |
0.1066 |
0.0178 |
0.0355 |
0.0213 |
0.0266 |
0.0266 |
0.0266 |
0.0266 |
0.0355 |
0.0178 |
0 |
0.0533 |
0.0533 |
0.0213 |
0.0213 |
0.0213 |
24 |
0.0844 |
0.0281 |
0.0281 |
0.0422 |
0.0211 |
0.0844 |
0.0281 |
0.0211 |
0.0169 |
0.0281 |
0.0422 |
0.0281 |
0.0844 |
0.0169 |
0.0422 |
0.0281 |
0.0422 |
0.0281 |
0.0281 |
0.0281 |
0.0844 |
0.0169 |
0.0422 |
0 |
0.0422 |
0.0211 |
0.0211 |
0.0211 |
25 |
0.0829 |
0.0276 |
0.0276 |
0.0829 |
0.0276 |
0.0414 |
0.0276 |
0.0138 |
0.0166 |
0.0414 |
0.0414 |
0.0414 |
0.0829 |
0.0207 |
0.0829 |
0.0166 |
0.0207 |
0.0276 |
0.0414 |
0.0276 |
0.0276 |
0.0207 |
0.0414 |
0.0414 |
0 |
0.0276 |
0.0207 |
0.0276 |
26 |
0.0333 |
0.0499 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.0333 |
0.0333 |
0.0167 |
0.02 |
0.0999 |
0.0499 |
0.0333 |
0.025 |
0.0333 |
0.0499 |
0.02 |
0.025 |
0.0499 |
0.0333 |
0.0333 |
0.0333 |
0.0999 |
0.02 |
0.025 |
0.0333 |
0 |
0.025 |
0.0499 |
27 |
0.0372 |
0.0372 |
0.0187 |
0.0224 |
0.0187 |
0.0372 |
0.1118 |
0.0559 |
0.1118 |
0.0372 |
0.0559 |
0.0224 |
0.0279 |
0.0224 |
0.0279 |
0.0372 |
0.0279 |
0.0372 |
0.0224 |
0.0372 |
0.0372 |
0.0224 |
0.0224 |
0.0279 |
0.0279 |
0.0279 |
0 |
0.0279 |
28 |
0.0298 |
0.0894 |
0.0224 |
0.0224 |
0.0224 |
0.0298 |
0.0298 |
0.0149 |
0.0179 |
0.0894 |
0.0447 |
0.0298 |
0.0224 |
0.0894 |
0.0447 |
0.0179 |
0.0224 |
0.0447 |
0.0298 |
0.0894 |
0.0298 |
0.0298 |
0.0179 |
0.0224 |
0.0298 |
0.0447 |
0.0224 |
0 |
Appendix A.4
Table A.4. The exports of European Union countries (million of Euro) during 2004-2009
Country/ Year |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
Austria |
94703 |
100468 |
108913 |
119387 |
123259 |
98214 |
Belgium |
246563 |
268735 |
292087 |
314449 |
320805 |
265986 |
Bulgaria |
7708 |
9156 |
11748 |
13512 |
15204 |
11699 |
Croatia |
6218 |
6960 |
8252 |
9004 |
9585 |
7516 |
Cyprus |
758 |
1175 |
1062 |
1017 |
1110 |
901 |
Czech Republic |
55286 |
62722 |
75604 |
89382 |
99809 |
80983 |
Denmark |
61917 |
68403 |
73716 |
75280 |
79496 |
67382 |
Estonia |
4767 |
6201 |
7719 |
8034 |
8470 |
6487 |
Finland |
49441 |
52641 |
61489 |
65688 |
65580 |
45063 |
France |
363208 |
372395 |
394925 |
408327 |
418983 |
348035 |
Germany |
730444 |
779989 |
882532 |
964038 |
983255 |
803012 |
Greece |
12970 |
14826 |
17273 |
19392 |
21319 |
17674 |
Hungary |
44260 |
50405 |
59936 |
69610 |
73772 |
59513 |
Ireland |
84227 |
88137 |
86593 |
88686 |
85477 |
83114 |
Italy |
283494 |
299574 |
332013 |
364744 |
369016 |
291733 |
Latvia |
3223 |
4148 |
4902 |
6062 |
6897 |
5522 |
Lithuania |
7473 |
9489 |
11263 |
12509 |
16077 |
11797 |
Luxembourg |
13060 |
15366 |
18337 |
16734 |
17470 |
15299 |
Malta |
2023 |
1928 |
2226 |
2508 |
2367 |
2049 |
Netherlands |
287110 |
326555 |
369249 |
401901 |
433722 |
356962 |
Poland |
60216 |
71889 |
88229 |
102259 |
115895 |
97865 |
Portugal |
28768 |
31137 |
35640 |
38294 |
38847 |
31697 |
Romania |
18753 |
22172 |
25850 |
29543 |
33679 |
29085 |
Slovak Republic |
22212 |
25583 |
33340 |
42696 |
48370 |
40208 |
Slovenia |
12671 |
15270 |
18501 |
21980 |
23204 |
18695 |
Spain |
146728 |
154815 |
170211 |
184821 |
191388 |
162990 |
Sweden |
98950 |
105266 |
117707 |
123179 |
124645 |
93763 |
United Kingdom |
279266 |
314136 |
359117 |
322387 |
321028 |
254704 |
Table A.5. The exports of European Union countries (million of Euro)
during 2010-2015
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
Appendix A.5
Table A.6. The imports of European Union countries (million of Euro) during 2004-2009
Country/ Year |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
Austria |
96256 |
102283 |
109280 |
118962 |
125301 |
102569 |
Belgium |
229574 |
256153 |
280053 |
300298 |
317043 |
254367 |
Bulgaria |
11577 |
12473 |
15424 |
21862 |
25094 |
16876 |
Croatia |
13241 |
14900 |
17105 |
18833 |
20817 |
15218 |
Cyprus |
4420 |
5073 |
5518 |
6286 |
7237 |
5617 |
Czech Republic |
56216 |
61483 |
74220 |
86224 |
96572 |
75314 |
Denmark |
54787 |
60749 |
68100 |
71526 |
74356 |
59602 |
Estonia |
6702 |
8229 |
10711 |
11439 |
10896 |
7270 |
Finland |
41353 |
47234 |
55253 |
59616 |
62402 |
43655 |
France |
378506 |
405164 |
431602 |
460315 |
487350 |
404098 |
Germany |
575090 |
624465 |
722112 |
769779 |
805730 |
664143 |
Greece |
44998 |
46382 |
52847 |
60130 |
64857 |
52087 |
Hungary |
48580 |
53446 |
62331 |
69730 |
74069 |
55750 |
Ireland |
49692 |
55112 |
58233 |
61162 |
57088 |
44955 |
Italy |
285064 |
309032 |
352465 |
373340 |
382050 |
297609 |
Latvia |
5701 |
6990 |
9191 |
11180 |
10975 |
7034 |
Lithuania |
9957 |
12494 |
15429 |
17813 |
21144 |
13123 |
Luxembourg |
16115 |
18170 |
21611 |
20452 |
21864 |
18160 |
Malta |
2926 |
2988 |
3430 |
3503 |
3604 |
3210 |
Netherlands |
256944 |
292415 |
331979 |
359443 |
394980 |
317718 |
Poland |
72087 |
81697 |
101138 |
120912 |
141966 |
107155 |
Portugal |
44173 |
51372 |
56295 |
59927 |
64194 |
51379 |
Romania |
26235 |
32538 |
40746 |
51305 |
57148 |
38948 |
Slovak Republic |
23988 |
27837 |
35828 |
44229 |
50253 |
39898 |
Slovenia |
14159 |
16273 |
19227 |
23038 |
25180 |
19053 |
Spain |
207656 |
232109 |
261784 |
284058 |
286105 |
210222 |
Sweden |
80723 |
89781 |
101583 |
111803 |
114565 |
85945 |
United Kingdom |
378293 |
417359 |
487951 |
465715 |
447228 |
372581 |
Table A.7. The imports of European Union countries (million of Euro) during 2010-2015
Country/ Year |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Austria |
119943 |
137513 |
138942 |
138000 |
137001 |
140132 |
Belgium |
295072 |
335447 |
341787 |
340093 |
342215 |
338750 |
Bulgaria |
19245 |
23407 |
25460 |
25829 |
26118 |
26408 |
Croatia |
15137 |
16281 |
16214 |
16581 |
17154 |
18558 |
Cyprus |
6464 |
6234 |
5678 |
4754 |
5089 |
5016 |
Czech Republic |
95536 |
109285 |
110066 |
108621 |
116203 |
126805 |
Denmark |
62648 |
68724 |
71548 |
72728 |
74783 |
76957 |
Estonia |
9268 |
12543 |
14077 |
13899 |
13775 |
13074 |
Finland |
51899 |
60535 |
59517 |
58407 |
57769 |
54251 |
France |
460941 |
517262 |
524918 |
513114 |
509299 |
515938 |
Germany |
795666 |
901487 |
898857 |
889416 |
908575 |
946454 |
Greece |
50741 |
48474 |
49291 |
46808 |
48004 |
43639 |
Hungary |
66514 |
73592 |
74078 |
75379 |
78978 |
83487 |
Ireland |
45467 |
47849 |
48855 |
54314 |
60721 |
66530 |
Italy |
367390 |
401428 |
380292 |
361002 |
356939 |
368715 |
Latvia |
8819 |
11703 |
13409 |
13451 |
13285 |
12900 |
Lithuania |
17653 |
22826 |
24879 |
26208 |
25889 |
25397 |
Luxembourg |
18713 |
20733 |
21437 |
20266 |
20099 |
20878 |
Malta |
3818 |
4520 |
5135 |
4625 |
5132 |
5220 |
Netherlands |
386834 |
426987 |
456824 |
444015 |
443689 |
456370 |
Poland |
134306 |
151291 |
154934 |
156319 |
168366 |
174990 |
Portugal |
58647 |
59551 |
56374 |
57013 |
58976 |
60162 |
Romania |
46850 |
54943 |
54644 |
55328 |
58555 |
62976 |
Slovak Republic |
49050 |
57358 |
