Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, Vol 8, No 2 (2018)

Multi-Cultural Pegagogical Approach to Future Teacher Training as a Factor of Formation of their European Identity

Ivan Boychev, Оlga Tsokur


This article is devoted to subststantiaton of validity of the issue of integration of the multi-cultural approach into the framework and technologies of professional pegagogical education of future teachers under conditions of globalization. The essence of the multi-cultural educational as a social institute which enables equal opportunities for meeting cognitive and cultural needs of various ethnicities, ensures familiarization with the cultural and spiritual values of other countries and nationalities and forms features of European identity as well as those pertaining to a “citizen of the world”. The results achieved during the pedadogical experiment aimed at formation of a future teacher as a European professional pedagogue, the organizer of the multi-cultural education of students who upholds the principles of social equality, inter-cultural interaction and co-operation, friendly polilingual and policultural environment have herein been described.


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