New Trends in Psychology, Vol 1, No 1 (2019)

The Level of Empathy of 1st Class Children

Beatrice-Paula Mingireanu


The aim of this study is to prove that despite social changes the empathy still exists andevolves in children, at a normal rate. The different causes which could affect the emotionaldevelopment of children, such as the lack of attention from their parents, divorce so on and so forth.In order to carry on this study, I used pictures which depict base emotions described in RichardWebster’s book (2014) and also with the use of games suggested by Lawrence Shapiro (2016). 44children, aged between 7 and 8, took part into this experiment. They were distributed into 2 unevengroups observed over the course of different days at varying hours. In conclusion this study confirmedthe hypothesis regarding the rising empathy also resulting into two main types of teaching thechildren up until their age.


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