60241 |
61543 |
61689 |
66289 |
Slovenia |
22720 |
25525 |
24934 |
25129 |
25551 |
26789 |
Spain |
246674 |
270550 |
262561 |
256455 |
270173 |
281298 |
Sweden |
112352 |
127174 |
127985 |
120931 |
122132 |
124467 |
United Kingdom |
445291 |
487905 |
541112 |
496977 |
519733 |
564190 |
Appendix A.6
Table A.8. The imports of European Union countries (million of Euro) as functions of the exports of the others during 2004-2006
Country |
2004 real |
2004 computed |
2005 real |
2005 computed |
2006 real |
2006 computed |
Austria |
96256.00 |
134274.34 |
102283.00 |
145144.30 |
109280.00 |
163308.32 |
Belgium |
229574.00 |
168280.37 |
256153.00 |
181965.09 |
280053.00 |
203640.76 |
Bulgaria |
11577.00 |
97539.61 |
12473.00 |
105496.59 |
15424.00 |
117953.41 |
Croatia |
13241.00 |
104536.66 |
14900.00 |
113249.71 |
17105.00 |
127103.55 |
Cyprus |
4420.00 |
109430.71 |
5073.00 |
118065.42 |
5518.00 |
131799.06 |
Czech Republic |
56216.00 |
142231.31 |
61483.00 |
153721.18 |
74220.00 |
172523.57 |
Denmark |
54787.00 |
159185.12 |
60749.00 |
171662.41 |
68100.00 |
192578.86 |
Estonia |
6702.00 |
94182.42 |
8229.00 |
102068.89 |
10711.00 |
114758.79 |
Finland |
41353.00 |
107039.52 |
47234.00 |
115847.36 |
55253.00 |
129609.59 |
France |
378506.00 |
149152.16 |
405164.00 |
161945.60 |
431602.00 |
181850.19 |
Germany |
575090.00 |
110371.47 |
624465.00 |
120132.94 |
722112.00 |
133499.08 |
Greece |
44998.00 |
114109.28 |
46382.00 |
122738.43 |
52847.00 |
136750.83 |
Hungary |
48580.00 |
99897.71 |
53446.00 |
108217.10 |
62331.00 |
121529.75 |
Ireland |
49692.00 |
158847.80 |
55112.00 |
172900.92 |
58233.00 |
193624.52 |
Italy |
285064.00 |
109119.50 |
309032.00 |
117461.56 |
352465.00 |
130580.83 |
Latvia |
5701.00 |
99156.86 |
6990.00 |
107724.98 |
9191.00 |
121202.89 |
Lithuania |
9957.00 |
114355.48 |
12494.00 |
124279.42 |
15429.00 |
140010.25 |
Luxembourg |
16115.00 |
179623.09 |
18170.00 |
193138.27 |
21611.00 |
214993.46 |
Malta |
2926.00 |
133613.97 |
2988.00 |
143637.64 |
3430.00 |
159947.50 |
Netherlands |
256944.00 |
166365.41 |
292415.00 |
179651.26 |
331979.00 |
200940.53 |
Poland |
72087.00 |
137614.28 |
81697.00 |
148635.53 |
101138.00 |
166851.64 |
Portugal |
44173.00 |
142468.25 |
51372.00 |
153135.77 |
56295.00 |
170200.75 |
Romania |
26235.00 |
93921.66 |
32538.00 |
101949.70 |
40746.00 |
114738.17 |
Slovak Republic |
23988.00 |
108144.62 |
27837.00 |
117494.07 |
35828.00 |
132253.33 |
Slovenia |
14159.00 |
121353.61 |
16273.00 |
130722.12 |
19227.00 |
146080.18 |
Spain |
207656.00 |
145190.29 |
232109.00 |
155900.29 |
261784.00 |
173067.89 |
Sweden |
80723.00 |
121133.34 |
89781.00 |
131094.94 |
101583.00 |
146826.96 |
United Kingdom |
378293.00 |
155518.68 |
417359.00 |
167345.76 |
487951.00 |
184624.67 |
Table A.9. The imports of European Union countries (million of Euro) as functions of the exports of the others during 2007-2009
Country |
2007 real |
2007 computed |
2008 real |
2008 computed |
2009 real |
2009 computed |
Austria |
118962.00 |
176907.67 |
125301.00 |
182930.94 |
102569.00 |
149219.17 |
Belgium |
300298.00 |
215163.02 |
317043.00 |
222080.13 |
254367.00 |
181641.42 |
Bulgaria |
21862.00 |
126567.68 |
25094.00 |
131005.61 |
16876.00 |
107036.55 |
Croatia |
18833.00 |
137148.87 |
20817.00 |
142058.14 |
15218.00 |
115848.48 |
Cyprus |
6286.00 |
141032.66 |
7237.00 |
145597.14 |
5617.00 |
118779.95 |
Czech Republic |
86224.00 |
186189.03 |
96572.00 |
192543.30 |
75314.00 |
157406.40 |
Denmark |
71526.00 |
207068.28 |
74356.00 |
213454.28 |
59602.00 |
173774.68 |
Estonia |
11439.00 |
123046.13 |
10896.00 |
127368.57 |
7270.00 |
102815.36 |
Finland |
59616.00 |
138432.60 |
62402.00 |
143034.45 |
43655.00 |
116305.01 |
France |
460315.00 |
193481.21 |
487350.00 |
198730.65 |
404098.00 |
162209.70 |
Germany |
769779.00 |
142111.11 |
805730.00 |
148378.11 |
664143.00 |
121704.74 |
Greece |
60130.00 |
146487.20 |
64857.00 |
150842.99 |
52087.00 |
122742.87 |
Hungary |
69730.00 |
131484.30 |
74069.00 |
136498.92 |
55750.00 |
111404.33 |
Ireland |
61162.00 |
201134.69 |
57088.00 |
207046.45 |
44955.00 |
168527.84 |
Italy |
373340.00 |
138628.06 |
382050.00 |
143280.52 |
297609.00 |
117638.95 |
Latvia |
11180.00 |
130242.39 |
10975.00 |
135292.63 |
7034.00 |
110066.30 |
Lithuania |
17813.00 |
151113.59 |
21144.00 |
157097.81 |
13123.00 |
128578.65 |
Luxembourg |
20452.00 |
229857.47 |
21864.00 |
236687.49 |
18160.00 |
193862.77 |
Malta |
3503.00 |
171267.85 |
3604.00 |
176259.09 |
3210.00 |
143440.19 |
Netherlands |
359443.00 |
211995.73 |
394980.00 |
216980.09 |
317718.00 |
177363.49 |
Poland |
120912.00 |
179959.47 |
141966.00 |
186118.49 |
107155.00 |
152032.23 |
Portugal |
59927.00 |
181101.41 |
64194.00 |
186714.92 |
51379.00 |
153424.26 |
Romania |
51305.00 |
124088.28 |
57148.00 |
128751.78 |
38948.00 |
104921.34 |
Slovak Republic |
44229.00 |
143385.23 |
50253.00 |
149224.56 |
39898.00 |
121732.08 |
Slovenia |
23038.00 |
157337.52 |
25180.00 |
162381.38 |
19053.00 |
132118.07 |
Spain |
284058.00 |
183146.81 |
286105.00 |
188383.85 |
210222.00 |
154049.35 |
Sweden |
111803.00 |
157248.38 |
114565.00 |
162512.64 |
85945.00 |
132519.16 |
United Kingdom |
465715.00 |
198856.54 |
447228.00 |
205855.63 |
372581.00 |
170066.39 |
Table A.10. The imports of European Union countries (million of Euro) as functions of the exports of the others during 2010-2012
Country |
2010 real |
2010 computed |
2011 real |
2011 computed |
2012 real |
2012 computed |
Austria |
119943.00 |
176301.76 |
137513.00 |
197272.02 |
138942.00 |
203979.11 |
Belgium |
295072.00 |
214825.56 |
335447.00 |
239858.73 |
341787.00 |
248155.45 |
Bulgaria |
19245.00 |
126358.33 |
23407.00 |
141589.04 |
25460.00 |
146278.39 |
Croatia |
15137.00 |
136908.53 |
16281.00 |
153319.18 |
16214.00 |
158237.62 |
Cyprus |
6464.00 |
139953.11 |
6234.00 |
156656.90 |
5678.00 |
162000.26 |
Czech Republic |
95536.00 |
185918.34 |
109285.00 |
207610.16 |
110066.00 |
214684.39 |
Denmark |
62648.00 |
206074.27 |
68724.00 |
230148.30 |
71548.00 |
237437.56 |
Estonia |
9268.00 |
121928.77 |
12543.00 |
136457.66 |
14077.00 |
140887.27 |
Finland |
51899.00 |
138251.06 |
60535.00 |
154936.31 |
59517.00 |
159716.34 |
France |
460941.00 |
191839.00 |
517262.00 |
215338.68 |
524918.00 |
222024.95 |
Germany |
795666.00 |
143395.27 |
901487.00 |
159964.35 |
898857.00 |
165724.24 |
Greece |
50741.00 |
144347.37 |
48474.00 |
161491.27 |
49291.00 |
166685.95 |
Hungary |
66514.00 |
131824.11 |
73592.00 |
147788.28 |
74078.00 |
152822.99 |
Ireland |
45467.00 |
200087.12 |
47849.00 |
224617.18 |
48855.00 |
231677.47 |
Italy |
367390.00 |
138454.59 |
401428.00 |
154553.68 |
380292.00 |
159445.94 |
Latvia |
8819.00 |
130629.93 |
11703.00 |
146544.07 |
13409.00 |
151627.72 |
Lithuania |
17653.00 |
152392.09 |
22826.00 |
170611.14 |
