Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, Vol 4, No 2 (2014)

The Intercultural Danube - a European Model

Gheorghe Lates, Mirela Costache


The EU construction began following the logic of economics, which in time it has created dysfunctions that seem to accentuate and create a quasi-general skepticism. This paper aims at analyzing the union construction and reconstruction on other conceptual premises, placing culture at the forefront of the new strategy. A multicultural Europe, based on the state ethnicity primordial is no longer current; the cultural diversity does not lead to unity, but rather it is a factor of dissolution. The Danubian model reunites races, languages and religions being so diverse that their functional diachrony justifies the idea of reconstruction, based on what it was and it did not generate tensions or conflicts. The ethnic identity did not become, in the Danube area, ethnicism, what it constitutes in a synchronic approach, as a model of rethinking the union, not by hierarchies, barriers, but rather by the opportunity of the coexistence of the peoples that connect history and the present of the horizontal axis River of a united Europe.


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