Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 14, No 5 (2018)
Demographics and Poverty Analysis for Developing Countries and Regions of the World for Developing Countries and Regions of the World – Part Two
Cătălin Angelo Ioan1
Abstract: The previous paper analized the phenomenon of demographics and poverty for developing countries and regions of the World for developing countries and regions of the World for each of the developing countries or regions of the World. A number of indicators are analyzed, such as: The annual population growth rate, birth rate, crude, life expectancy at birth, the mortality rate, adult, the maternal mortality ratio, people using at least basic sanitation services, the rural poverty gap, the Gini index.
Keywords: poverty; demography; birth; mortality
JEL Classification: I32
1. Introduction
In previous paper we analized the phenomenon of demographics and poverty for developing countries and regions of the World for developing countries and regions of the World for each of the developing countries or regions of the World. A number of indicators are analyzed, such as: The annual population growth rate, Birth rate, crude, Life expectancy at birth, the mortality rate, adult, the maternal mortality ratio, people using at least basic sanitation services, the rural poverty gap, the Gini index.
2. The Analysis
2.89. Grenada
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 97899.23. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.32 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.068*Year+185.737. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.068.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.34 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.71 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.101*Year-167.269. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.101.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.29 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.101*Year+267.269. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.101.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 27.01 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.54 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.233*Year-394.711. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.233.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.79 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.243*Year-413.584. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.243.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.40 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.222*Year-376.737. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.222.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 241.13 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.585*Year+3391.993. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.585.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 29.96 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 85.83 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.211*Year+2517.238. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.211.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.41 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 138.04 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 84% in the World.
2.90. Greenland
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 51225.14. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 94% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.03 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.30 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 22.70 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1973-2015 highlights an average of 18.06 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1978-2013 highlights an average of 66.58 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.252*Year-437.268. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.252.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1978-2013 highlights an average of 69.59 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1978-2013 highlights an average of 63.71 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.293*Year-520.807. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.293.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1998-2001 highlights an average of 271.92 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.51 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.019*Year+137.000. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.019.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.90 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
2.91. Guatemala
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 9386883.19. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 217630.067*Year-423261689.272. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 217630.067.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.18 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.037*Year-23.094. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.037.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.46 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.13 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.350*Year-654.249. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.350.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.87 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.350*Year+754.249. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.350.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 39.00 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.405*Year+843.993. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.405.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.90 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.489*Year-911.927. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.489.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.24 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.546*Year-1022.635. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.546.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.68 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.435*Year-806.491. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.435.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 302.35 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.878*Year+6022.847. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.878.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 146.19 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.662*Year+9482.292. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.662.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 63.34 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.544*Year-1028.653. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.544.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 11.33Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 0.23Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 9.02Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 0.68Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 1.46Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 2.39Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 3.93Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 12.24Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.24 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 21530.30 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
2.92. Guam
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 122086.00. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1966.326*Year-3786970.793. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1966.326.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.89 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.60 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 84.04 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 15.96 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 26.36 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.382*Year+785.709. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.382.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.20 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.317*Year-557.918. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.317. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.63 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.325*Year-572.336. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.325. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.88 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.308*Year-544.186. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.308.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 167.79 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.637*Year+7395.428. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.637.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 89.70 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.118*Year-147.546. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.118.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 11.15 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
2.93. Guyana
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 734438.33. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.99 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.58 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.23 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.77 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.62 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.375*Year+775.045. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.375. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.46 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.109*Year-153.385. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.109.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.33 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.109*Year-150.151. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.109.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.73 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.109*Year-156.465. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.109.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 290.78 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 210.27 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 82.24 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.521*Year-963.131. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.521.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.30 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 310.15 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 77% in the World.
2.94. High Income
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 981846555.33. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 7563285.325*Year-14053964671.398. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 7563285.325.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.74 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.014*Year+77.661. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.014.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 0.82 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.80 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.288*Year-497.945. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.288.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 26.20 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.288*Year+597.945. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.288.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 14.85 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.185*Year+382.305. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.185.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.79 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.226*Year-374.603. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.226. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.00 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.219*Year-358.065. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.219. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.75 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.233*Year-391.537. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.233.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 165.54 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.260*Year+4655.341. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.260.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 11.85 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.202*Year+415.769. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.202.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.07 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.051*Year-3.687. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.051.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.43 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 30266.04 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
2.95. Hong Kong SAR, China
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 5491928.16. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 78418.230*Year-150403514.056. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 78418.230.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.04 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.61 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 94.71 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-1992 highlights an average of 9.13 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.453*Year+905.198. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.453.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 15.65 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.56 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.306*Year-532.325. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.306.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.77 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.290*Year-497.237. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.290.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.50 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.322*Year-565.741. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.322.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 136.81 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.285*Year+6665.963. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.285.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 96.69 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.048*Year+192.984. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.048.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 9.07 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 36.48 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
2.96. Honduras
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 5027773.93. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 131118.395*Year-255635594.420. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 131118.395.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.21 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.68 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 39.12 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.569*Year-1092.567. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.569.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.88 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.569*Year+1192.567. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.569.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 38.52 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.531*Year+1093.149. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.531.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.77 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.524*Year-977.891. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.524.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.03 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.538*Year-1005.011. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.538.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.61 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.510*Year-952.062. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.510.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 264.74 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.477*Year+9162.750. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.477.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 160.50 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 71.10 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.193*Year-2323.670. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.193.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 54.89Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1989-2015 highlights an average of 53.30Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1989-2015 highlights an average of 0.87Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1989-2015 highlights an average of 41.55Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1989-2015 highlights an average of 2.75Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1989-2015 highlights an average of 6.53Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1989-2015 highlights an average of 11.14Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1989-2015 highlights an average of 18.76Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1989-2015 highlights an average of 57.12Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.38 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1734.81 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.
2.97. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC)
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 377834671.54. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 10050257.756*Year-19602077747.826. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 10050257.756.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.30 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.005*Year+60.867. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.005.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.76 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 23.79 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.405*Year-780.957. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.405.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.21 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.405*Year+880.957. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.405.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.82 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.52 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.357*Year-660.615. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.357.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.99 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.362*Year-667.538. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.362.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.13 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.353*Year-654.082. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.353.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 397.70 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 733.85 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -20.481*Year+41747.785. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 20.481.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 21.27 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.467*Year-915.939. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.467.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.53 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6800787.30 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
2.98. Croatia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4466205.14. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 66% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.70 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.08 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.70 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.30 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.62 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.162*Year+334.482. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.162.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.45 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.208*Year-342.644. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.208.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.10 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.212*Year-346.497. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.212.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.98 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.205*Year-338.975. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.205.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 212.04 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.744*Year+5664.775. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.744.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 10.77 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 97.29 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.022*Year+52.643. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.022.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 8.03Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 0.71Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 6.04Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 1.93Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 3.40Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 4.56Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 6.07Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 9.98Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.00 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 166669.60 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 33% in the World.
2.99. Haiti
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 7001419.65. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 129229.839*Year-249907499.884. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 129229.839.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.72 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.006*Year+63.468. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.006.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.84 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.78 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.759*Year-1477.872. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.759.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.22 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.759*Year+1577.872. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.759.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.92 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.29 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.361*Year-664.533. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.361.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.93 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.378*Year-695.669. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.378.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.73 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.345*Year-634.880. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.345.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 359.00 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.676*Year+5677.425. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.676.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 476.50 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -10.045*Year+20591.185. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 10.045.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 24.18 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.954*Year-1890.010. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.954.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.07 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 17349.37 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
2.100. Hungary
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 10292310.33. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 51% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.00 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of -0.02 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.13 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.87 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.17 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.61 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.30 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.147*Year-216.952. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.147.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.10 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 243.95 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 17.04 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 98.02 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.004*Year+105.652. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.004.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 14.30Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 1.75Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 11.58Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 4.34Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 6.85Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 8.84Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 11.24Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 18.73Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.84 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2556.48 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 52% in the World.