24879.00 |
176657.57 |
Luxembourg |
18713.00 |
228154.77 |
20733.00 |
254390.36 |
21437.00 |
262500.10 |
Malta |
3818.00 |
168470.98 |
4520.00 |
188193.60 |
5135.00 |
194442.21 |
Netherlands |
386834.00 |
209184.44 |
426987.00 |
234304.69 |
456824.00 |
240551.39 |
Poland |
134306.00 |
179769.32 |
151291.00 |
201255.02 |
154934.00 |
208042.68 |
Portugal |
58647.00 |
180518.30 |
59551.00 |
202036.13 |
56374.00 |
208762.94 |
Romania |
46850.00 |
124211.70 |
54943.00 |
139186.32 |
54644.00 |
143787.68 |
Slovak Republic |
49050.00 |
144352.39 |
57358.00 |
161699.97 |
60241.00 |
167065.44 |
Slovenia |
22720.00 |
155682.97 |
25525.00 |
173990.57 |
24934.00 |
179642.25 |
Spain |
246674.00 |
180736.99 |
270550.00 |
201207.35 |
262561.00 |
207614.22 |
Sweden |
112352.00 |
155738.58 |
127174.00 |
173854.84 |
127985.00 |
179526.99 |
United Kingdom |
445291.00 |
198967.23 |
487905.00 |
220410.04 |
541112.00 |
228362.66 |
Table A.11. The imports of European Union countries (million of Euro) as functions of the exports of the others during 2013-2015
Country |
2013 real |
2013 computed |
2014 real |
2014 computed |
2015 real |
2015 computed |
Austria |
138000.00 |
205349.42 |
137001.00 |
209683.58 |
140132.00 |
220485.61 |
Belgium |
340093.00 |
250989.30 |
342215.00 |
253562.71 |
338750.00 |
267145.90 |
Bulgaria |
25829.00 |
148260.27 |
26118.00 |
150511.44 |
26408.00 |
157623.03 |
Croatia |
16581.00 |
160060.43 |
17154.00 |
162783.82 |
18558.00 |
170843.60 |
Cyprus |
4754.00 |
163881.80 |
5089.00 |
166062.30 |
5016.00 |
173848.59 |
Czech Republic |
108621.00 |
216712.55 |
116203.00 |
220918.33 |
126805.00 |
232016.96 |
Denmark |
72728.00 |
238504.13 |
74783.00 |
242830.66 |
76957.00 |
255029.18 |
Estonia |
13899.00 |
141942.38 |
13775.00 |
143994.51 |
13074.00 |
150277.17 |
Finland |
58407.00 |
160315.50 |
57769.00 |
162367.68 |
54251.00 |
169876.07 |
France |
513114.00 |
225875.98 |
509299.00 |
228879.24 |
515938.00 |
240843.43 |
Germany |
889416.00 |
167794.77 |
908575.00 |
169350.65 |
946454.00 |
175974.53 |
Greece |
46808.00 |
168576.34 |
48004.00 |
170970.21 |
43639.00 |
179240.17 |
Hungary |
75379.00 |
154661.07 |
78978.00 |
157694.35 |
83487.00 |
165352.31 |
Ireland |
54314.00 |
237148.90 |
60721.00 |
236969.08 |
66530.00 |
248703.99 |
Italy |
361002.00 |
161359.26 |
356939.00 |
163139.61 |
368715.00 |
171269.81 |
Latvia |
13451.00 |
153254.29 |
13285.00 |
155837.21 |
12900.00 |
163126.93 |
Lithuania |
26208.00 |
178774.20 |
25889.00 |
182519.48 |
25397.00 |
191946.03 |
Luxembourg |
20266.00 |
264745.82 |
20099.00 |
268802.53 |
20878.00 |
282040.33 |
Malta |
4625.00 |
196446.34 |
5132.00 |
199219.80 |
5220.00 |
208695.82 |
Netherlands |
444015.00 |
244839.33 |
443689.00 |
247761.74 |
456370.00 |
262001.60 |
Poland |
156319.00 |
209263.92 |
168366.00 |
213198.20 |
174990.00 |
223979.93 |
Portugal |
57013.00 |
211739.86 |
58976.00 |
214414.45 |
60162.00 |
225020.11 |
Romania |
55328.00 |
145250.28 |
58555.00 |
147743.20 |
62976.00 |
155037.36 |
Slovak Republic |
61543.00 |
169041.84 |
61689.00 |
172986.95 |
66289.00 |
181873.40 |
Slovenia |
25129.00 |
181301.13 |
25551.00 |
184356.69 |
26789.00 |
193306.57 |
Spain |
256455.00 |
209570.21 |
270173.00 |
211744.11 |
281298.00 |
222302.06 |
Sweden |
120931.00 |
181227.64 |
122132.00 |
184243.03 |
124467.00 |
192927.63 |
United Kingdom |
496977.00 |
228483.51 |
519733.00 |
232194.00 |
414761.00 |
242093.07 |
Appendix A.7
Table A.12. The regression analysis of the real imports of Austria in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.984434543 |
R Square |
0.969111369 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.966022506 |
Standard Error |
3019.820038 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
2861127147 |
2861127147 |
313.743714 |
7.01067E-09 |
Residual |
10 |
91193130.6 |
9119313.06 |
Total |
11 |
2952320278 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95% |
Upper 95% |
Intercept |
18112.54238 |
5939.687936 |
3.04940976 |
0.01226406 |
4878.092921 |
31346.9918 |
X Variable 1 |
0.576865784 |
0.032567713 |
17.7128121 |
7.0107E-09 |
0.504300397 |
0.64943117 |
1.078798 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
95570.81475 |
685.1852481 |
2 |
101841.3227 |
441.6772541 |
3 |
112319.5244 |
-3039.524378 |
4 |
120164.5241 |
-1202.524073 |
5 |
123639.1424 |
1661.857558 |
6 |
104191.9758 |
-1622.975822 |
7 |
119814.9953 |
128.0046736 |
8 |
131912.0208 |
5600.979205 |
9 |
135781.1115 |
3160.888476 |
10 |
136571.5965 |
1428.403524 |
11 |
139071.8251 |
-2070.825081 |
12 |
145303.1466 |
-5171.146583 |
Appendix A.8
Table A.13. The regression analysis of the real imports of Belgium in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.976537421 |
R Square |
0.953625335 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.948987869 |
Standard Error |
9006.561858 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
16680730715 |
16680730715 |
205.6349828 |
5.38357E-08 |
Residual |
10 |
811181565 |
81118156.5 |
Total |
11 |
17491912280 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 91.0% |
Upper 91.0% |
Intercept |
35798.97447 |
18784.18168 |
1.905804314 |
0.085796996 |
545.303395 |
71052.64555 |
X Variable 1 |
1.209252484 |
0.084327357 |
14.33997848 |
5.38357E-08 |
1.05098906 |
1.367515907 |
1.1645678 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
239292.4299 |
-9718.429862 |
2 |
255840.7115 |
312.2884885 |
3 |
282052.0693 |
-1999.069296 |
4 |
295985.3908 |
4312.609181 |
5 |
304349.9233 |
12693.07673 |
6 |
255449.3128 |
-1082.31276 |
7 |
295577.3165 |
-505.3164761 |
8 |
325848.7395 |
9598.260525 |
9 |
335881.5687 |
5905.431258 |
10 |
339308.4089 |
784.5911073 |
11 |
342420.3113 |
-205.3113269 |
12 |
358845.8176 |
-20095.81757 |
Appendix A.9
Table A.14. The regression analysis of the real imports of Luxembourg in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.704218547 |
R Square |
0.495923762 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.445516138 |
Standard Error |
1290.21588 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
16377343.49 |
16377343.49 |
9.838268979 |
0.010571103 |
Residual |
10 |
16646570.17 |
1664657.017 |
Total |
11 |
33023913.67 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
11351.04349 |
2742.928742 |
4.138293247 |
0.002017319 |
5239.417391 |
17462.66959 |
X Variable 1 |
0.036416123 |
0.011610057 |
3.136601502 |
0.010571103 |
0.010547303 |
0.062284943 |
1.310979289 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
17892.22008 |
-1777.220077 |
2 |
18384.39054 |
-214.3905378 |
3 |
19180.27183 |
2430.728169 |
4 |
19721.56145 |
730.4385486 |
5 |
19970.2843 |
1893.715698 |
6 |
18410.77402 |
-250.7740191 |
7 |
19659.55572 |
-946.5557183 |
8 |
20614.9542 |
118.0458021 |
9 |
20910.27949 |
526.7205106 |
10 |
20992.05991 |
-726.0599057 |
11 |
