Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 12, No 4 (2016)
The Role of Fashion Style in Creating the First Impression
Cătălin Angelo Ioan1, Diana Toderașcu2
Abstract: The article discusses how young people believe they are perceived by society depending on how their dress. It is also studied an interesting aspect relative to one factor of employability, namely on how to present to an interview.
Keywords: fashion; normal distribution; employment
1. Introduction
The labor market recorded in the last years an increasingly unemployment level in the young people. If in ([2]) 2007 the long term unemployment rate for youth (6 months and over) was 13.3%, it had after this year an oscillating evolution: 10.5% - 2008, 10.3% - 2009, 13% - 2010, 15% - 2011, 13.9% - 2012.
The employability of young people is difficult, most employers asking for a number of years of experience, which is obviously impossible.
A problem that is serious is represented by the professional orientation of youth who continue their studies in fields that are not in demand on the Romanian market, after graduation still clinging to finding a suitable job.
The study that follows, after a survey conducted by one of the authors, aims to give an answer to one of the factors that can accelerate employability namely attire candidate obtaining a job.
The study was conducted on a sample of 136 people surveyed online.
The gender distribution was 19.12% men and 80.88% women.
By age, 73.53% were in the range 19-25 years and 26.47% between 26-35 years.
Distribution by education level of respondents was 91.91%- higher education and 8.09%-secondary education.
Finally, after residency, the distribution of respondents was 94.12%- urban and 5.88%-rural.
2. The Analysis of Statistical Survey
Question 1: In your opinion, everyday clothing is (You can tick more than one answer):
A non-verbal way of expression;
An indicator of personality;
Textile industry
At this question, most of the respondents stated that the everyday clothing is a crucial sign of personality – 72.79%. In the same time, 55.15% appreciated that the manner of dress complements the expression in society.
Figure 1
Question 2: How would you define your fashion style? (one option answer):
Informal (casual);
Formal (business);
Modern (trendy);
At this question, most of the respondents stated that like the casual style (51.47%), following of modern – 24.26% which is normal due to the age of respondents. Let note that the formal (business) style is preferred only by 8.09% which, after the following questions, is in contradiction with what the employers expected from them.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 2.59 (relative to the indexes of answers possiblities), and a mean square error of 1.84. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (1,4) that is most of the respondents prefer a well-defined style.
Because the skewness is 1=0.519341291 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the left of the graph. The kurtosis 2=1.54264837 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 3: Which of the following daily attire characterizes you? (one option answer):
Business attire, dress shoes;
Jeans, T-shirt, sneakers;
Casual attire (dress, shirt, jeans), casual shoes (flats, sneakers, sandals, moccasins);
At this question, most of the respondents stated that like the casual attire and shoes (72.06%), following of jeans, T-shirt, sneakers – 16.91 % which is normal due to the age of respondents. Let note that the formal (business) style is preferred only by 8.82 % which, after the following questions, is in contradiction with what the employers expected from them.
Figure 3.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 2.68 (relative to the indexes of answers possiblities), and a mean square error of 0.66. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (2,3) that is most of the respondents prefer a convenient style (jeans, shirts etc.).
Because the skewness is 1=-1.381613903 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph (toward the convenient style). The kurtosis 2=4.287608881 implies that the distribution of answers is leptokurtic that means a fat-tailed distribution.
Question 4: To what extent do you think the first impression counts the formulation of opinions about a person?
Very little;
To a small extent;
Nor small nor large extent;
I do not know/No answer.
At this question, most of the respondents stated that the first impression counts more – 91.17% (largely & heavily) which, after the following questions, is in agree with what the employers expected from them.
Figure 4.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 4.21 (relative to the indexes of answers possiblities), and a mean square error of 0.67. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (4,5) that is most of the respondents think that the first impression counts largely & heavily.
Because the skewness is 1=-0.99337538 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. The kurtosis 2= 6.15782478 implies that the distribution of answers is very leptokurtic that means a fat-tailed distribution.
Question 5: You think clothes can help a person to form an impression about that person?
At this question, most of the respondents stated that the clothes can help a person to form an impression – 92.65% which, after the following questions, is in agree with what the employers expected from them.
Figure 5.
The next questions are a common general statement: Please express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements by ticking the corresponding figure your answer, where 1 means "very little" and 5 "very much".
Question 6: I believe that a person's appearance is very important (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the respondents stated that person's appearance is very important (over 4) – 73.53% which, after the following questions, is in agree with what the employers expected from them.
Figure 6.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 4.1 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.86. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (3,5) that is most of the respondents think that the person's appearance is very important.