2.101. IBRD only
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3322329675.28. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 51634228.727*Year-99326517034.698. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 51634228.727.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.42 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.005*Year+59.811. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.005.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.61 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 38.16 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.495*Year-945.700. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.495.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.84 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.495*Year+1045.700. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.495.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 25.88 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.398*Year+816.792. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.398.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.41 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.398*Year-727.285. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.398.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.46 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.410*Year-750.050. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.410.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.52 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.386*Year-705.065. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.386.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 247.23 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 181.88 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -7.323*Year+14845.662. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 7.323.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 63.00 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.969*Year-1882.722. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.969.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.31 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 3306428.37 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 12% in the World.
2.102. IDA & IBRD total
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4182359748.07. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 72835783.743*Year-140615178333.221. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 72835783.743.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.50 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.003*Year+56.106. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.003.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.81 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.41 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.454*Year-866.153. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.454.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.59 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.454*Year+966.153. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.454.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 28.95 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.355*Year+735.038. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.355.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.28 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.375*Year-684.965. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.375.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.17 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.385*Year-702.191. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.385.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.54 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.366*Year-667.618. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.366.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 264.20 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 339.23 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -8.455*Year+17269.769. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 8.455.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 56.34 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.813*Year-1574.960. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.813.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.34 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 11444251.11 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
2.103. IDA total
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 860030072.79. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 21201555.016*Year-41288661298.523. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 21201555.016.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.83 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.56 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 24.49 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.399*Year-768.302. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.399.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.51 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.399*Year+868.302. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.399.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.24 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.292*Year+622.491. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.292.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.71 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.358*Year-659.656. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.358.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.02 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.363*Year-667.261. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.363.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.46 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.353*Year-649.859. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.353.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 343.51 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.712*Year+5733.847. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.712.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 643.81 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -16.078*Year+32839.215. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 16.078.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 34.17 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.580*Year-1129.208. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.580.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.48 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 8137822.74 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 2% in the World.
2.104. IDA Blend
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 283980529.79. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 7102715.118*Year-13836217124.987. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 7102715.118.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.25 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.61 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.45 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.404*Year-772.737. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.404.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.55 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.404*Year+872.737. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.404.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 40.31 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.248*Year+533.039. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.248.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.64 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.259*Year-460.442. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.259. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.90 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.257*Year-456.670. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.257.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.47 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.259*Year-461.561. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.259.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 333.18 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 651.23 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -12.368*Year+25417.877. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 12.368.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 42.60 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.573*Year-1107.223. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.573.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.52 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 144591.52 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 21% in the World.
2.105. Indonesia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 173426701.14. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 3164476.102*Year-6117551788.907. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 3164476.102.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.95 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.96 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 31.27 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.785*Year-1529.386. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.785.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.73 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.785*Year+1629.386. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.785.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.79 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.507*Year+1037.418. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.507. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.18 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.365*Year-665.023. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.365. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.72 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.384*Year-701.168. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.384.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.71 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.347*Year-630.600. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.347.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 233.98 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 250.15 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -11.804*Year+23887.185. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 11.804.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 56.40 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.578*Year-3110.502. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.578.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 3.40. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.04 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 14406.93 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 38% in the World.
2.106. IDA Only
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 576049543.00. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 14098839.898*Year-27452444173.535. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 14098839.898.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.11 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.53 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 22.04 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.394*Year-761.947. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.394.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.96 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.394*Year+861.947. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.394.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.70 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.314*Year+665.095. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.314.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.26 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.407*Year-756.131. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.407.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.60 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.413*Year-767.543. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.413.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.96 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.399*Year-742.723. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.399.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 348.72 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.132*Year+6574.151. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.132.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 639.92 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -17.928*Year+36541.154. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 17.928.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 29.97 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.587*Year-1148.907. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.587.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.46 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 7993231.22 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 2% in the World.
2.107. Isle of Man
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 66130.79. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 621.696*Year-1169801.260. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 621.696.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.94 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.83 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.17 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2007 highlights an average of 8.41 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1994-2002 highlights an average of 17.17 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1994-2002 highlights an average of 17.89 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1994-2002 highlights an average of 16.48 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 11.77 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
2.108. India
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 853265287.81. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 16427322.466*Year-31804251774.801. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 16427322.466.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.22 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.93 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 24.93 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.268*Year-508.267. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.268.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.07 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.268*Year+608.267. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.268.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 31.87 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.430*Year+886.244. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.430.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.32 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.486*Year-909.884. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.486.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.60 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.528*Year-993.711. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.528.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.06 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.446*Year-830.048. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.446.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 303.47 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.212*Year+8674.061. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.212.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 341.15 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -16.196*Year+32774.123. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 16.196.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 32.95 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.499*Year-2976.433. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.499.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 2.58Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.14 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 10824.00 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 46% in the World.
2.109. Not Classified
2.110. Ireland
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3604802.77. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 33786.034*Year-63561833.264. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 33786.034.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.02 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.91 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.15 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.277*Year-493.920. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.277.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.85 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.277*Year+593.920. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.277.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.94 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.72 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.217*Year-357.260. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.217.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.29 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.220*Year-360.059. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.220.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.27 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.215*Year-354.594. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.215.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 142.44 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.135*Year+4385.101. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.135.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 8.50 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 90.38 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.240*Year-391.926. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.240.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 32.55Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.05Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 25.59Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 7.77Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 12.64Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 16.65Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.35Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 40.61Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.60 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6.00 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 93% in the World.
2.111. Iran, Islamic Rep
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 50596659.39. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1144466.001*Year-2224601749.774. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1144466.001.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.96 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.32 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.83 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.734*Year-1404.753. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.734.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.17 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.734*Year+1504.753. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.734.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.69 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.17 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.600*Year-1130.809. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.600.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.84 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.622*Year-1174.217. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.622.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.57 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 283.75 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 53.04 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 87.81 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.067*Year-46.208. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.067.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 13.27Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 0.67Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 10.17Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 1.70Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 3.02Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 4.48Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 6.69Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1986-2014 highlights an average of 15.15Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.06 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 95610.33 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
2.112. Iraq
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 18538447.23. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 506091.403*Year-987571262.518. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 506091.403.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.36 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.90 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.96 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.04 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 39.09 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.09 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.23 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.06 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 265.53 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 66.73 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 81.13 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.750*Year-1423.616. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.750.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 2.44Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 8.30Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 1.10Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 6.76Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 2.59Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 3.79Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 4.89Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 6.37Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 10.94Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.16 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 883686.93 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
2.113. Iceland
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 252305.28. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2751.775*Year-5218223.329. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2751.775.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.67 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.16 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 89.23 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.237*Year-382.781. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.237.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 10.77 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.237*Year+482.781. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.237.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 18.17 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.77 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.185*Year-288.933. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.185.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 80.29 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.158*Year-234.227. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.158.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.37 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.210*Year-341.034. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.210.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2013 highlights an average of 123.26 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.525*Year+5140.080. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.525.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 4.73 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 98.79 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.001*Year+101.543. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.001.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 28.01Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.77Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 23.47Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 9.27Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 13.88Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.38Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 21.94Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 37.52Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.74 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6.74 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
2.114. Israel
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4926216.14. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 113793.268*Year-221294800.811. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 113793.268.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.15 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.52 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 88.27 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 11.73 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 23.41 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1961-2015 highlights an average of 72.12 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1961-2015 highlights an average of 73.83 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1961-2015 highlights an average of 70.50 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.90 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 7.69 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.246*Year+500.615. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.246.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1979-2012 highlights an average of 10.35Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1979-2012 highlights an average of 0.58Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1979-2012 highlights an average of 7.59Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1979-2012 highlights an average of 1.51Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1979-2012 highlights an average of 2.78Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1979-2012 highlights an average of 4.20Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1979-2012 highlights an average of 6.13Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1979-2012 highlights an average of 11.86Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 6.94 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 785.78 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 69% in the World.