21139.78956 |
-1040.789557 |
12 |
21621.85891 |
-743.8589138 |
Appendix A.10
Table A.15. The regression analysis of the real imports of Bulgaria in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.943277059 |
R Square |
0.88977161 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.878748771 |
Standard Error |
1919.381011 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
297377064.3 |
297377064.3 |
80.72073019 |
4.20279E-06 |
Residual |
10 |
36840234.67 |
3684023.467 |
Total |
11 |
334217298.9 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-13417.99393 |
3850.251515 |
-3.484965561 |
0.005872231 |
-21996.88892 |
-4839.098939 |
X Variable 1 |
0.263965853 |
0.029380231 |
8.984471614 |
4.20279E-06 |
0.198502619 |
0.329429088 |
1.018084921 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
12329.13246 |
-752.1324629 |
2 |
14429.50348 |
-1956.503479 |
3 |
17717.6786 |
-2293.678601 |
4 |
19991.55173 |
1870.448268 |
5 |
21163.01371 |
3930.986288 |
6 |
14836.00033 |
2039.999666 |
7 |
19936.29048 |
-691.2904811 |
8 |
23956.67784 |
-549.6778438 |
9 |
25194.50612 |
265.4938816 |
10 |
25717.65476 |
111.3452361 |
11 |
26311.88677 |
-193.886774 |
12 |
28189.1037 |
-1781.103697 |
Appendix A.11
Table A.16. The regression analysis of the real imports of Croatia in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.536778481 |
R Square |
0.288131137 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.216944251 |
Standard Error |
1801.31873 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
13133223.23 |
13133223.23 |
4.047531119 |
0.071952578 |
Residual |
10 |
32447491.68 |
3244749.168 |
Total |
11 |
45580714.92 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 92.0% |
Upper 92.0% |
Intercept |
9575.555906 |
3564.424956 |
2.686423764 |
0.022839479 |
2631.701543 |
16519.41027 |
X Variable 1 |
0.050610784 |
0.02515637 |
2.011847688 |
0.071952578 |
0.001603674 |
0.099617895 |
0.90205392 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
14866.23827 |
-1625.23827 |
2 |
15307.21257 |
-407.2125655 |
3 |
16008.36628 |
1096.633725 |
4 |
16516.7678 |
2316.2322 |
5 |
16765.22981 |
4051.770194 |
6 |
15438.73835 |
-220.7383537 |
7 |
16504.604 |
-1367.604004 |
8 |
17335.15987 |
-1054.159874 |
9 |
17584.08598 |
-1370.085981 |
10 |
17676.33982 |
-1095.339824 |
11 |
17814.17273 |
-660.1727287 |
12 |
18222.08452 |
335.9154832 |
Appendix A.12
Table A.17. The regression analysis of the real imports of Cyprus in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.084453965 |
R Square |
0.007132472 |
Adjusted R Square |
-0.092154281 |
Standard Error |
851.1760671 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
52046.02816 |
52046.02816 |
0.071837099 |
0.794127937 |
Residual |
10 |
7245006.972 |
724500.6972 |
Total |
11 |
7297053 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 20.0% |
Upper 20.0% |
Intercept |
5148.213658 |
1760.676501 |
2.923997484 |
0.015196114 |
4690.112343 |
5606.314973 |
X Variable 1 |
0.00324672 |
0.012113523 |
0.268024437 |
0.794127937 |
9.49653E-05 |
0.006398475 |
0.87224119 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
5503.504554 |
-1083.504554 |
2 |
5531.539042 |
-458.5390418 |
3 |
5576.128328 |
-58.12832824 |
4 |
5606.107244 |
679.8927561 |
5 |
5620.926833 |
1616.073167 |
6 |
5533.858921 |
83.14107918 |
7 |
5602.602247 |
861.3977529 |
8 |
5656.834779 |
577.1652205 |
9 |
5674.183174 |
3.816825671 |
10 |
5680.292008 |
-926.2920083 |
11 |
5687.371482 |
-598.3714816 |
12 |
5712.651387 |
-696.6513867 |
Appendix A.13
Table A.18. The regression analysis of the real imports of Czech Republic in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.972156908 |
R Square |
0.945089055 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.93959796 |
Standard Error |
5524.728906 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
5253343006 |
5253343006 |
172.113055 |
1.2577E-07 |
Residual |
10 |
305226294.8 |
30522629.48 |
Total |
11 |
5558569301 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-59893.965 |
11766.2755 |
-5.09030789 |
0.000470641 |
-86110.86058 |
-33677.06942 |
X Variable 1 |
0.837836299 |
0.063863434 |
13.11918652 |
1.2577E-07 |
0.695539701 |
0.980132897 |
0.969896117 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
53062.99921 |
3153.000794 |
2 |
64121.15647 |
-2638.156468 |
3 |
81383.64234 |
-7163.642337 |
4 |
91803.25942 |
-5579.259421 |
5 |
99855.17626 |
-3283.176257 |
6 |
68330.97387 |
6983.026127 |
7 |
92694.06373 |
2841.936269 |
8 |
111297.0039 |
-2012.003896 |
9 |
113654.5579 |
-3588.557945 |
10 |
110495.8062 |
-1874.806178 |
11 |
113572.207 |
2630.792985 |
12 |
116274.1537 |
10530.84632 |
Appendix A.14
Table A.19. The regression analysis of the real imports of Denmark in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.893458341 |
R Square |
0.798267807 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.778094588 |
Standard Error |
3303.144877 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
431746325.9 |
431746325.9 |
39.57067017 |
9.01837E-05 |
Residual |
10 |
109107660.8 |
10910766.08 |
Total |
11 |
540853986.7 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
25877.46319 |
6770.404189 |
3.822144508 |
0.003361751 |
10792.06257 |
40962.86381 |
X Variable 1 |
0.200169675 |
0.031820836 |
6.290522249 |
9.01837E-05 |
0.129268435 |
0.271070915 |
0.812480069 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
57741.49693 |
-2954.496934 |
2 |
60239.07202 |
509.9279817 |
3 |
64425.91102 |
3674.088982 |
4 |
67326.25351 |
4199.746489 |
5 |
68604.53706 |
5751.462945 |
6 |
60661.88442 |
-1059.884418 |
7 |
67127.28285 |
-4479.282852 |
8 |
71946.17361 |
-3222.173614 |
9 |
73405.26242 |
-1857.262419 |
10 |
73618.75739 |
-890.7573896 |
11 |
74484.79749 |
298.2025063 |
12 |
76926.57128 |
30.42872192 |
Table A.20. The regression analysis of the real imports of Denmark, after eliminating the autoregression, in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.857868942 |
R Square |
0.735939122 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.706599024 |
Standard Error |
2637.901525 |
Observations |
11 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
174541013.6 |
174541013.6 |
25.08304953 |
0.000730649 |
Residual |
9 |
62626720.11 |
6958524.457 |
Total |
10 |
237167733.7 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 88.0% |
Upper 88.0% |
Intercept |
7957.141817 |
4526.129266 |
1.758045639 |
0.11260838 |
183.1573702 |
15731.12626 |
X Variable 1 |
0.233546747 |
0.046631958 |
5.008298067 |
0.000730649 |
0.153452676 |
0.313640818 |
0.91299833 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
26496.50567 |
2492.131632 |
2 |
29692.19303 |
3191.236004 |
3 |
30244.30329 |
1803.705594 |
4 |
29774.03207 |
3117.903427 |
5 |
19642.39965 |
-3145.032655 |
6 |
32558.02508 |
-4461.673054 |
7 |
