Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol 7, No 2 (2011)
Long-Run Implications of Public Debt on Economic Growth
Many European countries faced with large fiscal deficits have adopted great plans of
austerity to limit their public debt. In Romania, despite many measures to reduce public sector wages
and some social allowances, in the 2009 and 2010 has been recorded only a small contraction of
governmental expenditure but a fast growing public debt. However, the main effects of the austerity
measures have materialized in a significant reduction in domestic demand and an important reduction
of gross domestic product. Also, despite a substantial reduction of supply, the unemployment rate has
not exceeded 8% in Romania. This paper aims to analyze how much the policies restricting budget
deficit and public debt in Romania delayed the resumption of economic growth. Even the euro
adoption perspective impose a stricter management of Romanian budgetary policies and other
nominal convergence criteria, the hard core of economic policies must be the reinventing a new path
to sustainable growth. It is necessary to conclude a new financing agreement with IMF for the next
two years? We also intend to test the tolerance degree of the Romanian economy to public debt
expansion (according to Reinhart&Rogoff model, 2010) as reflected in the growth rate of real gross
domestic product.
austerity to limit their public debt. In Romania, despite many measures to reduce public sector wages
and some social allowances, in the 2009 and 2010 has been recorded only a small contraction of
governmental expenditure but a fast growing public debt. However, the main effects of the austerity
measures have materialized in a significant reduction in domestic demand and an important reduction
of gross domestic product. Also, despite a substantial reduction of supply, the unemployment rate has
not exceeded 8% in Romania. This paper aims to analyze how much the policies restricting budget
deficit and public debt in Romania delayed the resumption of economic growth. Even the euro
adoption perspective impose a stricter management of Romanian budgetary policies and other
nominal convergence criteria, the hard core of economic policies must be the reinventing a new path
to sustainable growth. It is necessary to conclude a new financing agreement with IMF for the next
two years? We also intend to test the tolerance degree of the Romanian economy to public debt
expansion (according to Reinhart&Rogoff model, 2010) as reflected in the growth rate of real gross
domestic product.
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