2.115. Italy
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 56204448.95. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.36 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.37 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.06 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.94 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.15 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.18 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.264*Year-448.202. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.264.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.24 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.259*Year-435.299. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.259.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.27 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.269*Year-460.491. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.269.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2012 highlights an average of 138.59 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.504*Year+5110.754. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.504.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 5.15 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2006-2015 highlights an average of 99.28 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.000*Year+99.037. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.000.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 34.13Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 2.27Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 25.68Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 6.65Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 12.40Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.05Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.94Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 40.95Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.36 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 90.84 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
2.116. Jamaica
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2335293.07. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 23583.027*Year-44547765.050. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 23583.027.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.78 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.02 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.43 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.346*Year-640.535. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.346.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.57 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.346*Year+740.535. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.346.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 27.09 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.450*Year+922.298. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.450.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.17 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.28 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.194*Year-311.468. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.194.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.16 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 187.93 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 87.58 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 84.63 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.114*Year-143.326. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.114.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1988-2004 highlights an average of 17.55Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1988-2004 highlights an average of 0.92Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1988-2004 highlights an average of 13.80Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1988-2004 highlights an average of 2.38Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1988-2004 highlights an average of 4.10Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1988-2004 highlights an average of 5.88Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1988-2004 highlights an average of 8.61Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1988-2004 highlights an average of 20.22Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.21 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 640.17 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 90.304*Year-180374.899. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 90.304.
2.117. Jordan
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3876501.82. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 136588.859*Year-267662150.428. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 136588.859.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.10 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 4.16 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.14 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.679*Year-1280.623. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.679.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.86 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.679*Year+1380.623. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.679.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 38.81 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.535*Year+1101.694. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.535.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.96 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.368*Year-664.107. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.368.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.27 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.387*Year-700.736. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.387.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.71 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.350*Year-629.222. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.350.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 205.90 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.168*Year+8489.046. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.168.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 75.04 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.183*Year+4446.308. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.183.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 97.79 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.135*Year+368.904. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.135.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 10.12Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 0.89Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 8.16Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 2.11Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 3.21Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 4.33Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 5.98Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 12.39Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 9.10 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1233.70 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.
2.118. Japan
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 117703334.79. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 20% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.81 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.57 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.26 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.446*Year-808.852. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.446.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 21.74 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.446*Year+908.852. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.446.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.55 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.45 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.275*Year-469.414. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.275.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 80.40 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.299*Year-514.121. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.299.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.65 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.252*Year-426.835. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.252.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 126.90 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.373*Year+4841.547. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.373.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 8.62 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.332*Year+672.692. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.332.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.99 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.001*Year+97.684. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.001.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.32 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 97.52 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 88% in the World.
2.119. Kazakhstan
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 14605426.56. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 41% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.71 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.14 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.13 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.87 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 23.36 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.36 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.60 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.35 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 345.79 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 52.73 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.568*Year+7196.692. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.568.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 97.35 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.060*Year-23.244. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.060.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 23.90Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 2.96Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 19.20Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 7.07Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 10.40Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 13.51Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 17.95Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 31.08Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 4.70 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 7203.84 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 54% in the World.
2.120. Kenya
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 23883480.61. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 719923.530*Year-1407324497.562. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 719923.530.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.20 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 3.19 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 16.54 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.320*Year-619.093. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.320.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 83.46 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.320*Year+719.093. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.320.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.09 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.374*Year+787.799. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.374.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 55.66 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.79 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.63 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 376.36 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 675.69 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 30.39 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.078*Year+186.270. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.078.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1992-2005 highlights an average of 14.01Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1992-2005 highlights an average of 0.49Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1992-2005 highlights an average of 11.31Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1992-2005 highlights an average of 1.33Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1992-2005 highlights an average of 2.44Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1992-2005 highlights an average of 3.65Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1992-2005 highlights an average of 5.57Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1992-2005 highlights an average of 15.56Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.48 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 5932.37 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 46% in the World.
2.121. Kyrgyz Republic
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4120177.19. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 65166.502*Year-125430829.704. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 65166.502.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.20 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.040*Year+131.310. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.040.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.86 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.64 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.36 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.16 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.63 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.248*Year-428.659. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.248.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.85 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.244*Year-415.530. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.244.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.61 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.252*Year-441.163. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.252.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 301.90 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 82.00 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 94.11 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.328*Year-563.590. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.328.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 8.22Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1993-2015 highlights an average of 25.67Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1993-2015 highlights an average of 2.67Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1993-2015 highlights an average of 20.59Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1993-2015 highlights an average of 6.41Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1993-2015 highlights an average of 9.62Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1993-2015 highlights an average of 12.69Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1993-2015 highlights an average of 17.22Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1993-2015 highlights an average of 32.32Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.81 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 3663.79 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
2.122. Cambodia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 9702197.23. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 183077.011*Year-354254900.291. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 183077.011.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.27 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.82 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 15.63 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 84.37 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 37.73 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.91 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.25 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.68 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 440.54 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 464.42 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -34.796*Year+70142.523. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 34.796.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 30.47 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2.435*Year-4858.191. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2.435.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.17 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 30600.30 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
2.123. Kiribati
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 71959.35. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1252.248*Year-2417508.753. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1252.248.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.63 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.83 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.88 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.514*Year-987.121. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.514.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.12 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.514*Year+1087.121. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.514.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.74 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.24 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.305*Year-547.814. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.305.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.92 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.330*Year-594.227. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.330.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.69 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.282*Year-503.612. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.282.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 309.71 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.158*Year+6586.636. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.158.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 156.15 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -6.207*Year+12586.031. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 6.207.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 35.91 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.690*Year-1348.785. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.690.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.65 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 25.57 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
2.124. St. Kitts and Nevis
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 46213.35. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 96% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.13 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.18 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.82 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1970-2002 highlights an average of 14.92 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1982-2002 highlights an average of 16.15 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1982-2002 highlights an average of 16.70 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1982-2002 highlights an average of 15.63 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1990-2000 highlights an average of 42.69 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2013 highlights an average of 89.37 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.527*Year-968.102. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.527.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.75 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 12.33 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
2.125. Korea, Rep.
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 40706806.49. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 460836.245*Year-875435648.458. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 460836.245.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.83 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.31 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.17 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.098*Year-2119.553. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.098.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.83 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.098*Year+2219.553. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.098.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 19.77 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.575*Year+1163.268. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.575.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.42 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.514*Year-951.708. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.514.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.11 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.520*Year-959.983. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.520.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.90 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.508*Year-943.827. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.508.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 246.74 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -6.262*Year+12692.007. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 6.262.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 15.73 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.99 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 18.23Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 1.50Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 13.79Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 4.16Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 7.37Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 9.93Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 13.20Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 22.50Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.25 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 342.54 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 78% in the World.
2.126. Kuwait
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1632611.07. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 66% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 42.04 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 5.35 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 93.15 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 6.85 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 31.38 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.28 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.45 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.16 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 142.65 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.631*Year+5372.205. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.631.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 6.15 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 13.87 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 714.11 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 63% in the World.