33807.44365 |
-1400.876654 |
8 |
32250.47996 |
-542.2077355 |
9 |
31512.69198 |
-261.510023 |
10 |
32378.73768 |
243.3909785 |
11 |
34641.89997 |
-1037.067514 |
Appendix A.15
Table A.21. The regression analysis of the real imports of Estonia in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.950165109 |
R Square |
0.902813735 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.893095108 |
Standard Error |
857.191011 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
68257201.96 |
68257201.96 |
92.8951981 |
2.22587E-06 |
Residual |
10 |
7347764.293 |
734776.4293 |
Total |
11 |
75604966.25 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-5844.295155 |
1764.086636 |
-3.312929781 |
0.007840452 |
-9774.925127 |
-1913.665182 |
X Variable 1 |
0.134700794 |
0.013975699 |
9.638215504 |
2.22587E-06 |
0.103560997 |
0.165840591 |
1.0801031 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
6842.151616 |
-140.1516158 |
2 |
7904.465388 |
324.5346121 |
3 |
9613.804996 |
1097.195004 |
4 |
10730.11628 |
708.8837247 |
5 |
11312.35238 |
-416.352376 |
6 |
8005.01549 |
-735.0154898 |
7 |
10579.607 |
-1311.606996 |
8 |
12536.66002 |
6.339982727 |
9 |
13133.332 |
943.6679979 |
10 |
13275.45616 |
623.543843 |
11 |
13551.8797 |
223.1203022 |
12 |
14398.15899 |
-1324.158989 |
Appendix A.16
Table A.22. The regression analysis of the real imports of Finland in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.768516905 |
R Square |
0.590618234 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.549680057 |
Standard Error |
4642.330099 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
310921240.7 |
310921240.7 |
14.42707719 |
0.00349553 |
Residual |
10 |
215512287.5 |
21551228.75 |
Total |
11 |
526433528.3 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 91.0% |
Upper 91.0% |
Intercept |
18173.07584 |
9611.610538 |
1.890742011 |
0.087954402 |
134.2513546 |
36211.90033 |
X Variable 1 |
0.255827112 |
0.067353069 |
3.79829925 |
0.00349553 |
0.129420597 |
0.382233627 |
1.140441508 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
45556.68712 |
-4203.687118 |
2 |
47809.97139 |
-575.9713891 |
3 |
51330.72295 |
3922.277055 |
4 |
53587.88811 |
6028.111887 |
5 |
54765.16611 |
7636.833891 |
6 |
47927.05067 |
-4272.050667 |
7 |
53541.44526 |
-1642.445259 |
8 |
57809.98458 |
2725.015419 |
9 |
59032.84585 |
484.1541488 |
10 |
59186.12722 |
-779.1272237 |
11 |
59711.13051 |
-1942.130507 |
12 |
61631.98024 |
-7380.980236 |
Appendix A.17
Table A.23. The regression analysis of the real imports of France in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.967817933 |
R Square |
0.936671552 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.930338707 |
Standard Error |
13679.70087 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
27678444842 |
27678444842 |
147.9069165 |
2.57562E-07 |
Residual |
10 |
1871342159 |
187134215.9 |
Total |
11 |
29549787001 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
133956.0736 |
27698.48771 |
4.836223371 |
0.00068536 |
72239.997 |
195672.1502 |
X Variable 1 |
1.686655166 |
0.13868582 |
12.16169875 |
2.57562E-07 |
1.377643901 |
1.99566643 |
1.012440681 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
385524.3347 |
-7018.334738 |
2 |
407102.4564 |
-1938.456399 |
3 |
440674.6359 |
-9072.635942 |
4 |
460292.1559 |
22.84409356 |
5 |
469146.151 |
18203.849 |
6 |
407547.902 |
-3449.902029 |
7 |
457522.3139 |
3418.686073 |
8 |
497158.1706 |
20103.82941 |
9 |
508435.6024 |
16482.39758 |
10 |
514930.9621 |
-1816.962066 |
11 |
519996.4261 |
-10697.42606 |
12 |
540175.8889 |
-24237.88892 |
Appendix A.18
Table A.24. The regression analysis of the real imports of Germany in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.990771488 |
R Square |
0.981628142 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.979790956 |
Standard Error |
17536.24845 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
1.64311E+11 |
1.64311E+11 |
534.3107566 |
5.1906E-10 |
Residual |
10 |
3075200096 |
307520009.6 |
Total |
11 |
1.67386E+11 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 59.0% |
Upper 59.0% |
Intercept |
-30938.86458 |
35951.85188 |
-0.860563864 |
0.409636602 |
-61852.86799 |
-24.86116572 |
X Variable 1 |
5.614782359 |
0.242904728 |
23.11516292 |
5.1906E-10 |
5.4059153 |
5.823649419 |
0.859251646 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
588772.9181 |
-13682.91813 |
2 |
643581.4477 |
-19116.44769 |
3 |
718629.4148 |
3482.585233 |
4 |
766984.0889 |
2794.911112 |
5 |
802171.9299 |
3558.070068 |
6 |
652406.7626 |
11736.2374 |
7 |
774194.3678 |
21471.6322 |
8 |
867226.1459 |
34260.85411 |
9 |
899566.6747 |
-709.6746559 |
10 |
911192.25 |
-21776.24997 |
11 |
919928.1776 |
-11353.17755 |
12 |
957119.8221 |
-10665.82212 |
Appendix A.19
Table A.24. The regression analysis of the real imports of Greece in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.102395208 |
R Square |
0.010484779 |
Adjusted R Square |
-0.088466744 |
Standard Error |
6494.473544 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
4469147.475 |
4469147.475 |
0.105958739 |
0.751501439 |
Residual |
10 |
421781866.2 |
42178186.62 |
Total |
11 |
426251013.7 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 24.0% |
Upper 24.0% |
Intercept |
55123.63841 |
13754.46566 |
4.007690287 |
0.002487297 |
50805.23017 |
59442.04665 |
X Variable 1 |
-0.029818583 |
0.09160488 |
-0.32551304 |
0.751501439 |
-0.058579225 |
-0.001057941 |
0.818344406 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
51721.06138 |
-6723.061382 |
2 |
51463.75236 |
-5081.752357 |
3 |
51045.92245 |
1801.077554 |
4 |
50755.59769 |
9374.40231 |
5 |
50625.7142 |
14231.2858 |
6 |
51463.61996 |
623.380037 |
7 |
50819.40439 |
-78.40438784 |
8 |
50308.19758 |
-1834.197584 |
9 |
50153.29959 |
-862.2995874 |
10 |
50096.93084 |
-3288.930836 |
11 |
50025.54903 |
-2021.549025 |
12 |
49778.95054 |
-6139.950537 |
Appendix A.20
Table A.25. The regression analysis of the real imports of Hungary in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.975993593 |
R Square |
0.952563493 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.947819842 |
Standard Error |
2479.675346 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
1234726815 |
1234726815 |
200.8081021 |
6.03157E-08 |
Residual |
10 |
61487898.24 |
6148789.824 |
Total |
11 |
1296214713 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 16.0% |
Upper 16.0% |
Intercept |
1051.909516 |
4777.947433 |
0.22015929 |
0.830176567 |
61.84283104 |
2041.976202 |
X Variable 1 |
0.496123629 |
0.035010579 |
14.17067755 |
6.03157E-08 |
0.48886888 |
0.503378378 |
0.973656826 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
50613.52391 |
-2033.52391 |
2 |
54740.96987 |
-1294.969866 |
3 |
61345.69009 |
985.3099069 |
4 |
66284.37756 |
3445.622438 |