Because the skewness is 1=-0.4745004 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. The kurtosis 2=2.1429619 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 7: I'm interested in how I look and dress (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the respondents stated that person's look and dress is very important (over 4) – 89.71% which, after the following questions, is in agree with what the employers expected from them.
Figure 7.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 4.39 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.71. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (4,5) that is most of the respondents think that the person's look and dress is very important.
Because the skewness is 1=-0.96584733 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. The kurtosis 2=3.49630931 implies that the distribution of answers is leptokurtic that means a little fat-tailed distribution.
Question 8: I agree a large importance to every day clothing (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the respondents stated that person's importance to every day clothing is high (over 4) – 73.53% which, after the following questions, is in agree with what the employers expected from them.
Figure 8.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.95 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.88. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (3,5) that is most of the respondents think that the importance granted to every day clothing is high.
Because the skewness is 1=-0.74757614 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. The kurtosis 2=3.59952797 implies that the distribution of answers is leptokurtic that means a little fat-tailed distribution.
Question 9: I try to adjust my wardrobe as fashion and latest trends (1 to 5)
At this question, the answers of the respondents are uniformly distributed between 2 and 5 maybe because the financial restrictions at their age.
Figure 9.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.38 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 1.24. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (2,4) that is most of the respondents think that the importance granted to wardrobe adaptation is moderate.
Because the skewness is 1=-0.09458262 we have that the mass of the distribution is centered to the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.32505418 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 10: I tend to observe and analyze how other people dress (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed between 3 and 5 – 88.24%.
Figure 10.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.74 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.98. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (3,5) that is most of the respondents think that the spirit of observation and analysis characterizes them.
Because the skewness is 1=-0.49772979 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.64787199 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 11: When I trust the way I dress, I like to socialize (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed at the middle and upper level between 3 and 5 – 89.71 %.
Figure 11.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.89 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 1.07. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (3,5) that is most of the respondents think that they like to socialize when they trust in their clothes.
Because the skewness is 1=-0.71758276 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.81092248 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a little thin-tailed distribution.
Question 12: When I am confident in the way I dress, I like being in the spotlight (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed uniformly between 2 and 5.
Figure 12.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.43 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 1.19. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (2,5) that is most the respondents are not mandatory, in the sense of social affirmation, from the how they dressed.
Because the skewness is 1=-0.29356783 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the middle of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.00580099 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 13: I tend to isolate myself when I'm not satisfied with the style of dress adopted a certain day (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed between 2 and 3 – 59.56% that is respondents are not terribly addicted to socializing from the way they dress.
Figure 13.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 2.79 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 1.17. Therefore with a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (2,4) that is most the respondents are not mandatory, in the sense of the isolation, from the how they dressed.
Because the skewness is 1=0.32482325 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the left of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.15519602 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 14: Usually I dress according to my mood of the day (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed at the middle and upper level between 3 and 5 – 79.41%.
Figure 14.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.6 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 1.09. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (3,5) that is most the respondents dress according to their mood of the day.
Because the skewness is 1=-0.42479176 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.19183427 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 15: The clothes that I wear can affect the mood of the day (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed uniformly between 2 and 5 – 92.65%.
Figure 15.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.52 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 1.21. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (2,5).
Because the skewness is 1=-0.46954057 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.28820198 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 16: Usually I dress according to the weather (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed at the middle and upper level between 3 and 5 – 94.11% but it is interesting that only 21.32% take into account very seriously the weather (maybe because of the age of the respondents).
Figure 16.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.81 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.89. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (3,5).
Because the skewness is 1=-0.68883897 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=3.68504788 implies that the distribution of answers is leptokurtic that means a fat-tailed distribution.
Question 17: Usually I dress according to the group I belong (college team sports, certain music clubs, fraternities, including groups of friends with the same style of dress etc.) (1 to 5)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed at the middle level between 2 and 4 – 69.86% - answers correlated with their mood (as in the upper questions).
Figure 17.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.16 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 1.26. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (2,4).
Because the skewness is 1=0.02768797 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the middle of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=1.96578555 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
The next ten questions investigates how respondents perceive visual three persons dressed: picture no.1 – style business, picture no.2 – style sport, picture no.3 – shirt, short jeans, slippers
Question 18: On a scale of 1 to 5, how you perceive the person in the picture no.1? (1-negative to 5 positive)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed at the upper level between 3 and 5 – 84.56% which shows that the style business send an agreeable image.
Figure 18.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.71 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 1.05. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (3,5).
Because the skewness is 1=-0.31653992 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.05291406 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 19: On a scale of 1 to 5, how you perceive the person in the picture no.2? (1-negative to 5 positive)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed also at the upper level between 3 and 5 – 86.77% which shows that the style sport send an agreeable image, probably more close to respondents' age.