2.127. Latin America & Caribbean (Excluding High Income)
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 406952620.23. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 7432557.330*Year-14368971351.008. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 7432557.330.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.26 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.012*Year+27.116. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.012.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.96 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.02 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.569*Year-1063.532. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.569.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.98 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.569*Year+1163.532. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.569.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 28.91 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.477*Year+976.751. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.477.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.39 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.357*Year-643.881. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.357.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.37 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.383*Year-692.184. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.383.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.57 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.333*Year-598.166. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.333.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 244.62 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.263*Year+4743.107. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.263.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 100.08 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.684*Year+5475.677. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.684.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 79.87 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.721*Year-1368.124. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.721.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.28 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 256274.59 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 19% in the World.
2.128. Lao PDR
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4220550.21. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 87019.463*Year-168774142.470. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 87019.463.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.35 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.07 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 18.08 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 81.92 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 37.84 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.48 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.436*Year-813.147. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.436.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.90 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.434*Year-807.304. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.434.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.12 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.438*Year-818.712. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.438.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 360.18 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.959*Year+10216.604. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.959.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 500.73 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -27.647*Year+55863.523. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 27.647.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 50.70 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2.981*Year-5933.926. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2.981.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 2.19Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1992-2012 highlights an average of 8.27Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1992-2012 highlights an average of 0.81Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1992-2012 highlights an average of 6.82Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1992-2012 highlights an average of 1.92Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1992-2012 highlights an average of 2.83Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1992-2012 highlights an average of 3.71Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1992-2012 highlights an average of 5.01Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1992-2012 highlights an average of 10.33Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.09 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 32408.52 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 47% in the World.
2.129. Lebanon
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3094882.26. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 60% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.90 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.17 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.97 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 25.03 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 25.07 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.478*Year+976.001. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.478.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.77 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.301*Year-526.616. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.301.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.53 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.300*Year-523.586. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.300.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.10 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.301*Year-529.502. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.301.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 166.18 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.542*Year+7205.767. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.542.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 37.31 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.384*Year+4810.446. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.384.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 83.94 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.463*Year-2852.504. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.463.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 5.11 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 12233.37 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
2.130. Liberia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2359616.75. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.95 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.52 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 39.18 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.82 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.96 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.71 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.470*Year-885.949. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.470.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.30 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.440*Year-825.145. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.440.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.19 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.498*Year-943.857. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.498.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 387.83 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -5.150*Year+10623.364. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 5.150.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1211.12 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -48.271*Year+97874.015. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 48.271.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 14.98 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.251*Year-489.321. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.251.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2007-2014 highlights an average of 8.71Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2007-2014 highlights an average of 0.70Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2007-2014 highlights an average of 6.79Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2007-2014 highlights an average of 1.79Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2007-2014 highlights an average of 2.99Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2007-2014 highlights an average of 4.09Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2007-2014 highlights an average of 5.55Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2007-2014 highlights an average of 10.60Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.06 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 312140.11 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 47% in the World.
2.131. Libya
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4050731.86. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 97533.350*Year-189845567.966. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 97533.350.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.13 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.63 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.16 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.84 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.30 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.723*Year+1471.024. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.723.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.27 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.18 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.45 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 232.61 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 17.04 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.52 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2057.19 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.
2.132. St. Lucia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 134123.91. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1695.606*Year-3236740.768. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1695.606.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.27 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.22 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 24.71 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.29 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 28.72 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.690*Year+1399.255. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.690.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.69 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.294*Year-515.834. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.294.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.58 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.93 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.321*Year-572.226. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.321.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 230.46 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.908*Year+6010.155. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.908.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 52.31 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 84.48 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.990*Year-1903.353. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.990.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.37 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 280.05 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 63% in the World.
2.133. Latin America & Caribbean
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 428382503.95. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 7682302.083*Year-14844034036.731. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 7682302.083.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.29 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.011*Year+28.317. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.011.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.92 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.57 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.557*Year-1040.695. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.557.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.43 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.557*Year+1140.695. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.557.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 28.51 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.468*Year+958.347. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.468.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.65 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.354*Year-636.277. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.354.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.64 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.378*Year-681.803. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.378.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.81 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.331*Year-593.136. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.331.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 242.64 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.308*Year+4828.914. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.308.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 97.73 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.618*Year+5341.200. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.618.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 80.59 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.702*Year-1329.425. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.702.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.31 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 261730.19 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 19% in the World.
2.134. Least Developed Countries: UN Classification
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 529739708.04. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 13009092.050*Year-25332335287.700. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 13009092.050.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.19 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.54 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 20.12 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.399*Year-773.015. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.399.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.88 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.399*Year+873.015. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.399.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 42.26 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.300*Year+638.931. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.300.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.32 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.419*Year-781.202. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.419.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.63 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.426*Year-793.239. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.426.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.08 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.412*Year-769.192. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.412.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 355.97 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.300*Year+6915.126. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.300.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 673.88 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -19.928*Year+40579.431. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 19.928.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 27.29 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.658*Year-1293.043. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.658.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.36 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 7489076.89 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
2.135. Low Income
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 341833101.88. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 8684376.305*Year-16922706992.393. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 8684376.305.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.53 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.009*Year+67.778. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.009.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.62 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 21.54 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.337*Year-648.475. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.337.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.46 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.337*Year+748.475. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.337.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.81 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.196*Year+434.351. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.196.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.52 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.373*Year-692.513. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.373.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.10 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.376*Year-696.967. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.376.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.03 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.370*Year-688.089. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.370.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 398.53 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 766.58 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -22.045*Year+44912.631. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 22.045.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 21.74 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.44 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6297090.81 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
2.136. Liechtenstein
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 28079.98. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 381.257*Year-729859.449. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 381.257.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.49 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 16.98 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.112*Year+239.841. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.112.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 83.02 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.112*Year-139.841. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.112.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 14.27 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1994-2015 highlights an average of 80.12 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1994-2015 highlights an average of 82.90 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1994-2015 highlights an average of 77.46 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 11.77 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World.
2.137. Sri Lanka
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 16115754.39. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 200076.938*Year-381637198.427. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 200076.938.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.57 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.069*Year-88.248. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.069.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.39 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 18.50 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 81.50 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 24.04 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.377*Year+773.532. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.377.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.67 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.260*Year-447.656. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.260.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.62 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.298*Year-519.749. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.298.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.86 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 241.35 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 50.38 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.005*Year+4066.338. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.005.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 90.10 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.619*Year-1152.384. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.619.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 1.09Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1985-2012 highlights an average of 9.19Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1985-2012 highlights an average of 0.81Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1985-2012 highlights an average of 7.54Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1985-2012 highlights an average of 1.91Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1985-2012 highlights an average of 2.84Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1985-2012 highlights an average of 3.77Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1985-2012 highlights an average of 5.22Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1985-2012 highlights an average of 11.25Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.05 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 128777.41 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
2.138. Lower Middle Income
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1886801772.53. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 37921317.591*Year-73500777598.517. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 37921317.591.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.17 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.003*Year+55.575. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.003.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.07 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.12 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.353*Year-671.989. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.353.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.88 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.353*Year+771.989. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.353.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.15 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.388*Year+804.050. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.388.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.92 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.392*Year-720.807. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.392.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.19 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.413*Year-762.629. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.413.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.75 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.370*Year-678.958. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.370.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 291.00 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.031*Year+6315.933. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.031.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 382.08 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -12.076*Year+24564.062. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 12.076.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 45.25 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.122*Year-2206.676. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.122.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.30 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2980011.96 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 5% in the World.