5 |
68772.24903 |
5296.750966 |
6 |
56322.22998 |
-572.2299796 |
7 |
66452.96533 |
61.03466758 |
8 |
74373.16728 |
-781.1672835 |
9 |
76871.00588 |
-2793.005879 |
10 |
77782.9208 |
-2403.920798 |
11 |
79287.80268 |
-309.802679 |
12 |
83087.09758 |
399.9024166 |
Appendix A.21
Table A.26. The regression analysis of the real imports of Ireland in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.435345178 |
R Square |
0.189525424 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.108477967 |
Standard Error |
6488.265024 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
98443091.49 |
98443091.49 |
2.338449964 |
0.157209809 |
Residual |
10 |
420975830.2 |
42097583.02 |
Total |
11 |
519418921.7 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 84.0% |
Upper 84.0% |
Intercept |
33320.92027 |
13758.69154 |
2.421808802 |
0.035950252 |
12436.63 |
54205.21053 |
X Variable 1 |
0.100805373 |
0.065920371 |
1.529199125 |
0.157209809 |
0.000744975 |
0.200865771 |
0.48855042 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
49333.632 |
358.3679991 |
2 |
50750.262 |
4361.737995 |
3 |
52839.31223 |
5393.687766 |
4 |
53596.37772 |
7565.622278 |
5 |
54192.31489 |
2895.685106 |
6 |
50309.43204 |
-5354.432044 |
7 |
53490.77704 |
-8023.777037 |
8 |
55963.53889 |
-8114.538886 |
9 |
56675.25405 |
-7820.254054 |
10 |
57226.8036 |
-2912.803596 |
11 |
57208.67677 |
3512.323226 |
12 |
58391.61875 |
8138.381246 |
Appendix A.22
Table A.27. The regression analysis of the real imports of Italy in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.782078665 |
R Square |
0.611647039 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.572811743 |
Standard Error |
23728.52009 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
8867793310 |
8867793310 |
15.74977146 |
0.002649341 |
Residual |
10 |
5630426658 |
563042665.8 |
Total |
11 |
14498219968 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
155094.5257 |
50322.08011 |
3.082037257 |
0.011600318 |
42969.94394 |
267219.1076 |
X Variable 1 |
1.392543081 |
0.35089042 |
3.968598174 |
0.002649341 |
0.610710503 |
2.174375658 |
1.130386862 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
307048.1304 |
-21984.13042 |
2 |
318664.8084 |
-9632.808351 |
3 |
336933.957 |
15531.04299 |
4 |
348140.0715 |
25199.92853 |
5 |
354618.8224 |
27431.17755 |
6 |
318911.8316 |
-21302.83157 |
7 |
347898.507 |
19491.49298 |
8 |
370317.1834 |
31110.8166 |
9 |
377129.8662 |
3162.13379 |
10 |
379794.2467 |
-18792.24674 |
11 |
382273.4608 |
-25334.46081 |
12 |
393595.1146 |
-24880.11456 |
Appendix A.23
Table A.28. The regression analysis of the real imports of Latvia in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.964324436 |
R Square |
0.929921617 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.922913779 |
Standard Error |
769.8415789 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
78643892.43 |
78643892.43 |
132.6973572 |
4.28652E-07 |
Residual |
10 |
5926560.566 |
592656.0566 |
Total |
11 |
84570453 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-6674.882369 |
1497.675551 |
-4.456828025 |
0.001222129 |
-10011.91145 |
-3337.853285 |
X Variable 1 |
0.127585092 |
0.011075639 |
11.51943389 |
4.28652E-07 |
0.10290703 |
0.152263154 |
1.141337721 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
5976.054753 |
-275.0547531 |
2 |
7069.219133 |
-79.21913303 |
3 |
8788.799523 |
402.2004774 |
4 |
9942.104963 |
1237.895037 |
5 |
10586.4403 |
388.5597009 |
6 |
7367.936661 |
-333.936661 |
7 |
9991.54929 |
-1172.54929 |
8 |
12021.95631 |
-318.9563085 |
9 |
12670.55426 |
738.4457378 |
10 |
12878.08035 |
572.9196544 |
11 |
13207.62243 |
77.37756813 |
12 |
14137.68203 |
-1237.68203 |
Appendix A.24
Table A.29. The regression analysis of the real imports of Lithuania in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.983945782 |
R Square |
0.968149302 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.964964232 |
Standard Error |
1080.90361 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
355138141.9 |
355138141.9 |
303.9648625 |
8.17599E-09 |
Residual |
10 |
11683526.15 |
1168352.615 |
Total |
11 |
366821668 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-15820.96621 |
2044.18992 |
-7.739479613 |
1.57173E-05 |
-20375.70519 |
-11266.22723 |
X Variable 1 |
0.226224651 |
0.012975624 |
17.43458811 |
8.17599E-09 |
0.19731316 |
0.255136142 |
1.552895926 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
10049.06238 |
-92.06237751 |
2 |
12294.10224 |
199.8977563 |
3 |
15852.80378 |
-423.8037755 |
4 |
18364.653 |
-551.6529955 |
5 |
19718.43108 |
1425.568922 |
6 |
13266.69405 |
-143.6940514 |
7 |
18653.88121 |
-1000.881212 |
8 |
22775.47945 |
50.52055412 |
9 |
24143.33096 |
735.6690356 |
10 |
24622.16485 |
1585.835152 |
11 |
25469.43951 |
419.5604898 |
12 |
27601.9575 |
-2204.957497 |
Appendix A.25
Table A.30. The regression analysis of the real imports of Malta in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.948557034 |
R Square |
0.899760446 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.889736491 |
Standard Error |
288.1224599 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
7451470.731 |
7451470.731 |
89.7610185 |
2.60181E-06 |
Residual |
10 |
830145.5189 |
83014.55189 |
Total |
11 |
8281616.25 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-1786.180846 |
617.3334283 |
-2.893381054 |
0.01601414 |
-3161.685442 |
-410.6762495 |
X Variable 1 |
0.033376849 |
0.003522909 |
9.474229179 |
2.6018E-06 |
0.025527318 |
0.04122638 |
1.746023383 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
2673.432437 |
252.5675629 |
2 |
3007.990956 |
-19.99095574 |
3 |
3552.362688 |
-122.3626879 |
4 |
3930.200299 |
-427.200299 |
5 |
4096.792162 |
-492.7921621 |
6 |
3001.400697 |
208.5993031 |
7 |
3836.849592 |
-18.84959169 |
8 |
4495.128499 |
24.87150139 |
9 |
4703.68741 |
431.3125898 |
10 |
4770.578954 |
-145.5789543 |
11 |
4863.14831 |
268.8516905 |
12 |
5179.427997 |
40.57200309 |
Appendix A.26
Table A.31. The regression analysis of the real imports of Netherlands in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.970946929 |
R Square |
0.942737939 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.937011733 |
Standard Error |
17219.81974 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
48818138004 |
48818138004 |
164.635698 |
1.55262E-07 |
Residual |
10 |
2965221918 |
296522191.8 |
Total |
11 |
51783359922 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-85890.2647 |
36701.05671 |
-2.340266804 |
0.041320763 |
-167665.3151 |
-4115.214327 |
X Variable 1 |
2.160112435 |
0.168350477 |
12.83104431 |
1.55262E-07 |
1.785004195 |
2.535220674 |
0.710585387 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
273477.7262 |
-16533.72617 |
2 |
302176.656 |
-9761.655965 |
3 |
348163.8728 |
-16184.87282 |
4 |
