New Trends in Psychology, Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Child with Medium Mental Deficiency - Working Methods
Marius Nicolae, Neaga Susanu
Intelligence is the most important skill of a human being. This determines how it relatesand assumes the assimilation and processing of information as well as the efficiency of the behavior.Intelligence appears as a system of stable qualities of the individual that is manifested in the quality ofintellectual activity centered on thinking. Intelligence can be evaluated through different tests. In thepresented case, the RAVEN color test was used to establish IQ and to develop an adapted curriculum,needed in the education of pupils with a liminal IQ or less. Riding to law students with a low IQ has asupport teacher with whom he works 2 to 4 hours a week. The adapted curriculum is recommendedby a committee of specialists following the evaluation result and is developed by the teacher incollaboration with a team of psycho-pedagogue specialists, psychologist, speech therapist.
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