2.139. Low & Middle Income
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4159996090.66. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 72900785.148*Year-140766764784.236. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 72900785.148.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.49 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.82 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.21 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.458*Year-875.176. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.458.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.79 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.458*Year+975.176. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.458.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.07 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.359*Year+742.130. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.359.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.18 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.378*Year-690.923. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.378.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.05 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.388*Year-708.746. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.388.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.47 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.369*Year-672.967. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.369.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 264.62 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 339.88 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -8.475*Year+17310.815. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 8.475.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 56.11 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.817*Year-1584.648. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.817.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.34 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 11611341.37 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
2.140. Lesotho
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1524071.26. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 25385.698*Year-48942697.296. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 25385.698.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.55 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.70 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 14.95 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.407*Year-793.920. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.407.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 85.05 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.407*Year+893.920. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.407.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.46 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.334*Year+699.724. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.334.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.69 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.38 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.09 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 452.82 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 609.04 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 25.65 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2.438*Year-4868.305. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2.438.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 7.10Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 9.00Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 0.13Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 6.84Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 0.41Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 1.00Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 1.80Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 3.20Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1986-2010 highlights an average of 9.60Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.09 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 8.33 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
2.141. Late-Demographic Dividend
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1747816896.49. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 21754675.273*Year-41500477546.897. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 21754675.273.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.62 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.008*Year+65.176. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.008.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.30 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 39.71 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.607*Year-1167.000. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.607.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.29 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.607*Year+1267.000. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.607.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 21.30 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.70 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.26 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.35 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 217.94 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 60.46 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.436*Year+4939.031. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.436.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 73.90 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.868*Year-1668.795. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.868.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.38 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1383217.63 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
2.142. Lithuania
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3301705.28. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 71% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.23 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.09 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.41 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 39.59 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 14.12 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.28 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.29 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.51 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2013 highlights an average of 280.62 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 17.27 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 89.23 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.585*Year-1086.078. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.585.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 16.46Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 1.21Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 12.70Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 3.33Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 5.99Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 8.04Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 10.79Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 20.00Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.50 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 474.63 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 86% in the World.
2.143. Luxembourg
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 403596.09. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.81 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.10 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 80.80 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.347*Year-609.685. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.347.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 19.20 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.347*Year+709.685. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.347.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.55 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.60 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.257*Year-435.974. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.257.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.95 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.242*Year-402.889. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.242.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.40 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.271*Year-467.483. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.271.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 167.65 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.030*Year+6188.806. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.030.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 11.92 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 97.66 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.007*Year+111.098. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.007.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 31.54Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.23Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 24.59Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 7.96Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 12.70Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.03Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.65Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 39.69Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 7.76 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 0.92 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
2.144. Latvia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2359409.96. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.15 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of -0.13 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.34 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.66 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.51 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.21 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.34 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.33 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2013 highlights an average of 299.26 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 31.69 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 89.48 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.445*Year-803.974. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.445.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 18.90Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 1.45Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 14.56Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 3.90Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 6.89Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 9.23Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 12.50Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 23.03Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 4.20 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1008.28 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 79% in the World.
2.145. Macao SAR, China
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 348181.53. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 7637.957*Year-14836077.557. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 7637.957.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.54 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.27 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 98.76 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-1996 highlights an average of 1.90 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.139*Year+276.292. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.139.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 14.48 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.61 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.344*Year-608.823. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.344.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.98 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.368*Year-653.770. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.368.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.34 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.322*Year-566.015. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.322.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 131.20 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.233*Year+6556.118. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.233.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 13.34 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 7.25 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
2.146. St. Martin (French part)
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 19020.35. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 3.60 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1982-2015 highlights an average of 19.66 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1982-2015 highlights an average of 76.44 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.208*Year-339.610. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.208.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1982-2015 highlights an average of 79.76 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.207*Year-333.776. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.207.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1982-2015 highlights an average of 73.28 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.209*Year-345.166. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.209.
2.147. Morocco
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 23650835.56. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 414396.189*Year-800168788.700. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 414396.189.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.41 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.90 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.80 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.582*Year-1111.135. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.582.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.20 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.582*Year+1211.135. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.582.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.52 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.608*Year+1240.189. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.608.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.18 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.526*Year-983.648. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.526.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.53 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.535*Year-1000.546. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.535.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.88 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.517*Year-967.554. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.517.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 228.64 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -5.376*Year+10913.576. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 5.376.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 207.35 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -7.253*Year+14731.462. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 7.253.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 76.44 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.982*Year-1895.783. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.982.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 1.53Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1984-2006 highlights an average of 8.66Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1984-2006 highlights an average of 0.59Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1984-2006 highlights an average of 6.90Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1984-2006 highlights an average of 1.42Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1984-2006 highlights an average of 2.30Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1984-2006 highlights an average of 3.22Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1984-2006 highlights an average of 4.59Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1984-2006 highlights an average of 10.21Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.05 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1409.67 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 55% in the World.
2.148. Monaco
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 29377.72. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 294.589*Year-556264.557. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 294.589.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.98 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 2004-2015 highlights an average of 2.76 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 14.69 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1.35 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 97% in the World.
2.149. Moldova
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3390567.75. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 68% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.53 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.028*Year+108.498. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.028.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.63 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 40.34 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.66 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.26 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.31 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.06 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.140*Year-208.906. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.140.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.73 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 305.59 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 43.23 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 75.19 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.419*Year-765.248. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.419.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 6.96Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1997-2015 highlights an average of 34.05Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1997-2015 highlights an average of 3.08Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1997-2015 highlights an average of 26.84Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1997-2015 highlights an average of 7.61Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1997-2015 highlights an average of 12.03Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1997-2015 highlights an average of 16.22Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1997-2015 highlights an average of 22.16Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1997-2015 highlights an average of 42.00Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.48 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 5187.71 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 54% in the World.
2.150. Madagascar
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 12401541.33. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 345101.937*Year-673661110.191. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 345101.937.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.91 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.82 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 22.28 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.439*Year-849.793. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.439.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.72 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.439*Year+949.793. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.439.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.45 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.278*Year+595.313. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.278.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.23 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.461*Year-863.349. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.461.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.40 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.472*Year-885.572. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.472.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.11 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.449*Year-842.183. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.449.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 356.47 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.938*Year+8183.636. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.938.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 538.92 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -15.370*Year+31317.862. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 15.370.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 7.07 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.342*Year-679.789. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.342.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1980-2012 highlights an average of 10.38Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1980-2012 highlights an average of 0.55Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1980-2012 highlights an average of 8.18Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1980-2012 highlights an average of 1.40Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1980-2012 highlights an average of 2.40Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1980-2012 highlights an average of 3.43Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1980-2012 highlights an average of 5.04Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1980-2012 highlights an average of 11.97Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.04 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 154.92 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 76% in the World.
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 222573.51. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 5976.009*Year-11657733.175. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 5976.009.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.38 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.74 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 24.98 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.598*Year-1163.361. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.598.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.02 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.598*Year+1263.361. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.598.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 37.74 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.789*Year+1605.975. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.789.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.93 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.798*Year-1526.578. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.798.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.99 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.834*Year-1598.427. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.834.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.88 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.763*Year-1458.149. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.763.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 235.15 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -6.829*Year+13806.900. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 6.829.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 213.81 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 89.98 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.264*Year-2447.321. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.264.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 1.29Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2002-2009 highlights an average of 9.96Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2002-2009 highlights an average of 0.65Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2002-2009 highlights an average of 8.09Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2002-2009 highlights an average of 1.65Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2002-2009 highlights an average of 2.71Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2002-2009 highlights an average of 3.76Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2002-2009 highlights an average of 5.16Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2002-2009 highlights an average of 11.71Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.22 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 11.96 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 88% in the World.