372044.3478 |
-12601.34781 |
5 |
382811.1258 |
12168.87417 |
6 |
297234.8155 |
20483.18446 |
7 |
365971.6453 |
20862.35468 |
8 |
420234.2097 |
6752.790283 |
9 |
433727.7841 |
23096.21594 |
10 |
442990.2166 |
1024.783422 |
11 |
449302.9508 |
-5613.950759 |
12 |
480062.6494 |
-23692.64942 |
Appendix A.27
Table A.32. The regression analysis of the real imports of Poland in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.976437597 |
R Square |
0.95343038 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.948773418 |
Standard Error |
7644.271041 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
11963505379 |
11963505379 |
204.7322666 |
5.49815E-08 |
Residual |
10 |
584348797.6 |
58434879.76 |
Total |
11 |
12547854177 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-84942.89661 |
15213.03076 |
-5.583561747 |
0.00023295 |
-118839.6415 |
-51046.15172 |
X Variable 1 |
1.171183896 |
0.081852499 |
14.30846835 |
5.49815E-08 |
0.988805162 |
1.35356263 |
0.782022365 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
76228.73203 |
-4141.732035 |
2 |
89136.64255 |
-7439.642553 |
3 |
110471.0572 |
-9333.057239 |
4 |
125822.7367 |
-4910.736652 |
5 |
133036.0817 |
8929.918307 |
6 |
93114.80289 |
14040.19711 |
7 |
125600.036 |
8705.963966 |
8 |
150763.7419 |
527.2581238 |
9 |
158713.34 |
-3779.339962 |
10 |
160143.6366 |
-3824.636584 |
11 |
164751.402 |
3614.598036 |
12 |
177378.7905 |
-2388.790515 |
Table A.33. The regression analysis of the real imports of Poland, after eliminating the autoregression, in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.944686139 |
R Square |
0.892431902 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.880479891 |
Standard Error |
5690.583195 |
Observations |
11 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
2417951919 |
2417951919 |
74.66792914 |
1.18963E-05 |
Residual |
9 |
291444633.9 |
32382737.1 |
Total |
10 |
2709396553 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 93.0% |
Upper 93.0% |
Intercept |
-20068.47485 |
9402.232871 |
-2.13443712 |
0.061575723 |
-39393.77596 |
-743.1737398 |
X Variable 1 |
1.000800811 |
0.115819209 |
8.641060649 |
1.18963E-05 |
0.762746604 |
1.238855018 |
1.436233874 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
45949.02735 |
-7557.807708 |
2 |
57553.48109 |
-5494.404303 |
3 |
59719.83899 |
434.1878135 |
4 |
58003.04456 |
11325.88475 |
5 |
20186.53508 |
1683.34536 |
6 |
68439.32694 |
1494.027587 |
7 |
73266.01888 |
-2658.444963 |
8 |
67141.38838 |
-3094.438965 |
9 |
64282.69985 |
-1039.258185 |
10 |
67485.89124 |
6972.520998 |
11 |
75910.87041 |
-2065.61239 |
Appendix A.28
Table A.34. The regression analysis of the real imports of Portugal in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.710324874 |
R Square |
0.504561426 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.455017569 |
Standard Error |
3913.92976 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
156009226.6 |
156009226.6 |
10.1841369 |
0.009633532 |
Residual |
10 |
153188461.7 |
15318846.17 |
Total |
11 |
309197688.3 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
30732.58421 |
8154.668729 |
3.768710321 |
0.003669301 |
12562.84999 |
48902.31843 |
X Variable 1 |
0.138715782 |
0.04346741 |
3.191259454 |
0.009633532 |
0.041864358 |
0.235567206 |
1.039918627 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
50495.17893 |
-6322.178932 |
2 |
51974.93231 |
-602.9323121 |
3 |
54342.11436 |
1952.88564 |
4 |
55854.20794 |
4072.792063 |
5 |
56632.89037 |
7561.109633 |
6 |
52014.95043 |
-635.9504281 |
7 |
55773.32138 |
2873.678623 |
8 |
58758.184 |
792.8160046 |
9 |
59691.29871 |
-3317.298706 |
10 |
60104.24449 |
-3091.244492 |
11 |
60475.25234 |
-1499.252336 |
12 |
61946.42476 |
-1784.424757 |
Appendix A.29
Table A.35. The regression analysis of the real imports of Romania in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.953288032 |
R Square |
0.908758071 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.899633878 |
Standard Error |
3603.9702 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
1293648255 |
1293648255 |
99.59873542 |
1.61911E-06 |
Residual |
10 |
129886012 |
12988601.2 |
Total |
11 |
1423534267 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-20819.13675 |
7008.614944 |
-2.970506572 |
0.014033656 |
-36435.304 |
-5202.969494 |
X Variable 1 |
0.544796841 |
0.054589318 |
9.979916604 |
1.61911E-06 |
0.423164261 |
0.666429422 |
0.705501918 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
30349.08694 |
-4114.086942 |
2 |
34722.73778 |
-2184.737775 |
3 |
41689.85584 |
-943.8558351 |
4 |
46783.76623 |
4521.233772 |
5 |
49324.4263 |
7823.573703 |
6 |
36341.67786 |
2606.32214 |
7 |
46851.00505 |
-1.00505436 |
8 |
55009.13073 |
-66.13072888 |
9 |
57515.93712 |
-2871.937122 |
10 |
58312.75698 |
-2984.756982 |
11 |
59670.89192 |
-1115.891924 |
12 |
63644.72725 |
-668.727251 |
Table A.36. The regression analysis of the real imports of Romania, after eliminating the autoregression, in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.920872471 |
R Square |
0.848006107 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.831117897 |
Standard Error |
2732.474342 |
Observations |
11 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
374910442.2 |
374910442.2 |
50.21290546 |
5.75365E-05 |
Residual |
9 |
67197744.27 |
7466416.03 |
Total |
10 |
442108186.5 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 93.0% |
Upper 93.0% |
Intercept |
-8887.5794 |
4289.126845 |
-2.072118573 |
0.0681298 |
-17703.42867 |
-71.73012926 |
X Variable 1 |
0.572256413 |
0.080757523 |
7.086106509 |
5.75365E-05 |
0.406267814 |
0.738245011 |
1.205288922 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
15823.32888 |
299.0445031 |
2 |
20267.01833 |
119.4749476 |
3 |
21038.52048 |
4771.10609 |
4 |
20359.25109 |
4686.453373 |
5 |
5052.27289 |
-1862.619747 |
6 |
24624.25362 |
-2144.591929 |
7 |
26286.2906 |
-658.0269061 |
8 |
23557.49695 |
-3292.142768 |
9 |
22746.87351 |
-1610.430617 |
10 |
23649.75083 |
285.7031652 |
11 |
26931.24259 |
-593.9701125 |
Appendix A.30
Table A.37. The regression analysis of the real imports of Slovakia in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.980105871 |
R Square |
0.960607518 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.956668269 |
Standard Error |
2916.724438 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
2074547738 |
2074547738 |
243.8555433 |
2.37367E-08 |
Residual |
10 |
85072814.44 |
8507281.444 |
Total |
11 |
2159620553 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
-36725.87022 |
5502.185695 |
-6.674778398 |
5.53559E-05 |
-48985.50394 |
-24466.2365 |
X Variable 1 |
0.575900075 |
0.036879143 |
15.61587472 |
2.37367E-08 |
0.493728224 |
0.658071926 |
0.780158349 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