Figure 19.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 3.46 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.96. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (3,4).
Because the skewness is 1=-0.38562597 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=3.02887181 implies that the distribution of answers is mesokurtic that means a normal distribution.
Question 20: On a scale of 1 to 5, how you perceive the person in the picture no.3? (1-negative to 5 positive)
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed also at the lower level between 1 and 3 – 81.62% which shows that the style suited for the holiday send not an agreeable image, probably because of survey objective in perspective of employment.
Figure 20.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 2.64 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 1.02. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (2,4).
Because the skewness is 1=0.0139548 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the middle of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.45700836 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 21: Which of these three people you employ in an interview?
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed to the persons 1 and 2 – 98.52% which shows that the conventional style is preferred to one unusual.
Figure 21.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 1.16 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.4. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (1,2). Because the skewness is 1=2.35511765 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the left of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=9.55740147 implies that the distribution of answers is leptokurtic that means a very fat-tailed distribution.
Question 22: Which of the people in the pictures above you interact more easily?
At this question, the answers are more interesting. Even the respondents prefer to employ the person 1 (business style), they agree that the best interaction is with the second category – 60%. The difference can comes from the fact that the person 2 is more close with their personal style and not one imposed by society.
Figure 22.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 1.87 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.62. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (1,2). Because the skewness is 1=-2.12780804 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=9.01463719 implies that the distribution of answers is leptokurtic that means a very fat-tailed distribution.
Question 23: Which of the characters you consider most attractive?
At this question, the answers are again interesting. Even the respondents prefer to employ the person 1 (business style) and they consider attractive, they also agree the person 3 dressed unconventionally.
Figure 23.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 1.92 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.89. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (1,3).
Because the skewness is 1=-0.3670496 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated almost on the middle of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.31840735 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 24: Which of people in photos you think should be or could be a successful person?
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed to the persons 1 and 2 – 96.32% which shows that the conventional style is preferred to one unusual.
Figure 24.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 1.26 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.51. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (1,2).
Because the skewness is 1=1.91832793 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the left of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=5.84879446 implies that the distribution of answers is leptokurtic that means a very fat-tailed distribution.
Question 25: Which of people in photos you think should have a high self-confidence?
At this question, the answers are again interesting. Even the respondents think that person 1 (business style) has a high self-confidence – 47.79%, they respect also the person 3 – 33.82%. From the percentage of 18.38%, person 2 is perceived as a common person.
Figure 25.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 1.86 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.89. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (1,3).
Because the skewness is 1=0.28032088 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the middle of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=1.32729444 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
Question 26: Which of these people feel that conveys a higher level of intelligence?
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed to the person 1 – 83.09% which shows that the business style induces the appearance of a higher level of intelligence.
Figure 26.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 1.18 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.4. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (1,2).
Because the skewness is 1=2.01052941 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the left of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=6.04242169 implies that the distribution of answers is leptokurtic that means a very fat-tailed distribution.
Question 27: Which of these people find it reliable?
At this question, most of the answers of the respondents are distributed to the persons 1 and 2 – 97.06% which shows that the conventional style is preferred to one unusual.
Figure 27.
Considering that the answers follows a normal distribution we obtain an average of 1.43 (relative to the scale), and a mean square error of 0.55. With a probability 0.68 the answers lie in the interval (in integer numbers): (1,2).
Because the skewness is 1=0.81691554 we have that the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the left of the graph. Also, the kurtosis 2=2.60796372 implies that the distribution of answers is platykurtic that means a thin-tailed distribution.
3. Conclusions
Following statistical analysis we can conclude that, in the hiring process, young people have a conscious attitude of usages and requirements of most employers.
Even though many prefer casual attire and communicate well with people wearing unconventional, recognize that "clothes make the man" and say they have much greater confidence in people wearing business style, that they seem to be intelligent and, above all, that will more easily find a job.
Also, the dress style that depends largely on the mood, entourage, the selected destination is definitely separated at those occasioned by work.
4. References
Ioan, C.A. (2011). Elements of econometrics. Galati: Zigotto.
INSSE, Romanian Statistical Yearbook – 2007-2013.
1 Associate Professor, PhD, Danubius University of Galati, Department of Economics, Address: 3 Galati Blvd., Galati 800654, Romania, Tel.: +40372361102, Corresponding author:
2 PRIME Romania, Address: 7 Edgar Quinet, 3rd Floor, Hall 306, Bucharest, Romania, Tel.: 0730918117, E-mail:
AUDŒ, Vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 254-274
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