2.152. Middle East & North Africa
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 247922624.75. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 6049572.945*Year-11778628390.233. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 6049572.945.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.97 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.57 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.21 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.511*Year-964.431. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.511.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.79 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.511*Year+1064.431. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.511.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.65 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.521*Year+1071.085. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.521.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.43 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.509*Year-948.731. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.509.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.15 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.528*Year-985.305. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.528.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.81 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.491*Year-914.587. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.491.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 243.37 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.208*Year+8607.093. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.208.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 112.81 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.297*Year+6714.554. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.297.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 86.97 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.341*Year-597.931. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.341.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.71 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1839884.11 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.
2.153. Mexico
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 82010863.81. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1613730.791*Year-3126085948.244. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1613730.791.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.22 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.17 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.39 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.498*Year-921.602. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.498.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 31.61 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.498*Year+1021.602. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.498.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 31.55 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.557*Year+1139.524. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.557.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.73 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.379*Year-684.242. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.379.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.41 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.380*Year-684.106. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.380.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.17 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.378*Year-684.372. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.378.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 225.09 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.576*Year+7331.475. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.576.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 64.38 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.386*Year+4843.000. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.386.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 82.95 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.859*Year-1641.688. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.859.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1984-2014 highlights an average of 20.55Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1984-2014 highlights an average of 0.69Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1984-2014 highlights an average of 16.27Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1984-2014 highlights an average of 1.86Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1984-2014 highlights an average of 3.54Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1984-2014 highlights an average of 5.37Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1984-2014 highlights an average of 8.33Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1984-2014 highlights an average of 22.85Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.16 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 4364.57 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 534.208*Year-1066723.473. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 534.208.
2.154. Marshall Islands
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 38459.74. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 825.924*Year-1603477.630. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 825.924.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.29 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.33 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 38.67 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1987-2011 highlights an average of 9.73 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1987-2000 highlights an average of 14.63 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1987-2000 highlights an average of 15.13 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1987-2000 highlights an average of 14.16 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2001-2015 highlights an average of 86.33 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.083*Year-79.732. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.083.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.99 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2.75 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 97% in the World.
2.155. Middle Income
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3818162988.78. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 64216408.843*Year-123844057791.843. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 64216408.843.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.40 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.004*Year+56.580. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.004.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.74 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.41 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.480*Year-917.294. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.480.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.59 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.480*Year+1017.294. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.480.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 27.79 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.383*Year+789.172. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.383.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.18 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.386*Year-705.343. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.386.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.09 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.397*Year-724.970. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.397.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.42 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.375*Year-685.768. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.375.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 254.98 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 264.77 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -7.492*Year+15267.431. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 7.492.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 59.62 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.913*Year-1773.410. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.913.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.33 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 5314250.56 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 3% in the World.
2.156. Macedonia, FYR
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1906235.56. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 73% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.63 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.61 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.99 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.01 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 18.67 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.365*Year+743.536. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.365.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.94 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.242*Year-410.273. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.242.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.71 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.274*Year-473.660. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.274.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.25 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.210*Year-349.905. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.210.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 167.18 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 10.62 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.297*Year+606.231. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.297.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 90.38 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 39.02Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value oThe indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 1.27Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 27.03Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 4.57Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 11.05Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 16.62Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 24.13Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 43.62Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.36 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6191.92 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.
2.157. Mali
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 9376123.18. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 210522.015*Year-409141641.946. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 210522.015.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.15 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.18 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 23.37 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.518*Year-1005.868. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.518.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.63 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.518*Year+1105.868. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.518.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.82 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 42.81 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.546*Year-1041.672. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.546.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.60 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.540*Year-1029.238. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.540.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 42.06 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.551*Year-1053.515. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.551.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 412.71 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -6.468*Year+13267.224. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 6.468.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 779.46 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -17.846*Year+36516.385. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 17.846.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 25.31 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.797*Year-1573.666. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.797.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 6.84Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1994-2009 highlights an average of 10.14Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1994-2009 highlights an average of 0.63Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1994-2009 highlights an average of 7.90Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1994-2009 highlights an average of 1.58Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1994-2009 highlights an average of 2.58Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1994-2009 highlights an average of 3.61Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1994-2009 highlights an average of 5.35Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1994-2009 highlights an average of 11.88Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.45 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 47590.11 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
2.158. Malta
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 356221.88. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 83% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.80 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.036*Year+122.842. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.036.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.58 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 91.34 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 8.66 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 14.94 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.35 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.234*Year-389.732. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.234.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.33 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.247*Year-412.801. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.247.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.45 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.222*Year-367.762. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.222.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 117.50 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.044*Year+4180.051. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.044.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 12.85 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.98 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.003*Year+105.495. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.003.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.49 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 8.65 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
2.159. Myanmar
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 38007297.07. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 601692.187*Year-1158156771.325. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 601692.187.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.16 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.66 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 25.62 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.38 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.53 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.487*Year+997.877. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.487.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.98 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.397*Year-731.127. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.397.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.38 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.383*Year-701.541. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.383.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.69 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.410*Year-759.304. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.410.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 331.83 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.602*Year+9478.971. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.602.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 290.77 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -11.168*Year+22654.415. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 11.168.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 67.09 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.325*Year+718.687. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.325.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.05 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 241028.44 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
2.160. Middle East & North Africa (Excluding High Income)
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 219879401.14. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 5090227.099*Year-9899492071.881. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 5090227.099.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.48 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.42 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.52 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.466*Year-876.455. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.466.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.48 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.466*Year+976.455. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.466.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.00 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.518*Year+1065.279. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.518.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.85 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.508*Year-946.896. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.508.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.62 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.530*Year-990.216. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.530.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.17 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.486*Year-905.375. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.486.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 251.23 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.979*Year+8158.834. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.979.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 124.38 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.536*Year+7204.677. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.536.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 85.17 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.334*Year-585.585. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.334.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.72 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1837692.04 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.
2.161. Montenegro
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 579921.93. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 81% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.77 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.49 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.58 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.920*Year-1783.438. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.920.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 55.42 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.920*Year+1883.438. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.920.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.71 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.280*Year+573.470. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.280.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.32 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.07 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.70 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 177.37 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 9.85 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2006-2015 highlights an average of 93.76 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.512*Year-935.770. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.512.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 2.54Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2005-2014 highlights an average of 30.93Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2005-2014 highlights an average of 3.34Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2005-2014 highlights an average of 24.34Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2005-2014 highlights an average of 8.25Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2005-2014 highlights an average of 12.79Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2005-2014 highlights an average of 17.02Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2005-2014 highlights an average of 22.64Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2005-2014 highlights an average of 39.28Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 4.30 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1642.45 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
2.162. Mongolia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1978080.70. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 36401.779*Year-70388655.511. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 36401.779.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.56 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.07 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.76 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.544*Year-1026.022. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.544.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.24 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.544*Year+1126.022. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.544.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.23 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.62 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.323*Year-582.431. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.323.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.46 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.361*Year-654.942. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.361.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.91 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.287*Year-513.373. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.287.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 296.01 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 127.96 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -7.779*Year+15705.015. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 7.779.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 54.27 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.767*Year-1485.711. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.767.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 8.32Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1995-2014 highlights an average of 13.25Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1995-2014 highlights an average of 1.25Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1995-2014 highlights an average of 10.22Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1995-2014 highlights an average of 3.07Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1995-2014 highlights an average of 4.87Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1995-2014 highlights an average of 6.64Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1995-2014 highlights an average of 9.06Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1995-2014 highlights an average of 16.40Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.10 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 783.81 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 55% in the World.