25554.62458 |
-1566.624577 |
2 |
30938.97354 |
-3101.973535 |
3 |
39438.83248 |
-3610.83248 |
4 |
45849.69453 |
-1620.694528 |
5 |
49212.56511 |
1040.434886 |
6 |
33379.64381 |
6518.356187 |
7 |
46406.68204 |
2643.317956 |
8 |
56397.15467 |
960.8453281 |
9 |
59487.12925 |
753.8707514 |
10 |
60625.33816 |
917.6618427 |
11 |
62897.3273 |
-1208.327303 |
12 |
68015.03453 |
-1726.034527 |
Appendix A.31
Table A.38. The regression analysis of the real imports of Slovenia in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.947756132 |
R Square |
0.898241686 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.888065854 |
Standard Error |
1381.897333 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
168567893.3 |
168567893.3 |
88.27206816 |
2.80693E-06 |
Residual |
10 |
19096402.38 |
1909640.238 |
Total |
11 |
187664295.7 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 83.0% |
Upper 83.0% |
Intercept |
-4295.3188 |
2858.475747 |
-1.502660572 |
0.163830389 |
-8522.308915 |
-68.32868483 |
X Variable 1 |
0.166358915 |
0.01770657 |
9.39532161 |
2.80693E-06 |
0.140175207 |
0.192542623 |
0.505807971 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
15892.93613 |
-1733.936133 |
2 |
17451.4713 |
-1178.471295 |
3 |
20006.4215 |
-779.4214984 |
4 |
21879.18037 |
1158.819629 |
5 |
22718.27145 |
2461.728551 |
6 |
17683.70002 |
1369.299977 |
7 |
21603.93123 |
1116.068773 |
8 |
24649.56371 |
875.4362943 |
9 |
25589.77106 |
-655.7710604 |
10 |
25865.74054 |
-736.7405379 |
11 |
26374.06019 |
-823.0601853 |
12 |
27862.95251 |
-1073.952515 |
Table A.39. The regression analysis of the real imports of Slovenia, after eliminating the autoregression, in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.927619251 |
R Square |
0.860477475 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.844974972 |
Standard Error |
927.2219849 |
Observations |
11 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
47720515.79 |
47720515.79 |
55.50571332 |
3.89126E-05 |
Residual |
9 |
7737665.483 |
859740.6093 |
Total |
10 |
55458181.27 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 68.0% |
Upper 68.0% |
Intercept |
-1281.17168 |
1195.249742 |
-1.071886179 |
0.311671166 |
-2539.190547 |
-23.15281251 |
X Variable 1 |
0.169227716 |
0.022714472 |
7.450215656 |
3.89126E-05 |
0.145320382 |
0.19313505 |
1.226522174 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
6147.61545 |
-4.848084362 |
2 |
7612.322455 |
-28.04267918 |
3 |
7657.882782 |
1623.920956 |
4 |
7148.44916 |
1548.727234 |
5 |
1416.36757 |
-378.7117142 |
6 |
9068.364526 |
19.92967628 |
7 |
9313.372284 |
-43.67883512 |
8 |
8053.180852 |
-1381.359536 |
9 |
7649.6261 |
-359.9664848 |
10 |
7965.860862 |
-393.7164218 |
11 |
9110.473403 |
-602.254111 |
Appendix A.32
Table A.40. The regression analysis of the real imports of Spain in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.774374347 |
R Square |
0.599655629 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.559621192 |
Standard Error |
17798.54832 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
4745012409 |
4745012409 |
14.97849534 |
0.003108117 |
Residual |
10 |
3167883223 |
316788322.3 |
Total |
11 |
7912895632 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
102990.7901 |
39817.34326 |
2.586581164 |
0.027108502 |
14272.22059 |
191709.3596 |
X Variable 1 |
0.821238971 |
0.212195151 |
3.87020611 |
0.003108117 |
0.34843871 |
1.294039231 |
1.13873941 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
222226.7144 |
-14570.71442 |
2 |
231022.1838 |
1086.816204 |
3 |
245120.886 |
16663.11405 |
4 |
253398.0878 |
30659.91216 |
5 |
257698.9492 |
28406.05082 |
6 |
229502.1197 |
-19280.11974 |
7 |
251419.0497 |
-4745.049742 |
8 |
268230.1071 |
2319.892879 |
9 |
273491.6784 |
-10930.67845 |
10 |
275098.0137 |
-18643.01366 |
11 |
276883.3051 |
-6710.305059 |
12 |
285553.9051 |
-4255.905051 |
Appendix A.33
Table A.41. The regression analysis of the real imports of Sweden in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.955752837 |
R Square |
0.913463486 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.904809835 |
Standard Error |
5128.545564 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
2776388481 |
2776388481 |
105.5581566 |
1.23988E-06 |
Residual |
10 |
263019796 |
26301979.6 |
Total |
11 |
3039408277 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 8.0% |
Upper 8.0% |
Intercept |
1203.006923 |
10687.89191 |
0.112557924 |
0.912608491 |
102.1643655 |
2303.849481 |
X Variable 1 |
0.680095947 |
0.066194863 |
10.27414992 |
1.23988E-06 |
0.67327794 |
0.686913954 |
1.116353987 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
83585.30052 |
-2862.300518 |
2 |
90360.1443 |
-579.1443047 |
3 |
101059.4273 |
523.5726533 |
4 |
108146.9929 |
3656.007148 |
5 |
111727.1947 |
2837.805258 |
6 |
91328.75055 |
-5383.750555 |
7 |
107120.184 |
5231.816009 |
8 |
119440.979 |
7733.021006 |
9 |
123298.5852 |
4686.41478 |
10 |
124455.1904 |
-3524.190393 |
11 |
126505.9449 |
-4373.944911 |
12 |
132412.3062 |
-7945.306173 |
Appendix A.34
Table A.42. The regression analysis of the real imports of United Kingdom in function of exports of the other EU countries (million of Euro)
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.667253679 |
R Square |
0.445227472 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.389750219 |
Standard Error |
41803.54691 |
Observations |
12 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
14024690012 |
14024690012 |
8.0254059 |
0.017762898 |
Residual |
10 |
17475365342 |
1747536534 |
Total |
11 |
3039408277 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
. |
Lower 8.0% |
Upper 8.0% |
Intercept |
202675.6936 |
90317.10797 |
2.244045432 |
0.048669026 |
1436.636311 |
403914.7509 |
X Variable 1 |
1.250750151 |
0.441506458 |
2.832914736 |
0.017762898 |
0.267012458 |
2.234487844 |
1.473229489 |
Observation |
Predicted Y |
Residuals |
1 |
397190.7061 |
-18897.70614 |
2 |
411983.4282 |
5375.571758 |
3 |
433595.0275 |
54355.97246 |
4 |
451395.5411 |
14319.4589 |
5 |
460149.654 |
-12921.65398 |
6 |
415386.2566 |
-42805.25663 |
7 |
451533.9866 |
-6242.986633 |
8 |
478353.5845 |
9551.415513 |
9 |
488300.3252 |
52811.67484 |
10 |
488451.4783 |
8525.521688 |
11 |
493092.3742 |
26640.62576 |
12 |
505473.6375 |
-90712.63754 |
1 Associate Professor PhD, Danubius University of Galati, Department of Economics, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd., Galati 800654, Romania, Tel.: +40372361102, Corresponding author:
2 Senior Lecturer, PhD, Danubius University of Galati, Department of Economics, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd., Galati 800654, Romania, Tel.: +40372361102, E-mail:
AUDŒ, Vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 5-118
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