2.163. Northern Mariana Islands
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 36961.98. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 3.05 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 82.06 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.94 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 76.80 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.368*Year-662.854. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.368.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 12.23 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World.
2.164. Mozambique
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 15044116.14. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 354169.249*Year-689044350.798. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 354169.249.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.49 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.42 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 19.71 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.598*Year-1169.990. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.598.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 80.29 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.598*Year+1269.990. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.598.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.83 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.155*Year+354.161. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.155.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.58 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.365*Year-681.810. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.365.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.27 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.376*Year-700.492. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.376.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 42.97 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.356*Year-664.019. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.356.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 465.03 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 876.58 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -35.550*Year+72064.938. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 35.550.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 17.74 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.766*Year-1519.449. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.766.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 5.62Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1996-2008 highlights an average of 10.54Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1996-2008 highlights an average of 0.48Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1996-2008 highlights an average of 8.63Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1996-2008 highlights an average of 1.25Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1996-2008 highlights an average of 2.19Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1996-2008 highlights an average of 3.10Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1996-2008 highlights an average of 4.52Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1996-2008 highlights an average of 11.98Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.22 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 207892.07 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
2.165. Mauritania
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2142784.44. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 58876.598*Year-114903892.393. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 58876.598.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.09 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.88 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.57 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.041*Year-2034.874. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.041.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.43 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.041*Year+2134.874. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.041.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.66 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.256*Year+551.243. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.256.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 55.60 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.342*Year-624.859. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.342.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.92 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.358*Year-654.911. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.358.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.34 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.327*Year-596.239. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.327.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 299.10 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.525*Year+7304.964. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.525.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 768.77 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -8.779*Year+18349.692. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 8.779.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 33.85 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.421*Year-2819.380. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.421.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 7.77Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 9.96Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 0.59Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 7.73Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 1.53Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 2.65Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 3.79Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 5.44Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1987-2014 highlights an average of 11.60Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.73 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 47571.89 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 30% in the World.
2.166. Mauritius
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1027932.09. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 11011.823*Year-20863572.520. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 11011.823.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.32 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.19 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.31 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.69 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 22.28 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.04 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.259*Year-446.142. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.259.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.43 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.286*Year-497.240. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.286.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.81 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.233*Year-397.477. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.233.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 257.52 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 52.65 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 92.36 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.130*Year-167.935. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.130.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 10.21Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 0.87Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 8.26Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 2.14Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 3.36Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 4.47Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 6.09Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2006-2012 highlights an average of 12.53Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.31 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 42.70 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 83% in the World.
2.167. Malawi
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 8984208.93. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 251931.259*Year-491855134.754. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 251931.259.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.94 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.021*Year+91.836. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.021.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.86 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 10.84 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.240*Year-465.417. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.240.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 89.16 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.240*Year+565.417. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.240.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.43 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.36 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.82 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.97 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 465.78 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 785.85 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 39.02 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.603*Year-1170.578. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.603.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 4.61Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1997-2010 highlights an average of 10.84Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1997-2010 highlights an average of 0.47Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1997-2010 highlights an average of 9.41Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1997-2010 highlights an average of 1.15Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1997-2010 highlights an average of 1.85Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1997-2010 highlights an average of 2.56Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1997-2010 highlights an average of 3.71Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1997-2010 highlights an average of 12.16Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.81 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 126.85 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.
2.168. Malaysia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 18145298.68. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 421899.943*Year-820591788.180. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 421899.943.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.07 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.41 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.97 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.914*Year-1767.958. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.914.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.03 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.914*Year+1867.958. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.914.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 27.99 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.457*Year+935.768. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.457.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.18 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.269*Year-466.077. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.269.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.91 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.299*Year-523.151. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.299.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.54 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.241*Year-411.722. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.241.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 207.27 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.300*Year+4777.713. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.300.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 56.88 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.475*Year+3009.631. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.475.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 98.33 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.194*Year-291.100. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.194.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 1.05Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1984-2009 highlights an average of 16.37Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1984-2009 highlights an average of 0.64Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1984-2009 highlights an average of 12.66Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1984-2009 highlights an average of 1.62Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1984-2009 highlights an average of 2.96Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1984-2009 highlights an average of 4.60Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1984-2009 highlights an average of 7.21Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1984-2009 highlights an average of 18.23Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.44 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 289.88 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 71% in the World.
2.169. North America
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 277077801.93. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2890072.318*Year-5468385966.498. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2890072.318.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.71 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.07 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.16 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.199*Year-319.682. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.199.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 23.84 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.199*Year+419.682. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.199.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 15.70 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.73 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.180*Year-283.775. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.180.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.01 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.152*Year-224.193. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.152.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.60 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.207*Year-340.456. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.207.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 177.88 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.302*Year+4751.164. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.302.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 12.38 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.82 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.00 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1455.74 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 73% in the World.
2.170. Namibia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1403532.19. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 35030.297*Year-68236697.970. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 35030.297.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.13 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.52 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.25 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.466*Year-896.905. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.466.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.75 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.466*Year+996.905. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.466.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 37.58 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.18 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.70 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.78 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 395.17 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 333.50 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 31.06 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.376*Year-723.905. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.376.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 4.35Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2003-2009 highlights an average of 17.76Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2003-2009 highlights an average of 0.34Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2003-2009 highlights an average of 15.23Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2003-2009 highlights an average of 0.90Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2003-2009 highlights an average of 1.57Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2003-2009 highlights an average of 2.43Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2003-2009 highlights an average of 4.31Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2003-2009 highlights an average of 19.34Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.40 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 954.26 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 60% in the World.
2.171. New Caledonia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 171524.05. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 3489.066*Year-6764739.381. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 3489.066.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.64 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.045*Year-41.752. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.045.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.28 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.81 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 42.19 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 25.28 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.389*Year+797.434. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.389.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.24 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.357*Year-640.187. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.357.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.49 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.370*Year-662.029. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.370.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.15 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.345*Year-619.385. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.345.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 197.43 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.962*Year+8071.624. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.962.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 5.48 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World.
2.172. Niger
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 9056192.56. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 281789.221*Year-551140777.938. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 281789.221.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.97 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 3.22 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.61 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.225*Year-433.872. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.225.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 86.39 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.225*Year+533.872. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.225.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.83 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.19 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.479*Year-908.716. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.479.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.83 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.486*Year-921.159. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.486.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.57 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.473*Year-896.865. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.473.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 382.08 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -5.477*Year+11266.907. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 5.477.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 742.12 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -12.240*Year+25253.400. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 12.240.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 9.34 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.462*Year-918.255. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.462.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 9.77Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 0.78Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 7.94Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 1.90Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 2.94Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 3.95Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 5.47Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 11.82Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.26 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 4013.04 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
2.173. Nigeria
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 98346715.19. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2445214.696*Year-4762740100.469. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2445214.696.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.72 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.013*Year+76.344. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.013.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.52 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 28.81 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.608*Year-1179.632. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.608.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.19 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.608*Year+1279.632. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.608.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.51 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.15 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.233*Year-417.881. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.233.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.31 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.06 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.247*Year-446.787. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.247.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 431.52 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1057.81 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -25.013*Year+51146.323. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 25.013.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 34.38 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.257*Year+549.916. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.257.The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 6.01Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 8.75Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 0.37Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 6.51Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 0.99Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 1.88Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 2.88Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 4.41Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 9.83Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.12 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 27887.30 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 24% in the World.
2.174. Nicaragua
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3952296.49. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 82498.920*Year-160055556.113. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 82498.920.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.30 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.24 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.24 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.304*Year-552.218. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.304.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.76 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.304*Year+652.218. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.304.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.30 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.608*Year+1245.237. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.608.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.46 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.521*Year-972.726. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.521.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.99 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.556*Year-1039.990. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.556.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.05 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.487*Year-908.665. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.487.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 282.45 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.528*Year+7295.304. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.528.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 187.12 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 68.39 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.061*Year-2061.754. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.061.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1993-2014 highlights an average of 13.86Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1993-2014 highlights an average of 0.39Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1993-2014 highlights an average of 11.02Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1993-2014 highlights an average of 1.09Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1993-2014 highlights an average of 2.21Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1993-2014 highlights an average of 3.42Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1993-2014 highlights an average of 5.35Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1993-2014 highlights an average of 15.21Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.16 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 13130.00 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 59% in the World.
2.175. Netherlands
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 14683914.67. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 94778.546*Year-173735834.693. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 94778.546.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.34 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.72 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.36 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.581*Year-1083.724. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.581.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 28.64 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.581*Year+1183.724. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.581.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.87 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.73 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.154*Year-229.407. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.154.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.48 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.140*Year-198.831. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.140.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.11 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.167*Year-258.528. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.167.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2012 highlights an average of 121.53 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.739*Year+3575.315. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.739.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 10.88 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 97.87 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.022*Year+142.192. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.022.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 28.69Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.51Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 23.24Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 8.81Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 13.63Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.40Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.43Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 37.72Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.30 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 56.83 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 93% in the World.
2.176. Norway
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4276479.86. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 25297.886*Year-46015717.610. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 25297.886.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.32 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.68 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.67 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.33 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.99 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.95 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.161*Year-243.264. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.161.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.83 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.149*Year-215.464. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.149.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.20 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.173*Year-269.741. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.173.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 124.64 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 6.42 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 98.06 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.001*Year+99.778. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.001.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 27.17Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.62Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.29Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 9.23Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 14.15Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.67Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.53Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 36.45Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.89 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 5.86 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 93% in the World.
2.177. Nepal
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 18716924.04. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 368704.561*Year-714267742.317. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 368704.561.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.33 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.88 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 9.48 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.302*Year-590.213. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.302.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 90.52 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.302*Year+690.213. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.302.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.32 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.63 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.687*Year-1312.070. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.687.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.34 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.716*Year-1369.583. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.716.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.95 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.659*Year-1257.295. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.659.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 361.95 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -7.518*Year+15303.837. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 7.518.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 515.73 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -23.385*Year+47344.108. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 23.385.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 32.81 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.793*Year-3567.424. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.793.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 6.99Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 0.59Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 5.77Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 1.41Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 2.11Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 2.83Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 3.88Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 8.53Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.58 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 3052.80 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
2.178. Nauru
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 8483.77. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 116.731*Year-223576.958. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 116.731.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.98 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 65.64 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.008*Year+81.052. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.008.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 5.97 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1.80 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 98% in the World.
2.179. New Zealand
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3454070.18. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 38001.945*Year-72093795.523. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 38001.945.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.49 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.024*Year+2.934. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.024.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.14 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 83.57 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 16.43 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.59 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.43 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.217*Year-355.400. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.217.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.21 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.192*Year-303.320. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.192.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.78 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.240*Year-405.000. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.240.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2013 highlights an average of 146.49 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.494*Year+5100.026. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.494.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 13.46 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 4.38 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 12.13 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.579*Year-3159.217. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.579.
2.180. OECD members
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1050842362.12. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 8776546.991*Year-16396933055.193. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 8776546.991.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.90 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 0.88 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.43 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.303*Year-529.194. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.303.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 27.57 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.303*Year+629.194. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.303.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 16.24 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.202*Year+417.031. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.202.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.00 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.241*Year-405.153. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.241.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.20 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.235*Year-389.074. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.235.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.95 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.247*Year-420.761. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.247.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 171.65 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.294*Year+4730.562. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.294.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 23.58 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.799*Year+1623.523. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.799.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 97.06 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.171*Year-246.000. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.171.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.86 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 127695.41 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 28% in the World.
2.181. Oman
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1786755.05. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 59209.875*Year-115922477.285. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 59209.875.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.19 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 3.69 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.75 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.186*Year-2302.616. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.186.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.25 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.186*Year+2402.616. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.186.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 37.47 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.16 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.660*Year-1249.169. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.660.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.90 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.686*Year-1298.508. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.686.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.50 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.636*Year-1202.180. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.636.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 239.67 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -5.836*Year+11837.958. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 5.836.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 20.35 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 93.97 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.845*Year-1603.037. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.845.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 6.33 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 27.26 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
2.182. Other Small States
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 17406636.88. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 361918.632*Year-702087602.702. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 361918.632.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.08 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.13 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.18 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.576*Year-1101.349. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.576.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.82 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.576*Year+1201.349. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.576.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 31.94 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.248*Year+524.217. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.248.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.67 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.68 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.81 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.253*Year-445.957. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.253.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 307.85 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 432.31 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -8.509*Year+17471.015. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 8.509.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 59.46 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.715*Year-1375.808. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.715.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.68 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 103256.41 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
2.183. Pakistan
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 106808164.63. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2724337.078*Year-5309173947.156. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2724337.078.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.87 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.039*Year-29.319. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.039.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.60 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.11 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.290*Year-546.839. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.290.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.89 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.290*Year+646.839. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.290.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 38.13 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.39 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.342*Year-621.495. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.342.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.95 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.362*Year-659.948. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.362.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.85 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.323*Year-584.873. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.323.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 237.66 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.814*Year+5829.534. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.814.An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 286.73 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -10.231*Year+20775.215. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 10.231.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 45.09 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.777*Year-3521.300. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.777.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1987-2013 highlights an average of 12.86Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1987-2013 highlights an average of 1.60Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1987-2013 highlights an average of 10.98Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1987-2013 highlights an average of 3.69Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1987-2013 highlights an average of 5.19Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1987-2013 highlights an average of 6.56Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1987-2013 highlights an average of 8.57Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1987-2013 highlights an average of 16.74Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.70 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 44671.70 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 26% in the World.
2.184. Panama
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2442739.68. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 51899.513*Year-100733491.958. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 51899.513.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.42 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.016*Year+18.228. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.016.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.28 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.81 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.467*Year-872.812. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.467.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.19 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.467*Year+972.812. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.467.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.07 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.419*Year+862.482. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.419.The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.20 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.298*Year-521.147. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.298.Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.58 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.336*Year-594.014. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.336.The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.93 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.262*Year-451.751. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.262.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 182.23 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 92.08 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 70.53 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.848*Year-1632.365. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.848.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1979-2015 highlights an average of 33.91Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1979-2015 highlights an average of 0.45Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1979-2015 highlights an average of 25.73Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1979-2015 highlights an average of 1.58Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1979-2015 highlights an average of 4.32Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1979-2015 highlights an average of 7.44Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1979-2015 highlights an average of 12.58Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1979-2015 highlights an average of 36.25Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.79 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 182.78 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
3. References
Ioan, C.A. & Ioan, G. (2010). Applied Mathematics in Micro and Macroeconomics. Galati: Sinteze Publishers.
Ioan, C.A. & Ioan, G. (2012). Mathconomics. Galați: Zigotto Publishers.
Ioan, G. & Ioan, C.A. (2017). Macroeconomics. Galați: Zigotto Publishers.
Ioan C.A. (2017). Chance - Between Finite and Infinite. Galați: Zigotto Publishers.
*** World Bank national accounts data.
*** International Monetary Fund.
1 Associate Professor, PhD, Danubius University of Galati, Department of Economics, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd., Galati 800654, Romania, Tel.: +40372361102, Corresponding author:
AUDŒ, Vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 535-716
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